
Did you have any trouble with the authorities in Dublin?

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The town of Dublin is asking if the skydivers will be returning for the boogie next year. The short answer I gave them is I don't know. There are many things that I have to work out personally and even more on a logistical level to make it something I want to do again.

After the accident everything went to hell in a handbasket. Most of you saw me at my absolute worst and I want to apolgize for some of my actions and my demeanor going into the evening. That day is the worst day I have ever been through and in some ways I didn't handle it very well.

I expected an accident to be handled pretty much the way it was, with overkill. Nothing against the local authorities, they had never dealt with this before. If we go forward steps will be taken to assure that things will be handled differently if anything ever happens again. What I was not prepared for was the way that all of the skydivers were treated after the accident and going into the evening,during what can only be described as a "cover your ass campaign". I think that the dry eraser board said it all when someone wrote," Welcome to Quincy, Ga."

Which brings me to my question. Did you have any problems with the authorities in Dublin after the accident? Either on the airport ,while trying to leave for dinner or returning after(which I know alot of people didn't do for fear of the police).If you did will you please recount your experience either here or in an e-mail or PM to me. I want to print them out and take them with me to an upcoming meeting.

In closing I would like to add. If done again, Dublin will not be the same. It's not going to be for everyone. If you're too stupid to take your dope somewhere out of the way to get high(I could care less if you smoke pot,don't do it on the airport) then I would rather you stay home. If you feel the need to steal golf carts that don't belong to you, I would rather you stay home. If you want to come and party but don't want to pay registration(the party cost money),I would rather you stay home.If you can't cleanup after yourself,I'd rather you stay home.

I would rather have a Cessna boogie, with respectful people like most of you are, then put up with some of the stuff I have had to the last couple of years

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Spence, I don't think you need to apologize for anything. Not only did you have to deal with the incident at your boogie but you lost 2 friends. I don't know if any of us could have totally held ourselves together under the same circumstances. It was a very emotional night and the brunt of it was on your shoulders. You did fine. :)
I didn't have any trouble with the authorities, but that was because I had left to go to the hotel and I was warned by people when we met up with them at dinner. I would support you and help you in any way that I can for you to put the boogie on again. It's my favorite.

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I agree with andrea. I didn't have any run-ins other than when I tried to go see if my altimeter was still out in the landing area after we got back from the hospital. They still had the area roped off and didn't hassle me about wanting to look for it, but wouldn't tell me if they had found it either.

By the way, thanks for those that gathered our gear back up out there. It was greatly appreciated.

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Nothing significant. I walked to our tent to get a couple six packs of beer to share with friends and was intercepted on my way back. I was instructed to pour them out, despite them all being closed, and when I explained that we would only be drinking inside the confines of an RV I was told that didn't matter. When they gave me the choice of dumping them or going to jail, I dumped 'em, and then stayed inside for a couple hours, after which cooler heads prevailed. The lock-down pending interviews with everyone on the load was kind of wierd, but as you said, these guys weren't prepared for this. Rumor had it that people trying to leave the airport had a much more difficult time of it than I did, but I can't confirm that. Overall, I thought you and whoever was helping you did a fine job of smoothing things over in the middle of a difficult time for everyone.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Chris from your end I think that you handled the situation as well as could be expected. The locals however need a reality check! The only problem that I had with the locals was the threats from the cops, 1st it was take the UNOPENED beer and pour it out OR go to jail and second it was the comment that one of the cops made "We know you have all been drinking and if we see you leave you will be pulled over and arrested".

I have enjoyed going to Dublin for the last couple of years but I doubt that I will return. I know that you are chosing a location that is neutral, but an airport with an established DZ, that has a manager and local law enforcement agency that has dealt with skydivers for a long time would be much better suited! I will attend a future boogie that you are cordinating, just not in DUBLIN...........how about Palatka, the Farm or the Hills?
.......I hereby reject your reality and instead choose to insert my own!

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For my small part, I left the airport about an hour after the accident and went back to the hotel. At some point after dark I returned to the airport, where I heard stories about people being forced to pour our their alcohol, but I didn't actually encounter or interact with a police officer the whole time.

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I will attend a future boogie that you are cordinating, just not in DUBLIN...........how about Palatka, the Farm or the Hills?

After what people experienced in Dublin this year, I probably would not return either. I last jumped the Dublin boogie in 2005 which was an excellent event. It only takes one really bad incident to sour the whole thing. In Quincy, IL, granted it was a cumulation of events that soured the city's view of the convention, but they'd had it there for a long time. This was what, the 4th year at Dublin?

As for future locations, as much as I like The Farm, it's not a great place for a boogie the size and scope that the Dublin boogie has been. You'd need 8 buses ferrying jumpers to the airport! :D

Rome, GA would be a great airport as it's wide open and quite large, but skydiving's already worn out its welcome there. I dunno what to say though. It would be easier just to do Dublin again, just as long as everyone behaves. Don't buy the beer in Dublin. Bring them from elsewhere hidden out of sight on your way in, and hope you don't run out before its all over. :P When you go into town, wear a non-descript shirt with nothing skydiving related on it. It also helps if you don't have any skydiving stickers on your vehicle so the pigs can't harrass you.
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See, I think Dublin would be alright. We all, the jumpers and locals, endured a harsh learning experience last year. As long as we all did learn from it, things will be OK. Just respect yourself and others, be courteous to others, particularly the locals-overall, they've treated us well, and don't leave your brain at home.
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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I did not have trouble with them. Although I did leave to go to my hotel and eat as the sun was going down and from what I understand I missed a lot of the police presence. When I came back, I don't believe I saw any police, I at least know I was not approached by any.

When leaving later that night I did not see any police either. The year before I did not have any run ins with them either.

I think the town likes the skydivers being there. We bring business to them and they know it. I don't think there would be a problem if you put it on again and people behaved. Problem is what do the authorities call behaving.
Skymama's #2 stalker -

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I think the town likes the skydivers being there. We bring business to them and they know it. I don't think there would be a problem if you put it on again and people behaved. Problem is what do the authorities call behaving.

I'm sure that's exactly what Chris is going to find out at the next meeting with the town. If it's a favorable meeting, I might come back. :)
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Chris, you and Julie spend a great amount of time, money, effort, energy, etc. to put on this boogie. And you certainly are NOT doing it for the money.

Even before the accident there were several issues that needed to be addressed. Specifically, the drugs (I don't care that you do them, but be discreet - drugs are illegal whether you like it or not), the people not paying registration, the drinking and driving, the disrespect for airport property (when you tear up the lawn and burn rubber on the tarmac, that is disrespect and someone has to pay for the cleanup and repairs).

The city looks to you as the responsible party for people's action. All of the skydivers need to be mindful of that.

I think the locals would handle an incident better in the future if we were unfortunate enough to have another. Sad what we have to learn through experience.

I will definitely go back to Dublin should you choose to continue the tradition.

As much as we all hate rules being imposed, I think it is time you enforced some, though.
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As much as we all hate rules being imposed, I think it is time you enforced some, though.

And I hope it never has to come down to this but if absolutely necessary, kick the problem skydivers out if they disregard one warning, and if they won't leave, call the police.

On the other hand, to police yourselves, got any large beefy skydivers who can act as "sargeant at arms" or bouncers? :P
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I agree with Mic. I will, no doubt, attend Dublin again should you choose to have it there. I personally never saw a single police officer after the initial accident occurred. Maybe I wasn't looking. I heard a few stories of people having to pour out unopened alcohol. However, sadly, there are a great many people that view boogies as a free for all on all levels. People also need to pay their registration. Maybe they don't recognize the hard work and sacrifice that goes into creating such an event. Maybe it could be set up as a "pay before entering airport property" type deal.

I would be happy to help you out in any way that I can, just let me know what you need.
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I walked to our tent to get a couple six packs of beer to share with friends and was intercepted on my way back. I was instructed to pour them out, despite them all being closed, and when I explained that we would only be drinking inside the confines of an RV I was told that didn't matter. When they gave me the choice of dumping them or going to jail, I dumped 'em, and then stayed inside for a couple hours

That's unnacceptable to me. When they started being pricks and told everyone to "move along" we just left and went to a hotel and never came back for, what was supposed to me, the band/food/events night. Fuck it.

I have been first hand witness to more fatalities than I can count on two hands and I haven't ever seen such a harsh response by the authorities in regards to the paying participants of an event. I was fucking pissed. Me not being able to stand around and have a coctail with some grieving friends at a boogie I had payed admittance to and one where I had friends who had payed to stay on the property was pure BS.

I will also never bring my golf cart back to a southern boogie away from home again for the reasons you listed.


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In closing I would like to add. If done again, Dublin will not be the same. It's not going to be for everyone. If you're too stupid to take your dope somewhere out of the way to get high(I could care less if you smoke pot,don't do it on the airport) then I would rather you stay home. If you feel the need to steal golf carts that don't belong to you, I would rather you stay home. If you want to come and party but don't want to pay registration(the party cost money),I would rather you stay home.If you can't cleanup after yourself,I'd rather you stay home.

This should apply to every boogie everywhere!

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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***Spence, I've been to pretty much all of your events, and if you decide to put another boogie on in Dublin, I'll be there to support you. If you decide to move it to another location, I'll be there too.


Kristi said it well. For me, Roaming DZ is more about an attitude and an appreciation of having a good time with good friends than it is a specific location. Just let us know when and where and we'll come a runnin'.:)

"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
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I never tried to leave and we were sequestered in the FBO for what seemed like forever - but the interviewers were nice enough, and respectfull enough, I guess, at least to me.

Other than that - having to hide a beer as you walk around a boogie, after the sun went down, was kind of annoying.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Hey Spence, just saw this thread. I too will go back to Dublin, should you choose to put on another event there (and should I be invited :S:P). I also understand and will support you if you decide to do something else, or even nothing at all. I know the RoamingDZ will survive this though, I have faith in my home DZ. ;)

As for your question, I was pretty shell shocked (as were most people) and wandered around the airport for a while after the accident. However, I chose NOT to drink, not because of police but b/c i just didn't feel like it. I did leave to go to dinner around sundown and didn't have any hassle, BUT an officer followed my car to the gate and it appeared that he closed it behind me and set up guards there. I did return to the airport after dinner and by that time it seemed the police had left and everything had calmed down.

Enemiga Rodriguez, PMS #369, OrFun #25, Team Dirty Sanchez #116, Pelt Head #29, Muff #4091

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I was on the load that had the accident and part of the group "locked down" in the FBO for statements, so I missed the police reaction in the camping area. Once they let us go, the only thing odd I encountered was a number of people who said they had been told by someone in authority (either boogie staff or police, not sure) that the cops had said no one could leave the airport grounds at all. This was plainly untrue as no cops were at the gate stopping people, at least by the time I got there. I encountered no cops on the way into town that evening.


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we had no problems either at the airport or on the way to the motel.

we try and clean up after ourselves and when we have to drive somewhere in the evening I am a non drinker/driver.

the local police were over loaded with attitude from a few folks but handled themselves well considering what had just occurred.

we WILL be back

everyone needs to remember WE are the guests


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