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Here is my cat Peaches. My sister said I was only supposed to have her "for the winter" (my brother-in-law wouldn't let her in the house). That was like two years ago. They haven't asked for her back. My dad warned me this would happen, but it's ok.

Sky-div'ing (ski'div'ing) n. A modern sport that involves parties, bragging, sexual excesses, the imbibing of large quantities of beer, and, on rare occasions, parachuting from aircraft.

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Chewy is the newest addition to the family. He is an exotic steroidal Chewahwah.

Nixxx is my vocabulary archive. If I forget anything I've said, I can usually count on Nixxx to remind me.

Spike is a ruddy Abyssinian. He won't do a damn thing for your allergies. Still, you get bragging rights for a having a friendly hot red pussy at home 24-7.

This is Drake and Chewy. Drake is a White-Crested Eastern Nebraskans Autumn Leaf Jumper.

death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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Here's Mad Max The Terrorizer. He barks and scares children and anyone else but once home he's the sweetest most playful dog around. Even if he keeps on walking at your heels thinking you got food hidden somewhere on ya

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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One of our birds died a couple months ago, leaving us with only 7 pets, as follows

da_girls1 and da_girls2, our boxer (Ally) and bulldog (Gracie)

szosa_the_cat, our resident hellion Szosa

lilli_the_cat, our "special needs" cat, I don't know how much longer she is for this world despite only being a couple years old. Her quality of life just isn't that good.

mario_and_maggio, our indoor rabbits

angel, our remaining cockatiel

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Tibet is so intelligent!...easy to train, playful & entertaining companion- wonderful loving pet.
He is a strong swimmer and needs loads of outdoor exercise, just luvs anything to retrieve (especially ducks!) He is most happy at the river when he goes into his "work mode."

Canadian, Novia Scotia Duck tolling retriever with mix of spaniel, setter and possible collie cross thrown in.:SB|


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Here is a pic of my dog. I always post his pic in pet threads. I tried to resist this time, but I couldn't. :)
I also attached 2 pics of my horse Fox since I finally have some pics of him on my computer. One of us in action, some 11 or 12 years ago, and one more recent in 'retirement'.

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