
What's your best insult?

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My husband told me the one used by small chested topless dancers while being booed. I've always saved it, never used it, but here it is

"god save me from every small dicked male in the world"

That sort of goes with the.. well it kinda looks like a penis.. only smaller.

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...I downloaded an 'E-Abuser' program onto my Palm so I can abuse freely while on the job...here's what it says I should use next:

"You sniff people to see where they've been, you dung scarfing, harp seal romancing, sordid progeny of a brain-dead porn star named Orifice Max."


"You drink your own bath water, you abysmal, camel exploiting, unhinged accident of an eunuch's auto-erotic ingenuity." :ph34r:
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I'm lousy at insults. I unfortunately almost always skip past the chest-bumping "Yo Mama" stage where normal people back off after the insult phase and go right to chair-breaking. [:/]

The best insult ever directed at me in anger was from a fella who called me a "doughnut eating biscuit head" I had no idea what it meant and it had me in hysterics. It's a derogatory racial epithet for white cop.

I liked that one a lot. :ph34r:

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fuck you, you fuckin fuck. Here's some tape for that new ass I ripped your momma motherfucker.

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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How's this?

"The next time you see your father, Please slap the shit outa him for not wearing a rubber":$


"I bet if I took your brain out and tossed it on a razor blade it would look like a BB rolling down a four lane highway".


"Oh yea I forgot, Your mom said good morning!"


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My husband told me the one used by small chested topless dancers while being booed.

Wow Snow...how would he know that?! :o

When you are a full time, hungry musician you will play almost anyplace. At least it wasn't as bad as some of the wedding receptions he used to play

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how about...Yo mama's so big, when she went to the airport and said she wanted to fly they stamped Goodyear on her and sent her out to the runway..:o:D or Yo mama's so hairy, her armpits look like she has Don King in a headlock..:o:D:D:PB|

Gotta few left somewhere round here..
The glass is half full or half empty doesn't matter. Let go and have the Lord guide your path. He will take care of it all.

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Your mamma's teeth are so yellow, everytime she smiles, cars slow down...

I saw your mama kicking a garbage can down the street... I said "what are you doing?" She said "Moving"

When you were born the doctor slapped your mother.


You're one load that should have been shot in the toilet!

Blog Clicky

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I also like creative methods of flicking people off, like using your middle finger as a compact while pretending to put on makeup. :D


Or fishing for assholes. You know, toss your hands like you've got a fishing rod, then reel the middle finger up. B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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OK, trying to drive the thread back toward the original idea of insulting someone for being stoopid...

"fucktard" and "asshat" are pretty snazzy these days.

I like explaining to people that they are so superlatively bad (in whatever way) that it makes my brain hurt. I delicately grab my skull while wincing and stooping sideways a bit for effect.

And in high school my group of friends all used as a friendly stupidity insult the phrase "DuuUUUUUrrrrr!"


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