
Relined Katanas

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That seems like an awful lot for 100 jumps. I've put 230 on my katana (it came with new spectra) this year and was thinking that's a bit early to get new lines, am going hma, but was going to do it anyway.


The amount of shrinkage depends on several things, not just the number of jumps.

A fast opening generates more heat which equals more shrinkage.
So with that info, if you constantly have fast or bad openings, the shrinkage is a lot more than someone who has slower openings.


Skyworks Parachute Service, LLC

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about 400-500.

The major problem with Spectra is that it enables poor gear maintenance. It should be switched at least as often as the HMA.


I wouldn't say Spectra enables poor gear maintainance, especially not on Katanas. By the time you get to the 450-500 jump mark on a spectra-lined Katana your openings will probably be so out of whack you'll be dying to get a reline.

If anything, I'd say HMA 500 enables poor gear maintainance. The lines don't go out of trim, they show very little fuzziness as they weaken, they don't get discolored nearly as much as some other line choices. Then almost out of nowhere, "snap!" The only way to avoid that is to pay attention to how many jumps you've been putting on the lineset, which can be hard if you've got multiple rigs that you use regularly.

On Katanas I've seen a broken c-line (right below the cascade if I remember correctly) at about 450 jumps, and a broken lower steering line (halfway between the eye and the toggle) at about 600 jumps. Both were landed without any problems, but it's something to think about.

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Just a question. Did these breaks occur on opening or landing?

The c-line broke on opening. The steering line broke when brakes were unstowed (which makes sense, there's not any tension on the lower brake lines until you release them.)

Neither of these happened to me by the way. I just got my Katana new two months ago, so it only has 100 jumps or so on the lineset. I just know quite a few people who fly Katanas.

Really, the thought of breaking a suspension line doesn't bother me (even on a 100-ish canopy) provided the broken line doesn't get caught up in anything and cause other problems. A steering line breaking is a little bit scarier thought though. After I do my "check, pop the brakes, check" I don't always use my toggles very much when flying around. It's quite possible that if my steering line was going to break, it would do so when I transition to toggles from rears on landing. Given I'd probably be just off the ground and not going that fast at this point, but it would still hurt.

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I finaly relined mine Katana 107:) and put 15 jumps on it! On that moment it had approx. 450 jumps (wingload 1.6-1.7).

For curiosity i mesuarased difference betwen old lineset from spectra 525 with new HMA-lineset 500 (in inches):

C5 - 8 3/4
C4 - 8
C3 - 7
C2 - 6
C1 - 6 3/4

A5 - 9
A4 - 8
A3 - 6 3/4
A2 - 5 3/4
A1 - 6 1/4

Now i understand - why now it's fly SO DIFFERENT:)!
Opening - more sniveling and consistent. no more offheading opening on every jump:)!

Also new lineset adds more speed and better control during swoop and flaring.

Highly recomend to instal new HMA-lineset if your Katana has 300+ jumps on spectra-lineset!!!

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Now i understand - why now it's fly SO DIFFERENT:)!
Opening - more sniveling and consistent. no more offheading opening on every jump:)!

Also new lineset adds more speed and better control during swoop and flaring.

Highly recomend to instal new HMA-lineset if your Katana has 300+ jumps on spectra-lineset!!!

You got that right! Congratulations and have fun with your "new" canopy!

I also relined mine (KA 97) and put a few jumps on it! It flies much better, also better openings and swooping capabilities of a cross-braced canopy!

Happy Holidays and safe swoops!!
Gus Marinho

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Yep, put the first few jumps on HMA lineset over the past few days...

Brake lines feel light due to the line type/size and the ease they pass throught the guide rings.

Flies great, dives a shit load.

Have PD actually changed the trim for the HMA line sets, it just seems different, even when packing..?

What I mean is, hanging over my shoulder and ever on the ground it looks more like a velo (short and fat, not long and triangular like before with spectra....?)

Openings back to normal.

Forward speed slightly more.

Also, new HMA lineset came with lower brake lines finger trapped and bar-tacked, but they are way too long for my puny little arms... I cant fully shutdown the canopy,

Any reason they have done this, before I unpick the stitching and shorten them??

Maybe im just not used to them soo long but pretty sure I cant fully flare the canopy.... (toggles in my hands and arms flat against my sides and it feels like the "old" canopy in 3/4 brakes???


On the whole, Its a huge improvement..! Well happy.

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the trim most likely is a bit different from before because the line that was on there before changed trim, that wont be an issue with the HMA and is the main reason they switched to it.

as for the brake line setting, can you stall the canopy at full flare after holding the toggles all the way down after about 5 seconds? if so, there is no reason for the toggles to be any shorter. also, if you want a deeper flare, you can get longer risers if the ones you have are too short. or of course you could unstitch the brake line and re adjust also, but i would not go that route until your 100% sure it needs it.

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To shorten the brakes, without unstitching, you can just pass the line around the toggle and back through the hole/grommet again, multiple times, before passing the toggle through the loop on the end of the brake line. If this is not obvious (and looking correct), get a rigger to take a look.

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