fallman 0 #1 February 7, 2004 I've had this fascination for a while and since getting into skydiving and seein all you birdmen out there it has only gotten worse. Does anyone know if it's possible to get a pet flying squirrel? I mean honestly, how cool would that be. You're just sitting there watchin tv and a squirrel birdmans across the room! woa....that was cool.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slowfaller 0 #2 February 7, 2004 Google Sugar Gliders, like flying squirrels but smaller and more domesticated. I'm thinking about getting a pair of them Chris --"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobsled92 0 #3 February 7, 2004 Sugar gliders are "Little flying chipmunks". THey are no longer allowed to be imported as pets but, they are out there. Squirrles are on the "wild animals" list and need large trees to go to and from. (sugar glider is good with curtain rod to sofa)(and the "Sugar Gliderz" is a great "girl freeFly team, too!)_______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year. http://www.hangout.no/speednews/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slowfaller 0 #4 February 7, 2004 It sounds like you own one, how are they as pets? Do they require a lot of attention in the early stages? --"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobsled92 0 #5 February 7, 2004 QuoteIt sounds like you own one, how are they as pets? Do they require a lot of attention in the early stages? They make more sense as a skydiver, than owning a dog. I have to kennel my dogs when I go away to jump and I can't keep them crated more than 4 hrs at a time. I studied Sugar Gliders but, was not able to buy any here in PA. We got South African Pigmy Hedgehogs the 2 made a surviving group of 13 in one year(Don't under estimate an animal that can eat vipers. Another reason for the sugar Glider. I have had NO hands-on with them, just books, videos, website stuff about 6 years ago._______________________________ If I could be a Super Hero, I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year. http://www.hangout.no/speednews/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moodyskydiver 0 #6 February 7, 2004 QuoteDo they require a lot of attention in the early stages? I was considering a sugar glider before I bought my ferrets.Let me tell you from what research I did they are ALOT of work. Its been said that they are the only animal known to literally die from lack of attention...you can feed them, water them and do everything right, but without attention they will just give up.Failure to Thrive Syndrome. I've talked to people who say they had to get little pouches and keep the gliders inside to take them to work with them because they werent home enough to leave them there.Its almost like having a child. I dont mean to deter you from getting one. There are tons of sites out there you can look up this information.I decided against it because I knew I wouldnt have the time to give a pet as much attention as a sugar glider needed.Good luck! "...just an earthbound misfit, I." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slowfaller 0 #7 February 7, 2004 So ferrets are pretty easy to own? I thought they would be more of a handful than sugar gliders. Chris --"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ACMESkydiver 0 #8 February 7, 2004 Nobody's got this one yet? Oh for Pete's sake... "My squirrel flies, but I've already got a man to pet it." Ok, one-liner over...my grandpa had a wild baby flying squirrel that he raised as a pet when my mom was young. According to grandpa, it was very tame, and liked to sit on his shoulder everywhere. I don't know if you could buy one anywhere; I know he rescued this lil' guy when it's mama was killed.~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Misslmperfect 0 #9 February 7, 2004 i work at a vet clinic, and we have 3 glider owners that come in on a regular basis. because of that ive had to do some somewhat extensive studying on em. some KEY factors to consider: when they get stressed out they have a tendancy to mutilate themselves. you HAVE to get 2. having only one will lead to some serious problems. their diet is very simple. fruits, veggies, and glider food. if you cant find it in a pet store it can be ordered. also, seriously consider a vitamin supplement. they're really picky eaters and can easily suffer from vitamin deficiency. as far as housing goes, the bigger the cage the better, and gliders NEED a natural light source. if their room is under 70 though, they need a heat source. REMEMBER: they're nocturnal. they make some strange sounds and they do it at night. some people cant handle the crabbing. you'll need to let them out of their cages; if you dont they stress out and will die or mutilate. if you have other pets, a glider isnt a good idea. if you start seriously considering it PM me, i have pamphlets at work i can scan or copy for you. hope that helps! melOh Canada, merci pour la livraison! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moodyskydiver 0 #10 February 7, 2004 QuoteSo ferrets are pretty easy to own? I thought they would be more of a handful than sugar gliders. Ferrets arent easy to own like a cat or dog,but they are easier than sugar gliders.I'm actually in the process of trying to find a good home for my ferrets because I'm transfering to a new university and wont be able to take them with me. "...just an earthbound misfit, I." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyPsycho 0 #11 February 8, 2004 ill have to dig up some photos. every year my dogs go crazy, noise in the attic. night and day. i have regular squirrels which run in and out all day, then at night, the flying squirrels which go up and down in the walls and sommetimes decide to come into the house. they are very docile, use me for a perch, and launch off my head to glide across the room. i have pics and vid somewhere. ill look and edit in. no they arent trashing my attic and i have no prob with them staying in the house. sometimes certain times of season, the babies get stuck going down the walls all the way to the basement and scream, and i have to fish them out and bring em back upstairs. squirrels make very cool pets also. i had one a long time ago. flying squirrels actually make excellent pets, are very loving, and do not contract many diseases at all. also, contrary to popular belief, they do not carry rabies. go for it if you can get one. _______________________________ HK MP5SD.........silence is golden Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
glider_girl 0 #12 July 15, 2007 Sorry to say...I have been breeding gliders for three years now. Missimperfect is also misinformed :) If you plan on spending about 4-6 hours a day with your glider, either at home, or wherever it may be, one glider is perfectly fine to own. And other pets are NOT a problem, just try to keep them away when you have your glider babies out playing, gliders are a hunted animal in the wild, so other pets will make them scared and nervous. They don't necessarily self mutilate all the time under stress. They tend to self mutilate only because of depression and anxiety. Keeping a good diet (I prefer BML, along side of fresh fruits and veggies, and a steady supply of something dry in there for daytime snackings.) The bonding pouches are something you purchase WITH the purchase of a glider. This is so the glider may sleep in there while smelling you. Gliders are very social animals, but it takes a lot of coaxing to get into their "circle of trust" but once in it's such a good feeling. i'll never forget the first time Tutu came to me, she was my first glider, and I felt so special that she would come to me. Gliders have a very sensative lifestyle. Once they bond with you, it will not be easy to re-home them. Once they bond with other gliders, they can easily die of depression symptoms if seperated or the other dies. Which is why it's VITAL you make sure you are willing to try your hardest to keep them forever, and keep them together. Should they need to be re-homed, a good idea is to send them with something that smells like home. So they can move slowly into their new home. A good bonding process for the caged glider (some people chose to carry their gliders in a pouch with them all day, but others don't like to, I do so mine don't have cages except for travel and vets), a good idea for the bonding process with the cage glider is to wear a shirt for a couple days on a weekend (when you shower, don't use strong smelling soaps or perfumes gliders don't like them and they make them sneezy!), and then stick that shirt into their cage to allow them to smell you when you're not around. Carrying them in a bonding pouch is the best way to bond, because they get to hear you, and you can see them and interact with them. Your glider will most likely have many noises. The crabbing is a warning noise, "leave me alone, go away, or I may bite" is usually what it means. A bark is usually a happy noise, and it sound similar to a muffled small breed dog bark. A "chirp" sounds like a high pitched "click" and is a greeting "hello friend!" Occasionally a bark can be a warning or a mating call...a way to call out to someone, or a "hey! pay attention to me!!" Gliders are similar to dogs in their noise patterns, some are noisy little critters, others are not noisy at all. My glider male, Taz has never crabbed a day in his life, but his brother spaz crabs all day long! However, taz barks all night and spaz doesn't make a sound when he is awake!!! Gliders are a great pet. They are loving, they are fun, and they will make you laugh and smile. However, they are not a pet for everyone. I have 6 actively breeding couples. 2 of my females almost constantly have joeys in the pouch, the other one produces joeys once or twice a year. When gliders are tired, they stop breeding for a while, or even forever. They are very good at maintaining their levels of exaughstion (and the females WILL let the males know when no business is going down in THIS pouch!) Gliders are fun, like having a child, almost. I spend 2 hours a night preparing food for my gliders. They prefer their meals be cut into dime sized pieces to allow them to perch and maybe even eat upside down. If you can't handle bugs, gliders aren't for you, because they LOVE their bugs! I also provide my gliders with a pinkie once a week. Pinkies are frozen newborn mice. Yes, you might be thinking "gross" but the added protien is almost essential for the gliders. They NEED calcium and protein for their hind legs (jumping is done primarily through the hind legs) Anyhow, if you have any additional questions, please feel free to email me at catcrazy07@comcast.net and yes...I have cats and gliders :D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SarahC07 0 #13 July 15, 2007 After reading that, I kinda want one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skyvixen 0 #14 July 15, 2007 I had a sugar glider.. I loved Lucy, They need LOTS of attention, I would take mine to work..but even still, she would be loud at night , crying for me.. I never got any sleep. If I had more time, I wold get another one again,Let's put the FUN back in Funeral Life is a Freefall Enjoy!! MUFF #2760 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyPsycho 0 #15 July 16, 2007 wow, thats a reply to an old post. im not usually on here much at all.theres a pic of one of the flying squirrels on my back on the first or second page of pics here.......... http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=73925245 _______________________________ HK MP5SD.........silence is golden Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites