
"Gourmet" skydives.

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The jump from the B-17 ranks somewhere in my top five fav jumps, EVER. Period. Worth every damn penny; hell, worth more.

The jump was awesome, but the ride was beyond words. To be able to, in such a small way, experience a small bit of such an awesome (in all of the meanings of the word, both good and bad) bit of history is something I'll always treasure.

Is it something I'd do at every boogie? No. Is it something to miss? Definitely not.B|

Elvisio "what a ride" Rodriguez

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Jet jump from normal altitude was quite fun but again it's mostly for the saying "I left a commercial airliner" and all the snickering that goes on during the 5 minute flight to altitude.

Bonus if you actually see someone else in freefall if you leave with a delay.

Having one of the prime time dz vidiographers get you on a cover of Skydiving Magazine during the jump didn't hurt the experience either. Now the entire community can see my poor diving form (upside down facing backwards in pic -- i thought the plane looked kinda funny).

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I've done a few jumps out of the 727 at Q.
A few different 10-way speed teams and one 2-way with a guy named Rob in an Elvis suit.

Did the bomber one time because my dad exited one in combat and wanted to talk to him about it.

Lots of Bell 412 jumps. Usually 3-5 at each convention.

I never did the Pitts because they said, "It is $80... and an extra $20 for the acrobatic ride." :S
"It's an acrobatic plane, that is what I thought I would get."
I thought that advertising the $80 price was just being misleading. It kinda pissed me off.

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That's my problem, I can't slip between bars, I keep going right into them-speaking of which, if the bar with the volleyball courts is still open in Oshkosh, wanna get a team together?
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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its well worth it for any balloon jump...

as a matter of fact...i can really care less about any of the other jumps..as long as i can have me some balloon time!!

i did the jet jump at the convention for $100...it was fun..a ONCE in a lifetime experiance...cuz it wasnt worth another $100 just to do it again...

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When I paid $55 for a jump from the 727 in 1992, I thought.. I hope this is worth it. After the jump, it wasn't.. but 15 years later, every time I fly on a 727, or see one on TV, that $55 was well spent.

I'd pay $400 just to RIDE in a B-17. The jump would be for free.

Balloon jumps (with a wingsuit so you can fly yourself to a good spot) are worth it. Without the wingsuit, no thanks.

30000ft at night? Certainly worth it. Absolutely! In fact - any night jump is worth it. I have 60 odd now, and try for them whenever they're on.

Helicopter jumps... I may be over that now. I did a lot of demo's from helicopters a decade or so back, so having to pay for them now burns a bit, but if it's one I havn't jumped.. I'm up for it.

When you have a few jumps, it's nice to have ones that stand out a bit from the rest. As someone here said, there will always be more money.

It's the year of the Pig.

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I'd pay $400 just to RIDE in a B-17. The jump would be for free.

My B-17 jump was from the aircraft they used to film the movie "Memphis Belle."

I jumped out of the bomb bay on the left side, facing aft. I got to crank the bomb bay doors open by hand (very cool), then stodd straddling the opening with one foot on the bomb rack and another on the spar (support) on the bomb bay door. After my team mate behind me left, I simply pulled in arms and legs and dropped straight down facing aft. I did a 270 bask loop and joined my mates in free fall.
Arrive Safely


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