
green beret demo

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B| opps,,Sorry chuck,,,, i got drunk like a skydiver and pucked up AGAINNNN

Somebody call Scotty to " rescus meeeeee" He has connections ....
Its a good day to LIVE, why puck up a good thing.

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In the pic you will see who i think is jumper Jamie lynn imapct a steel pole. If it had not been for the pole snagging his riser he would have run into myself and others, his canopy did infact hit my wife (whi also jumps)

Chucklles, what were you doing THERE? are you a dumbass rookie trying to show off and get close to "Professionals" ???

Why did you lead your wife over there?

Do you know what a demo is yet?

I am not sure what you are saying because your post seem to be random at best, I could guess that you just disagree with what i have posted and want to cause problems for some unknown reason, perhaps you don't like me, or you do like the GBPT guys and or you you where former military and see me attacking the "professionals" as you call them.
I did not lean my wife anywhere, I choose to standbehind the poles because I had a layer of protection in front of me.
I have done many demos in the past and know how they can go bad, am I a dumb ass rookie? No, far from it. Perhpas you did not see what ratings I carry and what jump numbers I have.
Do I know what demos are? Did you not check my profile? I have had the PRO rating so i could do demos.
I think that your post take away from what ever discredit you are trying to give me and infact just vaildate them as a serious post and at the same time make you look a bit foolish.
If you are going to try to discredit someone or make them look bad at least form some structure to your post.
Thank you for your input anyway, but I think your strange antics are better directed elsewhere.

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[reply Peanut4040
I am not sure what you are saying because your post seem to be random at best, I could guess that you just disagree with what i have posted and want to cause problems for some unknown reason, .

JD...meet Pnutty. Dont try to figure out what he was trying to say....you'll just get a headache. :)

Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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After all these years, I would figure that yall would know better than to get me talking while I was sober. Joe must be new with his 14 years, and his D 2 license. Holy cow, D 2,? That’s a heck of a low USPA D-license number. Anyway, peanut jumps up on the preaching stump, and begins to practice what his daddy was good at. PREACHING. Some of you people that know me, can go ahead and go to sleep, UNTIL, I pass the offering plate. Naughty IOUs in the offering plate are much appreciated. Except for Bozo, who needs to stay awake and get another headache.

Joe, to keep things simple, shall we begin with the five “yes’s” from your first paragraph post to me.
1-Yes Joe, they are drunken random comments. Who clued you in? Good news though, I’ve been on the wagon now for 12 hours. If you write me again tonight, there is a “small chance” that I will have fallen off the wagon again. SO be nice, I’m a mean drunk.
2-Yes, I disagree with what you and some of what TK both posted. I’ll try and cover my disagreement with you in this post.
3-Yes, to causing you trouble because of the discontent you spread on our military. I knee jerked and threw some back. I will apologize for my quick and hasty remarks (IF you did not intend bad will on our military).
4-Yes, after reading your remarks, no, I don’t like you. It sounds like you have a personal vendetta with this group volunteering to do a dangerous jump at your local hometown, in Kansas. (There are not a lot of trees in Kansas are there? From the pictures, it looks like a pretty wide open city square to me.—about the size of a small little league field) I say that because you have admitted previously, that you have written people in the military leadership of said team/club, to slam these guys “TWICE”. You seem to have made it your personal quest in life, to do these people harm. What have they done to you personally? Have they black balled you because you pestered them too much. In your personal quest to harass these guys, (skydivers and city officials) have you made yourself an unwelcome guest? “Maybe” people are not listening to you for a reason. When someone like you comes into my life, with all this negative bull hockey, I generally turn and sneak off. I would treat you also, the way you are describing you are being treated.
I bring this up, because, we have not heard from the people that were on the jump. Just your side of a rant and rave. There are two sides to every story. I’ve heard Billy Vance defend one of the jumpers as having over 1000 skydives, and heard Chuck Blue defend the club in general terms as being experienced heads up jumpers. I respect their opinion. I’ve not heard anyone defend what you are saying, or defend your expertise in judging demo landing areas. In my expert demo judging landing history, there has been only two reasonably safe demo areas in my life. One was a golf course. The other was a reserve ride on to another Golf course. Can anyone say FOREEEEEE. Okay, I admit it,, I trusted Big Norm from GA too many times for easy demo money.
5-Yes, I am definitely military and come from a military family background that dates back to the right side of the civil war
Your military-bashing remarks did offend me and I (AS well as others) take exception to that. AND what irks me the most, , I’m willing to bet you are not even a veteran of any armed service higher than the boy scouts. (I could be wrong?) And civilians proclaiming remarks like you have, caused the military to lose benefits. LLLL, they don’t even have skydiving in MWR anymore on AIRBORNE INSTALLATIONS…Have you no idea the damage this has caused? ….AGGGGG,, I digress. (Course, t his could also be caused by 4 out of 4 brigades from both the 82nd and the 101st being in the Mideast defending our *sses, and won’t get a jump for at least a year or so).

Well, you led your wife up close enough to have a demo canopy fall on her. You probably placed yourself on the up wind side of the square? The canopies are facing you on final approach? It’s pretty obvious, that you led her up pretty close to operations. Your friends and family following you up, was YOUR responsibility. YOU, should have kept them back. With your PRO rating, you should have known better. You have no excuse. Granted, I’m guilty of the same offense on several demos myself, I.E. Here wife, start this smoke at the right time, Hold this target FOR ME, and don’t move when I come in HOT. She is such a trusting person, no? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bashing you for putting your wife in harms way. Wives of skydivers do their jobs very well, and generally are heads up skydivers themselves. And when you get pucked up, it sure is nice to have your wife along for the ambulance ride, and To pick up the pieces….. I’m bashing you for using your wife as an “example” of how reckless the demo skydivers were “allegedly”. YOU are the guilty one for this dangerous canopy attack on your wife. Your wife is a skydivers wife for Petes sake, They generally ARE close to the action. Does anyone have a wife that has not been hit by a canopy???? Holy cow, I’ve been abusing Lucky. I hope she don’t divorce me for canopy abuse.

Can we all stand and sing a hymn now.
Okay,now sit back down and go back to sleep all you heathens.

ON the lighter side… (It sounds like all four landed in the zone this year, just not in a “pretty fashion”.) I don’t know about the rest of yall, but any time you have a demo, and everyone makes it in, and walks away on their own two legs--à THAT was a good demo. Anyone get video of these crash and burn landings? Or do we have to wait for “Americas Funniest Videos”. Oh jeese,,, opps, I temporary lost my compassion for my fellow skydiver. I’m sorry Lord.

Chuckles, I knew you were an experienced skydiver from the beginning. And since you had the pro rating, your comments cried out “Ax to grind”. You, personified, just like TK stated about 3-4 thousand dollars, that you perhaps wanted some of that easy demo money. You feel like you could do the job better, and wanted to ASC style market, “You get what you pay for” to the city. SO that they will pay you in the future. Or maybe, you are doing your best to discredit the military team members, and kill their whole free demo program? Therefore, you will have a monopoly on the demo action.

Tell me I’m wrong here? YOU do, or have done demos for TK down in Florida before. From both your comments, it “looks” like it’s a tag-team of teamwork issue for you guys to bash the free military demo jumps out of the air. I know TK has a military team down there that interferes in his cheap demo money.?? Tell Me, I’m wrong on any of these issues. Tell me this is not your ulterior motive. I’ll recant and apologize.

You “say”, you have done many demos in the past and you know how they can go wrong. I like the way the Midwest describes it, “Demo from Hell”. These guys just had a demo from hell, and you are letting them have it with both barrels. Why not show some compassion and sympathy for fellow skydivers? You act like this kind of thing will never happen to you. Is this the way you want to be treated, when you also have a demo from hell. ?????? Clue, it will happen to you also, sooner or later. Be careful please, I may not like you, but, I sure as LLLL, don’t want you hurt in one of these things.

Okay, in summary, I’ll try and put some form and structure to my post, so that you can understand my drunken ramblings. Short and sweet. I’m attempting to discredit your comments for two primary reasons.
1. I believe You and TK both have ulterior motives concerning money, involved in demos, when there are free military demos in the area. And it does not appear that you care who you hurt to get it. I strongly disagree with TK remark about your objectives. Joes objective is important, on WHY vent this demo from hell here. What was his OBJECTIVE? Is he trying to save the town from dangerous skydivers? Make fun and laugh at his fellow skydivers who have just pounded it in and walked away safely (That’s ME) . Or wanting a piece of the action.
2. You bashed the military, and in effect, your actions may hurt our military. Before you bash the military, at least have the damn balls to hold up your hand for a single tour of duty in the pussy coast guard. It’s OUR military for Christ’s sake, and they defend us to include you. Thank gawd we still have young people of moral caliber, needing a meager paycheck that many times is LESS than minimum wage. Any time, this great country can give them any kind of benefit, we need to. And we need people like you to just shut your mouth, and enjoy the freedoms they provide to you, like freedom of non-speech.

In case I have assumed anything about you, that is not true, AND someone will confirm it to me, I”ll apologize. I.e. IF you are a veteran, or don’t do demos for TK. Or, ect ect.

ON a side personal note, even though I disagree with the money side of the demos, and his objective being IMPORTANT.,, I believe that several things TK talked about are important. And I want to repeat them here. IF you got a bad demo, bring a smaller flag, or no flag at all. Flags are for easy demos. He is right, the crowd don’t care. And learn to say “NO, for fucks sake”, to bad demos. IF you can’t do it, don’t try it.

In regards to Billy Vance remarks about getting the USPAs director of S&T involved. Billy, you’re a tattle tale, tattle tale, hang your britches on a nail. Jeese billy, you’re turning into a rat in your old age. Lets compromise-- Next time you want to tattle on us, just use sign language—No type allowed.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, What ME? Look foolish???? Someone down in Florida or Kansas buy that man a pint of Petron for me. I’ll pay ya back when we see each other again. He needs a clue…. BAWAHahahahah i.e. I am a fool you silly man. And in the immortal words of that Illinois Yankee Pres Lincoln, “Sec Stanton is a pretty smart man”,… or something like that,

Regards, Sir,

Peanut 4040

PS, I’m done preaching now,,, yall wake up and tap the Keg.
Its a good day to LIVE, why puck up a good thing.

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1. I never 'bashed' free military jumps - I simply used that as an example of why the public chooses them over us a lot.

2. $3000-$4000 is not 'easy demo money'. Because of the price, I do not get any demos. That is fine by me. More accurately, I do not do demos anymore, but I will if they pay me $3000-$4000 since they are a pain in the ass, cost way more than we always figure they will, and with all the post 9/11 security crap out there, are often impossible for a civilian group to manage to get permission for. (and funny how it is impossible for me to get access to free military helicopters to do jumps)

3. I have no 'ulterior' motives for any of my posting. He posted an incident, you stated reasons why you thought that was not cool and I countered your comments because I think that is fine. And the Green Berets are more than welcome to counter whatever they like as well.

4. Bashing any demo team that does a very bad demo is not necessarily 'military bashing' either, but it still hurts our sport when demos go bad, so I, with a very vested interest in the sport's survival have every right to be upset about ANY demo that goes bad, military or otherwise. My insurance costs, access to the airspace, ability to fly, EVERYTHING that we do gets affected by this sort of thing when the insurance company decides not to renew a policy. (Just one example). The insurance may be required to maintain your or my access to the airspace or airport that we occupy. THerefore we are quickly put out of business.

Or the insurance quadruples in one year and the dropzone has to eat it, or perhaps raise jump prices YET AGAIN to cover costs.

Now if some guy decides to use a very large flag, on a tight demo, in bad weather and then fucks up in any way - yes, I (we) have every right to be pissed off about it because it may FUCK UP my career.

I would not have cared so much if one out of 4 jumpers made a landing error or something like that. Sounds like almost everyone on this demo screwed up or had some 'near miss' - that tells me something is/was fundamentally wrong with the decision and planning of the jump.


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I don't know you, I don't know TK, I have never spoken with him, seen him or sent him and email. so to say that I am on some team with him is BS and the first of many assumptions on your part.
You are correct in the fact that I am not now nor have I ever been in the military, I was in the middle of the testing process for the military when I was injured in an accident and lost my spleen and could not pass the physical after that.
My family like yours is a military family and I had all intentions to join the military. I currently continue to support my brother who has done two tours of Iraq and one tour of the stan. I support troops and have 'adopted" soliders with gift packages as well.
I support this team to jump into demos and think that it's great until they give skydiving a bad name and then place inoccent people in danger because they make reckless choices in jumping into places that are to small.
There are many trees in kansas, once again you seem to make assumptions that are just not true and you feel the Landing area of this place you see in the pics looks big enough but you have not seen it with your own eye to judge so.
It is surrounded on four sides by three story buildings and one one side is high tension power lines, it is to tight to jump into, i would not do it nor would I like to see anyone like to attempt that demo. What is worse is that one city block away is a very large unobstructed area that would be great for landing in.
This team has proven two years in a row that they can not land in this space without incindent?
How is that attacking them or bashing the military? get off your high hoarse and look at the facts of this and will see that I am not out to get them, they are out to get themselves, or someone standing by the side lines trying to have a good time. if thats how your military works then you can keep it.
Other random info for you to digest, I don't want to do a demo for this town celbration, and if I did i would not do it in the location these guys have choosen to do so.
My D# is not posted because thats personall info that i don't care to post on a public fourm, if you would like it I will send it or you can look it up at uspa. next is that I am not going after these guys because of my ratings.. maybe if I was it would be the S&TA rating and not the pro.
As far as leading my wife (who is a jumper, not just a jumpers wife) or friends into the landing direction of these jumper is another of your assumptions.
The jumpers landing in all directions not just in the direction of wich I was standing. I happend to be in the path of two of the jumpers. the wind was to the North (what little wind there was) and i was standing in the east side of the landing area. No one was lead into any area and my friends where in many spots, it just so happens that a few of them that where already standing where i went.
Mr Peanut, I am sorry that you feel that I am bashing the military, but you are wrong. My motoavation to this post is information on an event that should not have happend and did. and lastly I am sorry that you tend to have a problem with staying sober or on the wagon, perhaps you should seek some help with this problem as it's not something you should brag about, a drinking problem is really not that cool there chuckles......

"3-Yes, to causing you trouble because of the discontent you spread on our military. I knee jerked and threw some back. I will apologize for my quick and hasty remarks (IF you did not intend bad will on our military)."
Lastly your apology is not accepted, I did not bash the military and you need to think before you speak. you go on the attack and then say sorry just incase. be soild in one or the other!

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3-Yes, to causing you trouble because of the discontent you spread on our military. I knee jerked and threw some back. I will apologize for my quick and hasty remarks (IF you did not intend bad will on our military)."
Lastly your apology is not accepted, I did not bash the military and you need to think before you speak. you go on the attack and then say sorry just incase. be soild in one or the other!

Joe, you were doing fine until you came to this conclusion. You made good solid points on my perceived bad assumptions, and made me think a bit about your issues. You were doing really good. Not that I believe your points, but that i was thinking about your points. i.e. Maybe this guy joe knows what he is talking about and deserves a hearing out. This third point you made however made me go,,,uhmmmmm ,, so,,, I thought,,,, then I won't apologize to you on the internet, You have to smoke a big doobie or drink a pint of Petron with me so that we have peace. Sooner or later i'm going to pass through Kansas WHERE THERE ARE NO TREEEES,
Its a good day to LIVE, why puck up a good thing.

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I have so much respect for you, that I'm not going to answer your reply tonight. You made so many good points, that I owe you a response to. You are a skygawd to me, and I want to treat you with proper respect.

And other skydivers right now are saying,,, GAWD PEANUT, WIPE THE BROWN OFF YOUR NOSE. bawahHASHAHAHAAHHAAHHA
Its a good day to LIVE, why puck up a good thing.

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No shit, how do you think I should handle this one? I've got Mr PETA on one hand from Kansas, and Mr Skydive from Florida on the other one. Now how in the LLLL, they mixed together in love-- I have no clue???

Somebody clue me in????

And bozo, in case you're wondering,, in the inmortal words of Judy from Mullings Memphis, I like you Mr. Peanut, BUT I'm not having sex with you
Its a good day to LIVE, why puck up a good thing.

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I'd rather see somebody like Guy Manos or Jim Wallace or other people with their experience do it. That's all.

Jim was one of my AFF instructors. He's still the first place I go for any serious questions I have.
Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.

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No shit, how do you think I should handle this one? I've got Mr PETA on one hand from Kansas, and Mr Skydive from Florida on the other one. Now how in the LLLL, they mixed together in love-- I have no clue???

Somebody clue me in????

i will no longer entertain your post as no mater how vaild of a post i make you will spin off into some area that has no relavance to this. Examples like No trees in kasnas and Mr Peta how no merit and once more discredit you and your poor efforts to defend anything you stand for. I will never smoke a doobie with you or drink even a beer with you to make peace with you. please take your rant antics somewhere else.
For the record, I am a avid hunter so Mr Peta does not apply to me and the area I shot my spring turkey is a soild 120 acres of trees. open your mind and do some research, not all of kansas is flat and treeless.

And bozo, in case you're wondering,, in the inmortal words of Judy from Mullings Memphis, I like you Mr. Peanut, BUT I'm not having sex with you


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I'd rather see somebody like Guy Manos or Jim Wallace or other people with their experience do it. That's all.

Jim was one of my AFF instructors. He's still the first place I go for any serious questions I have.

I would love to someday attend one of his demo schools, if only it wasn't 2,000 miles away. I could learn so much more than I already have.

As for the demo team who did this demo in Kansas, I don't care who they are, military, ex-military or not - fuck up once, that's bad, but understandable, and hope they learn the lessons. However... fuck up two years in a row on the same damn demo? INEXCUSABLE. It only gives me the impression that they did not learn from their lessons. That is all.

Oh and peanut, I did not say Lynn had over 1000 jumps, I said the opposite, at least as of September 2006.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I could learn so much more than I already have.

You wouldn't learn anything, Billy. You never listen:P:P:)

He's already learned one of the most important lessons there is...WHEN to say NO!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I’ve not heard anyone defend what you are saying...


I'll defend 'in general' what he's saying. :)

Like you said earlier Preacher Peanutty...there are always two sides to a story.
I find it interesting that there are no comments coming from those involved, but that's another issue.

Looking at and judging a demo event as a success or a failure is really pretty easy.
.....did the jump go as 'planned'.

If not it's a failure, the degree of the failure is a sliding scale.

Basically there is~ 'Damn it', 'Holy Shit', and 'Oh Fuck'.

Damn it... is when things didn't go exactly as planned but for the most part, the crowd doesn't know it. (The skydivers in the audience usually do ;))

Holy Shit...is when it's obvious to everyone ya dodged a bullet, something went really sideways but everyone still landed safely, on time and on target.

Oh Fuck...is when the sport looks bad. Landing out, crashing and burning, or having a dangerous situation that caused an injury to a jumper or even worse, to a spectator.

A 'team leader' needs to from a professional stand point, grade each demo performance.

Success or failure?
If a failure, what category?
What to do to improve?

If one jumper had a problem... broke an ankle, missed the LZ, whatever...that happens.
Address the problem, discuss it, re train if necessary and move on.

BUT if two or more jumpers had a problem, the PLAN sucked, and that's the 'team leaders' responsibility.

Now...if the 'plan' sucked more than once.:o:SB|:|

There NEEDS to be some serious W T F questions going on...looks to me like that's pretty much what the OP is doing.

And speaking of WTF...who put the picture of a goat in pink panties in the collection plate?! :o:$:P

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I am posting a few more pics here.
the firts one is the team leader, he also landed next to the poles and with his canopy going over into the crowd.
the second is of a female jumper who tried to sink it in and hit pretty firmly, but she was closer to the target placed by the GC.
next pic is the first jumper laughing about the landing mishaps and staing that the landing areas "only get smaller from here" to his friend.
Last pic is the only non eventfull landing pic that I have. This jumper knows his canopy well and is a good pilot, he sunk it in for awhile and landed without a problem, he seemed to be the only good canopy pilot in the bunch, at least this day.

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Ive done hundreds of demos....if you call that...and I know Twardo will agree with me....a tight landing area, you need to get a little more experience.

That landing area, from looking at your pics, is huge. I wish half of the DZs on the demos I have done were that big.
I wont comment on the actions and abilities of the team members as we all make mistakes at times, god knows I have.

Help me out here Jimbo.....agree ?

Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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I wont comment on the actions and abilities of the team members as we all make mistakes at times, god knows I have.

Help me out here Jimbo.....agree ?

My worst mistake was grass burn on my knees in an 85,000 seat stadium demo. Although that was embarrassing enough, I'm sure you wish yours were only that bad. [:/] But hey, as long as we learn and don't repeat the mistakes, we'll do okay.

We all need to re-read Jimbo's stories in the scary stories thread in the history forum.... Great stuff!!! Some of it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up! :o
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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That landing area, from looking at your pics, is huge.

If that is the case, would that not make the mistakes of this team even more obvious?

I would like to see the town on Google Earth so we can all have a good look at the whole area. Where was it?
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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