
Lindsay arrested again

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Give her six months in lockup. Maybe she'll learn a lesson.

I think she needs a good spankin'.

All you volunteers, get in line.

I think it was bad parenting. I'd like to volunteer to spank her mom. (Hint: Search for some photos).;)
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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and add the fresh one from today...with a side of coke. :P

I'm sure that coke isn't hers. Must be someone elses. She has a bracelet, she is a good girl!!:|

Can i call them or what. This just in, "the drugs aren't mine" sure...................

Yep. She was quoted as saying "I am innocent...did not not do drugs they're not mine."

Really. That leads one to wonder, "Were they her pants? Did she have her pants with her at all times? Who does she think shoved the baggie of cocaine in her pocket without her knowledge?"

And was it someone else ho failed the field sobriety tests? Or someone else who measured .12 BAC? Innocent?

The lesson of Hilton bears repeating - When you fuck up, own it and accept responsibility.

Got caught driving on a suspended license? Own it. Got caught driving drunk? Own it.
Got caught with cocaine? Own it.

And I will repeat Lawrocket's First Commandment of Lawbreaking: "Thou shalt only break one law at a time." Got cocaine on you? Don't speed or drink. Gonna speed? Don't be drunk or have drugs. Got a suspended license? Don't chase anyone. Gonna drink and drive? Don't speed, have a busted taillight, etc.

See, people get in trouble when they break MORE than one law. Speeding? No big deal. Unless you are drunk or carrying drugs or something else.

Driving drunk? You'll not get caught if you aren't breakign any OTHER laws.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Driving drunk? You'll not get caught if you aren't breakign any OTHER laws.

Unless they run into a police roadblock checking licenses and registrations, AND if at night, they'll check for signs of intoxication.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Being sober now for 10 months +. I learned one thing. An alcoholic/addict can only get help if they truely want it,, YOU HAVE TO WANT IT....

Everything else is just going through the motions..

I seen many relapse time and time again.. 45 day rehab is a joke try 6 months. and people like this young lil vixen has taken her stardumb way to seriously to think we will remember anything she did other then be a complete idiot.

I have been there and wish her and all who are addicted the best of decisions when in recovery,, or to atleast make the whole hearted attempt before they kill themselves or someone else.

with that being Said I will leave you with this.



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Being sober now for 10 months +. I learned one thing. An alcoholic/addict can only get help if they truely want it,, YOU HAVE TO WANT IT....

Everything else is just going through the motions..

I seen many relapse time and time again.. 45 day rehab is a joke try 6 months. and people like this young

I did rehab for 31 days and got clean (for the third and final time) when I was 20... 14 yrs later...B|

Age and time in rehab mean little to me. Bottom line is what you said in the beginning - you got to want it to keep it. Willingness is the key. Leaving rehab and flying directly to Vegas?? That doesn't show willingness. My wife was right. She bet me that Lohan would be busted again by the end of the year. Damn, I lost again. :P

Edit: Unfortunately shit like this gives rehabs a bad name. I mean already the statistical average is maybe 1/10 will get it, and the rest will relapse and end up in jails, institutions, and/or die. I remember being in a group session at rehab and the counselor said "Look at the people to your left and look at those to your right" In one year, only one of you will still be here in recovery. They were so right.

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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