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I agree that chriopratic school has less education requiremnts to pratice medice and that they should as they don't have to cover as much of the body in thier filed. Pharmacology, stiching, etc are not something they have to dwell on so why spend the time with it?
chrio's are specialist and deal in one area and there fore it would make sense that they go to school for fewer years. Scoliosis is something they deal with in a non evassive way. yes it may take many office visits to help correct but will still be cheaper then a surgery.
I encourage a balance of both fileds and do not discourage a surgery if thats what it takes to fix a problem, but if I could keep from going under and having a surgeon operate on my spine then by all means i would seek the other route.
I would never discredit a chriopractor, thier line of work or thier ability in the healing arts as they have earned the title as Doctor just the same as an MD.

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Treatment for scoliosis is indicated based on degree of curvature, age/rate of growth of the patient, areas of the spine involved, and degrees of rotation. Chiropractic care has no role at all in preventing surgery. Someone may benefit from chiropractic care, but it will not affect the curvature itself.

There is also some information out there about the role of nutrition and exercise such as yoga in treatment of scoliosis, but I'm not knowledgeable enough about that to comment.
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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There is also some information out there about the role of nutrition and exercise such as yoga in treatment of scoliosis, but I'm not knowledgeable enough about that to comment.

Oh, you're in the bonfire. You don't need in depth knowledge about a subject to give your expert opinion. You didn't know that, silly?:D

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the training was tough. 1.5 hours yoga, TWICE daily, with atnadomy classes in between. she made it though, and got in excellent condition in the process.

we converted a bedroom to a yoga room, about 10 X 11. i installed a 5000 watt heater, 220 volt. and we installed mirrors across one wall. for about $1000 she now has her personal studio. the heater works great, gets the room to 105F in about 15 minutes, and we have a small humidifier too. if you have the room, and want to practice yoga alot, this is the way to go. in fact, she is doing a session right now...while i sit and type my day away! :P

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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