
DZ.commers who really exist.

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If you get confirmation that someone exists from someone who's existence isn't officially confirmed and the first person really does exist does that make the second person that confirmed the first persons existence's existence really confirmed? Just wondering.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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If you get confirmation that someone exists from someone who's existence isn't officially confirmed and the first person really does exist does that make the second person that confirmed the first persons existence's existence really confirmed? Just wondering.

You watched that Star Trek episode, huh? I heard the Shatner school of melodrama voice going on there.

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Ok Deucey, reality check;

I know Amazon, SeaKev, FlyBert71, and Frognog...any one of 'em could verify my existence in this physical realm. :)
Most recently I saw SeaKev, tellin' me to 'SHUT IT!!' when I was talking too much with a sore throat...:S:P

Amazon and I STILL have not exited the plane simultaneously, however!! :P
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Watch it, lady!!! Us munchkins are small, but we eat our spinach!!! Ask Tallguy how it felt to be bytch-slapped by me...

Iagree! I may be short, but I's eat my spinach and have guns like popeye.:|

I yam what I yam. :ph34r:
"If happy little bluebirds fly above the rainbow, why oh why can't I?"

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JP1 Girard 8 way. Day one. Girard Profile Scooter1 Alarm clock Gasson1 interior otter exit Firewire1 Skymama baloon exit BigBen1 ReadySetGo
JP2 8 way exit Scooter2 Wakie Gasson2 two way exit Firewire2 Mocha skymama alana ground BigBen2 Deucehouse
JP3 Board Exit sunshine Scooter3 12 hours Gasson3 sitlearning Firewire3 BigBen3 toodamnearly
JP4 8 way exit Scooter4 big cow Gasson4 RW sunrise Firewire4 Exit to key funnel BigBen4 Sun's up
JP5 8 way points Scooter5 Gasson5 RW sunrise whole scene Firewire5 Tube exit BigBen5 cow
JP6 8 way dirt dive Scooter6 Gasson6 Firewire6 Rodeo funnel BigBen6 Road pictures
JP7 8 way boarding skyvan Scooter7 Snow on ground Gasson7 Pops spinning Firewire7 rodeo breakup BigBen7 airport search
JP8 8 way interior exit shot Scooter8 Ben sleepy Gasson8 Train exit Firewire8 rodeofunnel2 BigBen8 Mama and Corndog
JP9 8 way funny funnel Scooter9 Can't beat meat Gasson9 three way with hh Firewire9 Deuceshot BigBen9 Bonfire
JP10 8 way points Scooter10 signs Gasson10 Firewire10 don’t use BigBen10 tallguy
JP11 8 way points with McGowan Scooter11 road sunset Gasson11 Omar exit Firewire11 Horny exit better BigBen11 wienie roast
JP12 8 way exit and points Scooter12 airport Gasson12 Mocha 2 way Firewire12 birdman sunset flock BigBen12 want more wieners
JP13 DAY TWO Interior jumping out of skyvan Scooter13 4 way creepers Gasson13 exit Firewire13 train ride BigBen13 kingair exit
JP14 interior tube exit from skyvan Scooter14 funnel exit Gasson14 ff Firewire14 tracking jump BigBen14 otter exit
JP15 JP hanging exit from skyvan Scooter15 funnel eliana Gasson15 van exit haning ff Firewire15 blue birdman BigBen15 van exit
JP16 FF Cornholio with docks Scooter16 pre boarding Gasson16 ff Firewire16 skreamer head down BigBen16 train
JP17 interior otter exit Scooter17 4 way Gasson17 otter cabin fun Firewire17 fun train BigBen17 sitfly
JP18 katiebear krishan otter exit Scooter18 interior van exit Gasson18 sunset tracking Firewire18 huge track flock BigBen18 black magic carpet
JP19 Freefly Katiebear and Krishan Scooter19 4 way cut last half Gasson19 man that was cold Firewire19 mocha lotte BigBen19 two way RW with TG
JP20 Scooter20 8 way exit Gasson20 Firewire20 sunset flock BigBen20 Jaime RW
JP21 Krishan head down track off Scooter21 4 way Gasson21 FF Firewire21 train time BigBen21 Ben shoots
JP22 katiebear landing Scooter22 8 way exit Gasson 74 hairy tube exit Firewire22 katiekork BigBen22
JP23 interior rw exit from van Scooter23 4 way exit Gasson 75 solo exit Firewire23 inside the tube BigBen23
JP24 hybrid exit from van Scooter24 4 way Gasson 76 sitfly Firewire24 zoo BigBen24
JP25 Hybrid funnel Scooter25 mockup exit Gasson 77 sitfly turns Firewire25 BigBen25
JP26 Gimp track Scooter26 8 way interior otter exit Gasson 78 Canopy flight Firewire26 BigBen26
JP27 canopy formation Scooter27 4 way funnel otter exit Gasson 79 Big RW van exit Firewire27 Deucepass BigBen27
JP28 landing in secondary landing area Scooter28 4 way Gasson 80 Female meatball exit Firewire28 van exit BigBen28
JP29 Gimp swoop Scooter29 DAY TWO ff van exit Gasson 81 Female meatball recovery Firewire29 RW BigBen29
JP30 landing second area Scooter30 FF with sunshine Gasson 82 Skymama head down Firewire30 alanapie BigBen30
JP31 girard big way ground Scooter31 FF with sunshine Gasson 83 hybrid Firewire31 BigBen31
JP32 van door opening Scooter32 RW with eliana Gasson 84 swooper Firewire32 BigBen32
JP33 Scooter33 RW with eliana Gasson 85 accurate landing Firewire33 BigBen33
JP34 Scooter34 RW with eliana Gasson 86 Peace in the Middle east ground Firewire34 BigBen34
JP35 people in gondola Scooter35 ground cutaway Gasson 87 Peac in the middle east freefall Firewire35 BigBen35
JP36 liftoff Scooter36 Freefly cutaway Gasson 88 freefly Firewire36 BigBen36
JP37 gondola had wave Scooter37 Skyhook cutaway Gasson 89 freefly riverdance Firewire37 BigBen37
JP38 DC 3 drive up and group shot Scooter38 hard landing Gasson 90 Firewire38
JP39 Scooter39 rw otter exit Gasson 91 Firewire39
JP40 Scooter40 RW funnel attempt Gasson 92 Firewire40
JP41 Dzdot group sunset jump Scooter41 RW otter exit Gasson 93 Firewire41
JP42 Scooter42 RW Gasson 94 Firewire42
JP43 Sunset shot Scooter43 otter rw funnel exit Gasson 95 Firewire43
JP44 Sunset shot with canopy Scooter44 RW Gasson 96 Firewire44
JP45 Sunset shot with canopy landing Scooter45 RW van eliana bigger Gasson 97 Firewire45
JP46 DAY THREE ground fluff with Ben and Matt Scooter46 Deucelanding Gasson 98 Firewire46
JP47 Otter boarding Scooter47 solo baloonist Gasson 99 Firewire47
JP48 Otter shadow takeoff Scooter48 DC3 dust Gasson 100 Firewire48
JP49 Train funnel exit Scooter49 DC3 exit Gasson 101 Firewire49
JP50 train footage Scooter50 DC3 BFR Gasson 102 Firewire50
JP51 Landing in main area Scooter51 Sunset swoop Gasson 103 Firewire51
JP52 katie krishan exit otter Scooter52 DAY THREE interior van exit with Gasson 104 Firewire52
JP53 krishan under canopy Scooter53 Gasson 105 Firewire53
JP54 swoop landing Scooter54 Camera flier Gasson 106 Firewire54
JP55 exit with omar Scooter55 interior otter exit Gasson 107 Firewire55
JP56 rodeo footage Scooter56 otter exit Gasson 108 Firewire56
JP57 gimp flyby Scooter57 Gasson 109 Firewire57
JP58 Mcgowan fireside Scooter58 Van exit RW Gasson 110 Firewire58
JP59 McGowan Yeah! Scooter59 RW Gasson 111 Firewire59
JP60 Bent prop group Scooter60 Rodriguez bros init Gasson 112 Firewire60
JP61 Scooter61 pablito! Gasson 113 Firewire61
JP62 Scooter62 no keys Gasson 114 Firewire62
JP63 girl dirt dive Scooter63 uh oh Gasson 115 Firewire63
JP64 girls in plane Scooter64 Gasson 116 Firewire64
JP65 Scooter65 midnight landing Gasson 117 Firewire65
JP66 Scooter66 Gasson 118 Firewire66
JP67 horny exit from van Scooter67 DC 3 flyby Gasson 119 Firewire67
JP68 girls everywhere Scooter68 Derek capture landing Gasson 120 Firewire68
JP69 Scooter69 Deuce three stack Gasson 121 Firewire69
JP70 aviatr face Scooter70 Derek no biggie Gasson 122 Firewire70
JP71 skyhook cutaway Scooter71 packed up Gasson 123 Firewire71
JP72 aviatrr under reserve Scooter72 leaving 1 Gasson 124 Firewire72
JP73 jaime 100 bus Scooter73 Leaving 2 Gasson 125 Firewire73
JP74 short bus ride Scooter74 Gasson 126 Firewire74
JP75 balloon takeoff Scooter75 Gasson 127 Firewire75
JP76 BM balloon exit Scooter76 Gasson 128 Firewire76
JP77 BE 2 Scooter77 Gasson 129 Firewire77
JP78 B E 3 Scooter78 Gasson 130 Firewire78
JP79 B E 4 Scooter79 Gasson 131 Firewire79
JP80 B E 5 Scooter80 Gasson 132 Firewire80
JP81 Scooter81 Gasson 133 Firewire81
JP82 Scooter82 Gasson 134 Firewire82
JP83 Deuce landing Scooter83 Gasson 135 Firewire83
JP84 Jaime landing Scooter84 Gasson 136 Firewire84
JP85 otter exit 4 way Scooter85 Gasson 137 Firewire85
JP86 landing and some swoop Scooter86 Gasson 138 Firewire86
JP87 interior otter exit Scooter87 Gasson 139 Firewire87
JP88 interior otter exit Scooter88 Gasson 140 Firewire88
JP89 skreamer hybrid Scooter89 Gasson 141 Firewire89
JP90 main landing area landing Scooter90 Gasson 142 Firewire90
JP91 alana 100 Scooter91 Gasson 143 Firewire91
JP92 alana 100 Scooter92 Gasson 144 Firewire92
JP93 alana 100 Scooter93 Gasson 145 Firewire93
JP94 alana in plane Scooter94 Gasson 146 Firewire94
JP95 Scooter95 Gasson 147 Firewire95
JP96 Scooter96 Gasson 148 Firewire96
JP97 horney gorilla alana 100 Scooter97 Gasson 149 Firewire97
JP98 Scooter98 Gasson 150 Firewire98
JP99 alana 100 landings Scooter99 Gasson 151 Firewire99
JP100 alana 100 landings 2 Scooter100 Gasson 152 Firewire100
JP101 birdman walkaraound ground Scooter101 Gasson 153 Firewire101
JP102 van boarding Scooter102 Gasson 154 Firewire102
JP103 tube jump Scooter103 Gasson 155 Firewire103
JP104 gimp flyby Scooter104 Gasson 156 Firewire104
JP105 gimp swoop Scooter105 Gasson 157 Firewire105
JP106 tube drop Scooter106 Gasson 158 Firewire106
JP107 TG BM ground Scooter107 Gasson 159 Firewire107
JP108 Van ride up Scooter108 Gasson 160 Firewire108
JP109 van interior Scooter109 Gasson 161 Firewire109
JP110 Day four Cornholio landing Scooter110 Gasson 162 Firewire110
JP111 Van props Scooter111 Gasson 163 Firewire111
JP112 Vanilla sky exit Scooter112 Gasson 164 Firewire112
JP113 rodeo exit Scooter113 Gasson 165 Firewire113
JP114 Scooter114 Gasson 166 Firewire114
JP115 rodeo funnel Scooter115 Gasson 167 Firewire115
JP116 jt track Scooter116 Gasson 168 Firewire116
JP117 jp downwind Scooter117 Gasson 169 Firewire117
JP118 Here comes burke Scooter118 Gasson 170 Firewire118
JP119 I got burked Scooter119 Gasson 171 Firewire119
JP120 moderator jump Scooter120 Gasson 172 Firewire120
JP121 Mcgowan canopy Scooter121 Gasson 173 Firewire121
JP122 Mc gowan canopy Scooter122 Gasson 174 Firewire122
JP123 DAY FIVE DZ.com tend fluff Scooter123 Gasson 175 Firewire123
JP124 Bud DZ.sign Scooter124 Gasson 176 Firewire124
JP125 Scooter125 Gasson 177 Firewire125
JP126 Scooter126 Gasson 178 Firewire126
JP127 Scooter127 Gasson 179 Firewire127
JP128 Scooter128 Gasson 180 Firewire128
JP129 SDA zoom Scooter129 Gasson 181 Firewire129
JP130 airspeed sign Scooter130 Gasson 182 Firewire130
JP131 bent prop zoom Scooter131 Gasson 183 Firewire131
JP132 Scooter132 Gasson 184 Firewire132
JP133 mockup Scooter133 Gasson 185 Firewire133
JP134 Don't zooms Scooter134 Gasson 186 Firewire134
JP135 Otter flying from ground Scooter135 Gasson 187 Firewire135
JP136 two sign zooms Scooter136 Gasson 188 Firewire136
JP137 spectator area Scooter137 Gasson 189 Firewire137
JP138 BM rigs Scooter138 Gasson 190 Firewire138
JP139 ground upbeat Scooter139 Gasson 191 Firewire139
JP140 Scooter140 Gasson 192 Firewire140
JP141 Scooter141 Gasson 193 Firewire141
JP142 Scooter142 Gasson 194 Firewire142
JP143 Scooter143 Gasson 195 Firewire143
JP144 more signs Scooter144 Gasson 196 Firewire144
JP145 nice swoop Scooter145 Gasson 197 Firewire145
JP146 another nice swoop Scooter146 Gasson 198 Firewire146
JP147 monster tube dirt dive Scooter147 Gasson 199 Firewire147
JP148 Van boarding Scooter148 Gasson 200 Firewire148
JP149 long hang to exit Scooter149 Gasson 201 Firewire149
JP150 Blown up, sir Scooter150 Gasson 202 Firewire150
JP151 swoop follow landing Scooter151 Gasson 203 Firewire151
JP152 high five Scooter152 Gasson 204 Firewire152
JP153 Scooter153 Gasson 205 Firewire153
JP154 Scooter154 Gasson 206 Firewire154
JP155 Airplanes and boarding Scooter155 Gasson 207 Firewire155
JP156 Scooter156 Gasson 208 Firewire156
JP157 formation Scooter157 Gasson 209 Firewire157
JP158 hand jive Scooter158 Gasson 210 Firewire158
JP159 DC 3 exit Scooter159 Gasson 211 Firewire159
JP160 Scooter160 Gasson 212 Firewire160
JP161 Coconut monkey flyby Scooter161 Gasson 213 Firewire161
JP162 fINLEY Scooter162 Gasson 214 Firewire162
JP163 Gasson Scooter163 Gasson 215 Firewire163
JP164 lots of canopies Scooter164 Gasson 216 Firewire164

So f*ck you monkey brother.


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If you get confirmation that someone exists from someone who's existence isn't officially confirmed and the first person really does exist does that make the second person that confirmed the first persons existence's existence really confirmed? Just wondering.

Ow... that hurts my head almost as much as yesterday morning.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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JP163 Gasson Scooter163 Gasson 215 Firewire163
JP164 lots of canopies Scooter164 Gasson 216 Firewire164


So f*ck you monkey brother.

WTF OVER? I didn't see my name anywhere in there. You can't have a boogie video if I'm not in it. It wouldn't be right:P
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Drakeshelby is short.

Yardhippie won't listen when people tell him he is going to crash if he does not take it easy with his swoops.


oooh me real too! see Im typing!

and yea, Drakeshelby is short (sorry dude, its the truth)

oh and I do LISTEN I just didnt HEAR, what everyone was saying. B|
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Iagree! I may be short, but I's eat my spinach and have guns like popeye.

I yam what I yam.


WTF!?! LMAO!!! Me likey Cindee...

Again.. I go for Amazon sized guns;)

I love the looks on guys faces while blowing off round after round at the range with my Ruger Redhawk .44 Mag... BIG NOISE.. they know when I am there...;)

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Dude, you were working your ass off the whole time. I have a blink of video of you when I bailed out in my Birdman suit and then it's just you videoing me.

And yeah, I've got over 300 clips.

I also now have a 120Gig external hard drive and 1.5 megs of RAM. That freaking Premiere is way more expensive than just the dayum program.

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I have a blink of video of you when I bailed out in my Birdman suit and then it's just you videoing me.

Not a problem. Just make sure you show that clip several times through out the Video and you'll have a sure hit;)
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Far as i know, I'm a real person. Several here have met me, at my dz and a couple of other places, so I guess that qualifies me as being real.
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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