
I have a squirrel problem...

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So there is an oak tree in my back yard and lately my back patio/yard has become overun with busted open accorns (it is very unseemly...)

I also think at least one of them might have taken up residence in my attic... :|

any thoughts on how I can run of these pests? (I really don't like squirrels) and unfortunately I'm not able to shoot them as I live on an Air Force Base... :P
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Are they red or grey squirels?

I believe they are gray squirrels... I don't think I've ever seen a red squirrel (probably because it would appear that red squirrels are a euroasia specific breed...)
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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I'm not able to shoot them as I live on an Air Force Base... :P

Bull crap. Get a Gammo air rifle from Walmart and use that. They are virtualy silent and being a SrA in the AF I know they aren't illegal on base (unless you live in the dorms).

I wouldnt parade outside with it though. The SP's might not like that so much.
Muff #5048

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Ahh. You can't get rid of Grey squirels. And you'd need a 1000fps airgun with a 4 x 16 x 44 or better to be sure to put them down. (The can be quite tough!) I have 2 Gamo's, and they just are not tight enough at 25+ yards.

Had they been Red Squirels, all you'd have to do is say "The Grey squirels are coming!"

It's the year of the Pig.

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cedar wood shavings,cayenne pepper powder

mix and put in pan in attic
the hotter pepper the better

mix it in bird seed and they will not bother it either(pepper)

when all else fails,Kapstun tear gas spray

this is not a joke it works

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Buy a broom, sweep the patio every so often, sit back an enjoy their antics.

How the hell can some people even think of shooting a squirrel. (unless your going to eat it)

I'm into little furry things.

Gone fishing

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Buy a broom, sweep the patio every so often, sit back an enjoy their antics.

How the hell can some people even think of shooting a squirrel. (unless your going to eat it)

I'm into little furry things.

I don't actually want to shoot it but you really don't understand how many busted acorns they are producing... :o

and i own a broom... I'm just whinning... isn't that what dz.com is for? seriously... :P
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Bang Bang...enough said?;)

My ex used to feed themB|, now they have chewed holes in my house on three occasions.

They must die.

Squirrels are nothing more than rats that are vegetarians.

Shoot them in winter and they are food.

Shoot them in summer and they are furry targets.

They only live three years IIRC.

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BINGO...when I have to shoot towards the one pasture, I only use the air rifle and I've managed some pretty incredible shots. It also works for the overrunning of the doves/pigeons....they're as bad as the squirrels, they just don't get in the house.

If you've got them in the attic, you really need to get up in the attic and check it out...seal up where they're coming in, for sure. I had raccoons come in a few years ago, also.

When I use the 22, mostly I use the shorts and they're pretty quiet..I've also used some of the CB's but they are only good for short shots...and they are no louder than the air rifle.

You can get some of the traps, catch em and take em off base to use for target practice. When they tear up the bird feeders, they're fair game for practice.

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Yeah... but then I have a cat problem...

But then you can get a dog to get rid of the cats .........;) Make sure it isn't a yippy small dog either where you need to put up a beware of dog sign because someone might step on it. :D
Think of how stupid the average person is and realize that statistically half of them are stupider than that.

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Yeah... but then I have a cat problem...

But then you can get a dog to get rid of the cats .........;) Make sure it isn't a yippy small dog either where you need to put up a beware of dog sign because someone might step on it. :D
I already have a dog... (see my avatar)... I don't want a cat!!! no offense to those who like cats... I'm just not a fan... :P
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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I wake up to the same mess everyday and I just sweep it up. They are after the sap inside the acorns. (Don't kill them. Besides, you'll probably shoot your eye out, kid).

We have two squirrels, Henry and Henrietta, and they've lived on our property longer than we have and they constantly amaze us with their gymnastic abilities. And I guess I can't help but see them in their little goggles and frap hats like Rocky in that old cartoon . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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