
Who on Dropzone.com do you think is a HOT PIECE OF ASS!

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I concur!!! Jenn is a hottie!!! So are you!!! So are many others I have met from DZ.com!

I refuse to make a list though. If I were to make a list that would put the ladies in to a rank. I love all the beautiful sky-chickies equally!!!

Now, if they would only let me express it more... ;)

Goudha is for Buddha, and that's good enough for me!

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Yeah, I think I am with Gimp on this one. Although there are many, many girls on dz.com that I consider hot, and hot for many reasons besides looks, I would never refer to a girl that I respect as a "piece of ass."

Awww...that IS sweet, Chris, but isn't it possible that being called a "hot piece of ass" on this thread was not meant to be insulting? It may just be that different slang is being used by different people. I agree though that there are many HOT people out there...yup.

Actually, since I've never called anyone that before and since it's supposed to be sooo naughty, I'm going to write to my boyfriend and call him a "hot piece of ass". HA!

:ph34r: :) :ph34r:

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Awww...that IS sweet, Chris

he was agreeing with me and he gets the credit......chris....i HATE you :P:P

Hush, you hot piece of ass you! :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

Chris, you're also a hot piece of ass. :D:D:D

Oh, and let's not forget Rhino...another highly overlooked hot piece of ass! :P

Happy now, guys? Or, are you all terribly insulted?

Edited: I'm not REALLY a librarian, Brandon...bwahahaa...:)

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