Texas hold'em - stupid beat story

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I wouldnt call that a bad beat.

He may have had A3 there for all you know when you see a possible staright draw on the board.

Here's a sick beat I had tonight:

Me: 10 8 diamonds

other guy: K 2 off

Flop: 4 diamond, J heart, K diamond

I push, he calls all-in.

2 diamond on the turn. HA! Got my flush!

K shows on the river, Full House.

Thank God it only cost me 75 chips because that was all he had left. :D:D:D

I did end up winning that $3 game. Picked off the short stack on the bubble with my AA pockets against his 77 pockets, and then won with pair of aces with K kicker, all in two hands. WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM. ;)
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Pssstt... >:(

Damn, I guess I need to get on line more often. I'm missing all the good stuff ;)

Miss you sweetie. Give Doc a hug from me.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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if you were going to put money in on the flop (and i believe that you should have) you should have been the one to open the betting - at wort the trips call you but you still have outs and you are in control - also the trips may very well raise in that situation to try to get the draws to lay it down - in either case you save a little money - play well
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you should have been the one to open the betting - at wort the trips call you

You are correct and that's usually the case... make them start wondering from the git-go. I was two Aces and a flush draw. Truth is; I was trying hoping he would lead the action did not put him on Pocket A's until he confirmed his bet on the turn. I made at least four mistakes in that one hand. The biggest one in not pausing to llok at something other than the shiney diamond on the end and not that the board had paired. Had I paused, As the first two said, he was way ahead form the beginning, I hadn't seen much action, dove in and shit the bed.
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