
Have you ever deficated in a plastic bag??

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A bag in a 5gal bucket used to be my camping toilet.

One of the fishing boats I used to work on had only a 5 gallon bucket with a bit of rope on the handle. Throw it over the side to put water in it, sit on it and shit (completely exposed to elements, and other crew while fishing), dump it over the side, rinse it a couple of times.

I hired my best friend one year...he'd always refused to shit anywhere but home. He held everything in through our first 4 day trip, but only made it two days into our second trip. Once he'd had enough time to get started, I began throwing herring at him, bouncing them off his head. :D At the end of that trip, I left him in the wheelhouse while I went outside...a maverick wave came sideways across the deck & knocked me off the bucket. B| Sometimes karma sucks! :(:D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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When climbing a "big wall" like El Cap in Yosemite you are real happy if you're regular. Getting up in the morning and being able to go poop is a good thing. Kneel on your porta-ledge and aim for a paper lunch bag while holding a tin can to pee in. Morning ritual a couple thousand feet off the deck. If you don't go and ugly starts poking his head out a few hours later it can be a real drag and a great big hassle.

Had a mover friend who had an emergency on the road and jumped into the back of his trailer to go on a moving pad. He threw it out and had a good laugh when he looked into his rear view mirror and saw a car pulling over to pick it up.


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Yes, when I got dysentery once & had to give a stool sample to the doctor.B|B|B|:S

wait, now I'm wondering why this is a topic of conversation. oh well. I guess I'll just hit the Post Reply button anyway.

Speed Racer

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aw shit.....
well i wish i would have had a bag when i was 5 yro....
but no i had to shit my pants on a school feild trip to the shrine circus..... damit i was known as runny butt after that.....[:/]B|:S:D:ph34r::|

If thats how your known maybe you should change you name here!!........ How you doing runny butt?

And no I have never crapped in a bag..:)
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone!

I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!

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People will routinely take a small square of cloth from their pocket, clear their nasal passages into it, then open the cloth and examine the contents for a moment.

Then, they neatly fold the cloth and place it in their pocket.

At least with pooping into a bag, you probably don't plan to stroll around with it all day. Probably.

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On extended stays inside a cave you make a "burrito". Spread a small sheet of foil on the ground, poop on it, roll it up, stuff it inside a ziplock bag, put that inside another ziplock bag, and put it all in the bottom of your cave pack to carry out with you.
Just don't get your lunch mixed up with your "burrito"! :D

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OH NO! Tell me I didn't miss one of lifes big experiences!
Why in the world would anyone use a plastic bag, or a sheet of foil, or for Gods sake carry it around with them?
Animals do it outside, in trees, in water, and in caves every single day and it is EVERYWHERE! It dries up and goes away, or disintigrates or flattens out, while fertilizing the earth. Why should ours be any different?

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OH NO! Tell me I didn't miss one of lifes big experiences!
Why in the world would anyone use a plastic bag, or a sheet of foil, or for Gods sake carry it around with them?
Animals do it outside, in trees, in water, and in caves every single day and it is EVERYWHERE! It dries up and goes away, or disintigrates or flattens out, while fertilizing the earth. Why should ours be any different?

Places I go in caves have seen only microbial life for thousands of years. Just good conservation practice not to mess up a beautiful room of 'tites 'n 'mites with a pile of poop. :P
Most animal feces carries no bacteria that can harm us. There are a few exceptions though. On the other hand human feces is loaded with really nasty bacteria and stuff that can make you really sick if it contaminates your drinking water.
Now if we can just get my neighbor to clean up after his dog. (I had to clean HIS dogs poop off the sidewalk the other day!) >:(

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OH NO! Tell me I didn't miss one of lifes big experiences!
Why in the world would anyone use a plastic bag, or a sheet of foil, or for Gods sake carry it around with them?
Animals do it outside, in trees, in water, and in caves every single day and it is EVERYWHERE! It dries up and goes away, or disintigrates or flattens out, while fertilizing the earth. Why should ours be any different?

A - Animals don't generally use toilet paper & throw that on the ground
B - Animals are a bit more free-roaming, humans generally stick to beaten paths...in huge numbers. If camping remotely, that's one thing, but if camping in the same 500 square feet that 300 other people will this year or driving down the freeway that millions of others will, that's different.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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