
Z1 Eyes (goggles)

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Anyone using these? Do they have the same POS foam as all the cheaper models that starts falling off after 5-25 jumps? At $46 each, I'd like to think they're a little more durable than all the others, but don't want to waste the money if they're just another pair that I'll be super-gluing the foam on within a month.

Has anyone found any comfortable, reasonably decent looking goggles that have some longevity?

(drink Mountain Dew)

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they are awfully huge for someone with smaller features, I didn't like the way they looked on me ( I have small eyes, a small nose, and a small mouth), so I sent them back.

What about Sorz? Not sure how long they last, but they're fairly cheap, $15, should last awhile.

have fun looking, and Dave, stay away from Frenchy goggles:|

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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I have a pair of Birdz - Bill model. I've only jumped with them about 25 times, but no visible wear at all. They're very comfortable, can't even tell I'm wearing them. I've had a contact lense come out a couple of times with the old "flex" goggles, but with these, not even close. They fit very well.

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What about Sorz? Not sure how long they last, but they're fairly cheap, $15, should last awhile.

I've got a pair, and they are Ok. They've got some scratches on them (I've got a bad habit of just throwing them in my gear bag at the end of the day, so it's expected.)

After the last jump with them, the foam started to come off of the lens, so I'm looking for a new pair myself...

Just my experiences with them.. [:/]

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What about Sorz? Not sure how long they last, but they're fairly cheap, $15, should last awhile.

I like the peripheral vision in Sorz, but I had a problem with the foam falling apart/falling off after a short while. Still, they were better than the others I've tried and so they're my fall-back option. It'd be nice if someone would sell a pair with either durable foam or replaceable foam of some sort, but then they wouldn't make all the re-sale money. As far as I know, Wiley X's are the only ones with that option, and I've heard the fit often leaves something to be desired...at $80-$130 a pair, I don't want to play with that problem.


have fun looking, and Dave, stay away from Frenchy goggles:|

Not to worry. I guess I must not be secure enough in my manhood to wear a pair of those. ;)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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The Z1 Eyes are quality. I sold quite a few when I was in FL and only had 1 come back.

Thanks...do you know if they use the same type of foam rubber seal as the rest? Or is it the sealed-cell type foam that's less prone to tearing?


They don't look good on everybody though (it is all about how you look after all ;)).

Something as simple as goggles couldn't make me look good anyhow. [:/]:D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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After the last jump with them, the foam started to come off of the lens, so I'm looking for a new pair myself...

Just my experiences with them.. [:/]

It's not just your experience, and I don't just throw mine in a gear bag. The most punishment mine take are getting rubbed against in the plane while they're hanging off my chest-strap. Anyhow, most (all?) of the newer generation goggles have the same problem. :S

I'm looking for a pair that doesn't have that problem, so I don't have to buy a new pair every couple of weeks. If I find such a thing, I'll post it. ;)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I had my Z1s for almost a year (150 jumps) before the foam started coming off. So I e-mailed Theresa at Unfeathered (the US Parasport Italia rep I think), and she sent me two foam inserts for free. I think she had them mailed to her from Italy.

I'm not sure if the problem is inherent or if it is because i put them up over onto the brow of my helmet when i get under canopy. I THINK the latter, since Italy was genuinely surprised at the problem. I've never compared their foam to that from another brand, so i couldn't tell you if the foam is just cheap - I'm no foam expert.

All in all they're the best fitting goggles I tried on, and i had the money at the time. I think they look pretty cool... kinda retro, kinda cyberpunk - and reckon with two more of the foamies i'll get at least two more years out of them. That's how i justify the 45$, not to mention the great customer service i got.

In fact this post is just a shameless plug I owe for the free foamies.

I have a pair of gatorz too - they fit great, are great in freefall, but... you're stuck with them over your eyes til you take your helmet off.

Hope this post helps you. You can see what the z1s look like on me in the pic attached.

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I picked up my flame goggles (no idea of the brand) from Skydive Dallas ~4 years ago.

Still using them, with no repairs.

OK, I'm about 99.8759326% sure I found my goggles on Para-Gear, just fyi. As I said, over 4 years, and still using them. Item G11050
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I wear contacts and jump in Gatorz. I know lots of people who do as well.

Really? I guess I'll have to check into them a bit more! I'm assuming they make plastic frames in addition to the metal ones? Thanks!

(drink Mountain Dew)

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As I said, over 4 years, and still using them. Item G11050

I'm thinking the 4 years isn't nearly as relevent as the two jumps. :P;)


It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Ok so anyone actually own these and have a review on them???

My questions are the same as livendive's.

What kind of foam do they use?? Is it the hard foam, or the airy flimsy foam?
What is the story on fogging up, they do it alot, or ehh not so bad?

I'm basically looking for more personal reviews. The 2 or I've found are just not cutting it for me.
Skymama's #2 stalker -

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Ok so anyone actually own these and have a review on them???

My questions are the same as livendive's.

What kind of foam do they use?? Is it the hard foam, or the airy flimsy foam?
What is the story on fogging up, they do it alot, or ehh not so bad?

I'm basically looking for more personal reviews. The 2 or I've found are just not cutting it for me.

FYI - I ended up throwing down the change for a pair of Wiley X goggles. A year later, they're as good as new, which is saying something since I'm kinda tough on goggles. The foam is the hard kind and holding up fine, plus it's replaceable...just an insert, kind of like a wiper blade. I'm very happy with them.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Well, hmmmmm now that I looked those up, that is an option.

You can change the lenses right??? that is what it says on the site I was at.

The foam creates a good seal? I think you said you have contacts, so do I, just wondering if air gets in ever.
Skymama's #2 stalker -

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Well, hmmmmm now that I looked those up, that is an option.

You can change the lenses right??? that is what it says on the site I was at.

The foam creates a good seal? I think you said you have contacts, so do I, just wondering if air gets in ever.

Lenses are changeable, foam inserts are changeable, strap is interchangeable with sunglass, umm, things that go over your ears :S:D, seal is great. You can order any spare part except (maybe) the frame. I haven't needed anything yet, and doubt I'll need anything except maybe a new strap this year (I stretch mine out hooking the goggles up on my cam-eye indicator). B|

(drink Mountain Dew)

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