
What's your favorite dog breed?

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I had a beagle for 13 years, she unexpectedly passed away last August. She was extremely gentle, very intelligent, loved babies and kids. She would get excited if she saw a stroller! She knew to walk up and not run up and knock a kid down, and she would stand there and not lick them, but rather let them pet her etc. She loved people, had many 'human' traits. Never saw her nip at anyone or any animal, except a rare time when another dog went to go after her food while she was eating. But I could grab a bone right from her mouth, put my hand in her dish, she never ever once growled or snapped at a person. She did not dig nor did she bark a lot, it is all in the training of what you let your dog get away with.

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My babies.Jazz is brown and white and Gizmo is black and white. Both are shelter specials. We originally thought that Jazz was a mix of foxhound and boxer- however since starting to play flyball she is listed as a "St Germain Pointer" which is a french breed that she met the standards for. Gizmo is listed as a canaan dog, but I'm not convinced. I think she has a mix of border collie and pointer.

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Boston terrier!
Friendly, incredibly smart, good-tempered, not many breed-related health problems, and super cute! oh... not yappy either.

Since that's my dog you posted the pictures of, I suppose I have to second that recommendation. ;)
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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I had a beagle for 13 years, she unexpectedly passed away last August. She was extremely gentle, very intelligent, loved babies and kids. She would get excited if she saw a stroller! She knew to walk up and not run up and knock a kid down, and she would stand there and not lick them, but rather let them pet her etc. She loved people, had many 'human' traits. Never saw her nip at anyone or any animal, except a rare time when another dog went to go after her food while she was eating. But I could grab a bone right from her mouth, put my hand in her dish, she never ever once growled or snapped at a person. She did not dig nor did she bark a lot, it is all in the training of what you let your dog get away with.

I love beagles...they are my very favorite. As for getting a dog with children around - in my opinion stay away from cocker spaniels...they can get nippy around kids. Border collies, labs, and retrievers are great! Our last one was a mutt from mexico and she has been wonderful!
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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English Springer Spaniel

Not too big, but big enough to be considered a dog.

I had one growing up and I have one now. Lucy has never really spent much time with small kids but she's great when she's around them. I've had kids tackle her, pull her ears, try to grab her docked tail and she's taken it like a champ. And my growin' up Springer was the same way. The only issue that Lucy has with small children is kisses. She knows the shorter they are, the more likely they are going to have food left on their face. That and I foolishly taught her that kisses go on the face.

I'll post a picture of her tonight.

I will caution that Springer Spaniels need exercise. If you have small kids and don't have time to go for a walk at least a couple of times a week, or a large enough back yard for them to run around, I'd look for a breed that's a little more docile.

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I rescued an Akita 5 years ago and she is the sweetest dog I've ever owned. Whatever breed you get make sure you spay or neuter the dog ( too many dogs and cats in shelters) also start training the puppy early on. Read up on different breeds and pick one that best fits your lifestyle. Also pick up a few books on dog training methods. The Monks of New Skete have two out that are very insightful and I highly recommend both books.

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English Mastiffs. Gentle giants so they are called. They are GREAT with kids!!

I like Flat Coated retrievers as well. Smart and great with kids too.

Both are protective of their families as well.

These were my two buddies that past at the end of last year.

edit: Both were rescues.

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I've had a few dogs in my life and they were all good. Just show them love and discipline (sorta like you have to do with your significant other) :P

Here's my Rhodesians, and they are excellent companions. Very smart, and enough energy to keep you hopping!

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We'll definitely go thru a shelter. My husband doesn't believe in paying big $$ for a dog. We're also not into the pocket sized dogs.

I guess we'll have to see which ones are available, and then, as some of you said, let the dog pick us! I wouldn't leave my baby alone with a dog, but I just wanted to make sure we didn't get a breed that would snap at the baby if I turned away for a second. [:/]

Dogs rock!

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I grew up with german sheppards. Great dogs, just lots of hair. I have doggy sat boxers and pitt bulls. Since then, I would love to have either. The boxers were lovable goofs. The pitts were very smart and always wanted to be close by. Almost like they didn't want to be left behind, and as self appointed protection for the family. Both families had kids that hung on them and I never heard a snarl or saw bared teeth. But as said, watch them around the wee ones. A dog can act differently around kritters/kids about their same size. Socialization is the key with all dogs.

I second the veto on cockers spaniels. They are one of the most nippy dogs. Due to the floppy ears, ear problems are common.
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Portuguese Water Dogs (porties)!! We have 2, Bosco and Sweety. They are medium size, 50-65 lbs.

They don't shed, but need to be groomed every 6-8 weeks. Love to swim, retrieve. They're a working breed, so have tons of energy. Not aggressive, but love to play. Like any dog you have to set boundaries of what is allowed.

Very vocal. Sometimes they almost seem to talk. They love everybody. Extremely friendly. Pack oriented, so will constantly follow you around the house. Wherever you are, that's where they want to be.

Coats very from a wavy, loose curly, to a tight curly like a poodle. Sweety is a brown wavy, and Bosco is black/white loose curly. Colors can be white, black, brown or mixed.

More info at http://www.pwdca.org/

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I have a +120 pound Rottweiler who is very good with kids/people and all other animals. I haven't seen any bad/aggressive behavior out of him yet. But he also knows we expect him to be gentle and I'm sure in the wrong hands dogs of this type could be deadly, but its all how they were raised.

Edit to add: He is the American breed Rottweiler so he is taller then the German breed.
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I adore the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever-
small version of a Golden Retriever or Lab.
The breed were crossed with retrievers and working spaniels, used to be called the Little River Duck Dog.

The Toller's job is to lure ducks and geese within shotgun range, and to retrieve.

Tollers have a "spark", temperament is: gentleness (with children especially), highly intelligent, alert, outgoing, and ready for action, though not to the point of nervousness or hyperactivity, affectionate and loving with family members and very patient.

They bark when there is danger but that is likely to be all. These high energy dogs need a lot of physical exercise, a well-muscled dog that is medium to heavy boned. The Toller's strong retrieving desire and playfulness are natural traits, both necessary for his tolling ability. They have an intense natural excitement about their duty.

The water-repellent, double coat of the Nova Scotia Duck-Tolling Retriever should be combed and brushed with a firm bristle brush, paying particular attention to the dense undercoat. Dry shampoo regularly, but bathe only when necessary for it removes the natural oils in the skin which make it naturally water resistant. This breed is an average shedder.



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I've actually gotten past the dog thing and have rabbits...we let them loose in the yard (they stay close to the house) so they can zip around, jump & flip...they're great in the house, they use a litter pan better than a cat. And, just like a dog, you have to make sure they have things to chew/gnaw on.

Here are some pictures of my girl Ally (boxer) with her rabbit siblings when she was a pup. Mario (the black rabbit) has since died, and Ally now has a 1-year younger, shorter, fatter canine sister (bulldog) named Gracie. Maggie is allowed to free-roam the yard whenever "da girls" are outside to protect her (birds tend to stay away from them). My next pup will arrive this fall and will almost assuredly be another boxer. ;)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Here's Lucy shortly after a swim last 4th of July.

Note about floppy ears: They are really easy to take care of if you know what you're doing and start cleaning them on a regular basis when they are young. Lucy is a bitched to get groomed because I didn't do it at an early age but she sits still for her ear cleanings.

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