
Paris got Jail time

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You think so? What, with the way she's flaunted the law so far, and the way she could essentially buy her way out of trouble? Okay, sure. Let her do charity work and never learn the lesson of consequences.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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I think she will make a shit load of money out of going to prison when she gets out.

With her amount of money she could have been made to do something for 48 days towards raising funds for charity. That would be better justice han being locked up in a flower camp for 48 days.

She will be segregated in a white collar jail that is more comfortable than some peoples homes. I bt you her jail will have tennis courts, top class gyms etc.

Prison is not always the best punishment. Especially if you are rich.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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I hate the bitch personally but i am not sure i agree a jail term is the way to go. She could have used these 45 days to make millions for charity or something instead.


She deserves to do the time in addition to community service in my opinion......just because she is rich doesn't mean she should get off easy.
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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She will be segregated in a white collar jail that is more comfortable than some peoples homes. I bt you her jail will have tennis courts, top class gyms etc.

Not if the judge has a say in the matter, and I think he will:


Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer saw it otherwise.

"She disregarded everything and continued to drive," Sauer said.

And he made it clear that he wanted no special treatment for Hilton — an heiress to the Hilton hotel fortune and a successful entrepreneur in her own right — ordering her to spend her sentence in a county jail and not a privately run "glamour slammer" where other celebrities have done their time.

Silly woman was stopped TWICE (edit THRICE, with a written warning was on the second occasion) for driving while suspended and insults the judge by claiming ignorance.


Asked whether she had understood the terms of the drunk-driving plea that she agreed to Jan. 22, Hilton, 26, said: "I just sign what people tell me to sign…. I'm a very busy person."

Riiiiiight, and you just forgot all about the first (edit the first TWO) traffic stop(s).

I have a sincere hope and expectation that Miss Hilton will learn from this.


I'm very sorry and from now on I'm going to pay complete attention to everything

See, it's working already.B|

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23 days for good behavior will seem like an eternity to her.

12 hours seemed like eternity to me[:/]

Wanna share?:ph34r:

He was in 5 years for stalking...but they couldn't afford to feed him more than 1/2 a day! :S

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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23 days for good behavior will seem like an eternity to her.

12 hours seemed like eternity to me[:/]

Wanna share?:ph34r:

He was in 5 years for stalking...but they couldn't afford to feed him more than 1/2 a day! :S

:D:ph34r:That's not nice...Shane isn't fat;):D



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23 days for good behavior will seem like an eternity to her.

12 hours seemed like eternity to me[:/]

Wanna share?:ph34r:

He was in 5 years for stalking...but they couldn't afford to feed him more than 1/2 a day! :S

:D:ph34r:That's not nice...Shane isn't fat;):D

Yeah...he passed "Fat" during pre-school!~
...how about Ginormously Obese ? :)

Or, what is referred to in the macabre world of skydiving humor as a Planet Killer! :ph34r::P

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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