
What's your bee sting record?

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I think these were yellow jackets. Was cutting a lawn and went near a stump full of them. Eyes got big then so did the rest of my body. I pulled a few stingers out with huge sacs attached to them.

Yellow jackets are part of the wasp family, and do not leave the stinger in. It must have been bees.
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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I hit a yellow jacket nest in a log with a chain saw once. Got around 30 stings all over my legs. I was sick for 2 days and for about the next two years everytime I went outside something tried to sting me. There is no way to describe what that many stings feels like. I don't recommend it.

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My son mowed into a hill of very little sweat bees the other day. Three of them nailed him, and he started having an allergic reaction immediately. We ran to the nearest Walgreens and got some Childrens (liquid) benedryl. He chugged about half of the bottle and got thru it ok. I should mention that he is highly allergic to tons of stuff, and is a 29 year old. The liquid benedryl gets to the problem faster than the tablets. Saved us a trip to the ER. Funny thing is, I got stung on my eyelid, didn't even notice until the next morning when my eye was swelled shut. DUH. Guess I was worrying about him.
Hey Cocheese, are you sure all of the stingers are out?

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27 times from a single bumblebee. I was 12, walking across a field and must have disturbed it somehow, it flew up and stung me 6 times on the face before landing on my neck and crawling down the back of my shirt, pausing to sting randomly. I came out of the field running, screaming and slapping at my back. My friend pulled my shirt up at which point the bee flew out and stung him 8 times. We both ended up at the minor emergency clinic. Got a couple of shots and it was okay except for the swelling - I looked like I had been in a fight with Mike Tyson B|

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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A bee can only sting once and it leaves the stinger with poison sack behind. Wasps can sting multiple times.

I've been stung twice. I'm not allergic, but I swell a lot. When I was about 6, I was at a baseball game drinking a can of coke. Wasn't watching what I was doing and didn't notice that a bee was drinking from the can at the same time. Got stung on my upper lip. That sucker swelled up big. Except for the fact it was so uncomfortable, it did look pretty funny.

When I was ten got stung on the foot. At the time, I wore a size 8 1/2 shoe. My foot swelled up so big the only thing I could wear was a size 13 flipflop. And it was tight. I have since checked and I am "sensitive" to bee stings, but not allergic.
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not allergic to bee stings i don't think, but damn i'm in major pain. but my back feels great so I'm thankful for that.

Hey does anyone know what some doctors were using bee sting therapy for?

Not that i actually care about you, but be careful Jeff, you can develop an allergy with repeated orprolonged exposeure to the bee histamines.
Each time i get stuff the reaction is more sevre than the previous,
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7 and it was all on one hand. My fingers looked like hot dogs and I couldn't bend 2 of them for the rest of the day.
....so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

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Were they actually bees? Bees aren't usually aggressive. Yellowjackets (or wasps) are often confused with bees and can be very aggressive.

Honeybeeys are small and brownish, found buzzing around flowers. Wasps are yellow and black, found buzzing around picnics.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I think these were yellow jackets. Was cutting a lawn and went near a stump full of them. Eyes got big then so did the rest of my body. I pulled a few stingers out with huge sacs attached to them.

Yellow jackets are part of the wasp family, and do not leave the stinger in. It must have been bees.

While generally true, that's not an infallible rule. Wasps occasionally leave stingers in.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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13+ today.[:/] Holy fuck! Tried to keep working, but decided to quit for the day. Body is so swollen all over.

Please send boobie pics to speed my recovery. Thank you.B|

Awwwww poor fella :-( BTW never been stung by a bee, but mozzies love me ive got two bites on my right cheek, one of the ones I sit on :D
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I don't know how many but I remember it was a lot. When I was naught but a lad I stumbled upon a bee hive at my grandparents house. The whole hive must have come out to sting me
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He should talk to his doctor about an Epipen

This is the kid that spent 89 weeks in the hospital. Unfortunately he no longer has insurance, and can't buy insurance for all of his "pre-existing' crap. He used to carry an epipen, They cost about 20 bucks, have a short shelf life and require a dr. visit to renew,so no pen...btw, they work really well, he's had to use his on several occasions, starting at about age 10

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