
Show us your pet!

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yaaaaaaaaaaay B*** ~

you posted your FOX! he is gorgeous ~ and so is niko, such a cutesy-boo^^

you are soooooooooo cool ;) ~ wow, cross-country is definitely respected in my book! that is a great action shot of you two* girl you are one talented belle* i like your starry helmet too!
~ j is such a lucky-boy ;)

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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I love the pink!!! I should do that to my babies, but they'd need a color that goes with orange and yellow.

Here are mine and my boyfriends monsters. :S

The Citron is Baby and the Sulfer Crested is Xaos. They definitely fit their names.

take the time to appreciate the people around you.

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Well, I don't have a pet, unless you're talking about peeves, but a friend asked me to help find a home for Scruffy. She said he is great with kids and is a very lovable dog.

She said the reason she is getting rid of him is that he makes her very uncomfortable and nervous when he just sits on the foot of her bed and stares at her at night.

See attached picture.... Thanks for your help.

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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me & mine.

Here's my Bonnie Brae.*
I named her as a joke because our 18 hand Hunter (horse) was that name. (No more Irish Wolfhounds in our family:( I miss them)
*Cardigan Welsh Corgi(pic)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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My new baby girl, Dakota. She is a 9 week old Weimaraner.

Anyone else out there with Weims?:)


She is absolutely, adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How lucky you are.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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First one is a picture of my big dog during a thunder storm.

She is the most annoying dog you'll ever find when it comes to thunder. She gets scared, shakes, sheds, and climbs in your lap (She weighs about 45 pounds..). Not a lap dog!

The second picture is of all three dogs having taken over the couch. The furball on the bottom is Hannah, above her, the dachsund with alien eyes is April, and we all know Sandy :)

Great dogs, and almost always in the mood to play.... except when they're on the couch. They are the only three females that like watching anything us guys want to watch :P

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"She is the most annoying dog you'll ever find when it comes to thunder. She gets scared, shakes, sheds, and climbs in your lap (She weighs about 45 pounds..). Not a lap dog!"

My dog does the exact samething, have miss many a nights sleep due to thunderstorms.


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