
Dropping the Ball.

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Oy. I feel like such an idiot right now. I'm so stressed out this quarter and just lack zero motivation. I've been completely dropping the ball on several big things and I'm so embaressed at my poor performance.

I just want to go bury my head in the sand and pretend that I don't know how bad of a slacker I'm being.[:/]

It's time to graduate and just not see all of these people again!

Ok.. now give me some tough love and tell me to suck it up and get my shit done.

Go on..:$

"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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Suck it up and git-r-dun! :P

Don't worry. Just think about how hard you've worked so far and how bad you want that degree. The second wind will come and carry you through.

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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There is no question that I will get my degree.. I mean, I'm just six weeks away from that. But man, it can't come soon enough!!!

Mostly, I'm just dreading a major project that I have to do and it's really just kinda crippled my performance in other areas. I have been working on an honors thesis this year.. but my mentor up and quit during the middle of last quarter, and the project just turned out to be something completely different than what I signed up for. I was supposed to actually get to work with people with aphasia, now I am just recycling someone else's data and have to present it as my own project and I am just really not happy about that. I have to present it at a school wide research symposium and to the entire department. The project is just so worthless I'm embarassed to put my name on it and kinda ashamed that because of this I will graduate with distinction.

I can't wait for this summer.. not thinking about assignments that are due.. just skydiving and packing reserves and working in the garden.. man does that sound like heaven!!!

"Life is a temporary victory over the causes which induce death." - Sylvester Graham

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WOW, if i just look at your thingies on DZ.com, just wow, girl..

and i like to be with graduates, especially for GF's, not that you are one of them, but just WOW..!!!

after some time studiying, and one graduates, its kinda normal they fall into a whole.. dont let yourself be sucked up, 'coz you're meant for much more!!!!

just try to find yourself the niche you're looking for..!

you havent earned alreay those, but any you'd like to have taken/given..

its all up to YOU to make the best of them!!!

kisses and good luck!
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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Karen, you're so special. You're definitely the first college senior to feel this way, ever. :P

Welcome to what we call "phoning it in" in the real world. It's a good thing sometimes - you build up enough credibility that you can afford to slack from time to time and people will still be impressed with you. Enjoy it. B|

"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Suck it up butter cup!!!

Now is the time!!!

Everything is temporary!!!

Our pain is self chosen!!!

You reap what you sow!!!

Do you need me to go on????

How about ,"Quit being a Pussy"!!! "Your not the first person to suffer through this"!!!

Sorry that was my drunk/mean side.:)

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yeh i know how you feeli. I started a distant learning degree last year and so far this yr i havent been arsed to do much of it (due to the learning material being crap) lost most motivation for it and enthusiasm. So i took a couple of days out, did what i liked then afterwards sat down with no distractions (not even tv or radio) and got stuck into it (taking a break every hr or 2). Its just needs a bit of concentration. and as you said it isnt very long before you finish so you might as well put in the most amount of effort you can as the benefits will be huge (hopefully).
Good luck in it anyway

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