
Technical info about Ukraine fatality 22.08

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You can't blame the rigger for different design process of the original manufacturer. Racers and Talons are different animals.

No, but the rigger is obviously NOT quialfied to make a judgement call on how to shorten a single ring (hip ring only) harness. His/ her interpretation of harness design is woefully lacking in the basic understanding of the term "structural integrety". All single occupant use harnesses in current use have a "single point load path" which occurs at the main canopy release attachment point. From the reserve risers (dual point load path) to the MLW (single point load path) and back to the leg straps (another dual point load path). It is bad practice to "chop and change" one continiuous length of webbing to "adjust" it, continuity is the key factor in maintaining the original design spec. It is NOT evidenced here.

What is in question is not the rigger's desire to do take short cuts but his/her lack of understanding of design and the basic rigging concept of joint efficiency.

Exactly!!!!! Would YOU want this person "adjusting your rig? I sure wouldn't!! This person SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO PERFORM MAJOR ALTERATIONS. PERIOD !!! He / she needs to be properly trained and certified.


The lack of understanding could be the route of the failure on the student gear.


I rest my case!! This "rigger" is a HACK and should not be allowed within 50' of a class 7 machine. The harness is now a potential "death trap" and should be completely removed and rebuilt from scratch by the manufacturer. When a single ring harness needed "adjusting" at my factory the old one was CUT OFF and a new one installed!! there are NO short cuts with harnesses, especially ones with articulation rings. To do otherwise brings discredit to the profession, and a possible lawsuit or two.

Just my (former) professional opinion.


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I think we're in agreement here; I wouldn't want this rigger packing my lunch let alone my rig.

What concerns me is the design of the rig that originally failled. If it was just a sloppy rigger (and we have all seen the type) the faliure could be a 1 off. Inspect all to ensure the integrity of the indivual rigs.

But it doesn't look that way. It looks like the riggers do not understand the basic principal of joint efficiency as evidenced by the Racer mod.

This means that instead of a couple of bad rigs due to poor workmanship, they may all be a fatality waiting to happen due to poor design.

That scares the hell out of me! I think all the rigs that the company has made should be removed from service and the design should be evaluated not just the work.
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

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