
American Idol 2007

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I caught the last 30 minutes becuase I forgot it was coming on.....but the heavy set girl with the short blonde hair and the serious bugged eyes was absolutely AWFUL!!!! and she was saying she had voice lessons and a degree in music... well that chic needs to get a refund!!!! But it was so funny..... They (Simon and crew) are very brutal.... but I dont blame them, I mean honestly do those people really think they have talent? I cant carry a tune in a bucket... but I know that and dont subject myself to public embarrassment..... but hey... it makes for great entertainment......:D

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I would love to sit down and watch with those who bombed. I mean after seeing themselves on TV they have GOT TO KNOW that they SUCK!!! LIke that one kid that sounded raspy. Ever song he sung, even an ABBA song and Barry Manilow was raspy.

"I can sing Barry Manilow!!"

Stick with song writing kid!


A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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I would love to sit down and watch with those who bombed. I mean after seeing themselves on TV they have GOT TO KNOW that they SUCK!!!

Yes, some of them know they suck but they got their 15 minutes of fame.

Take for instance, the "cowboy" guy from Elk River, MN. He was on the radio this morning (I live in the Twin Cities) and he admitted that he knew he sucked and he, as well as many others that were there, were just there to get on TV. He admitted it he never stood a chance on going to Hollywood (but did say he did, in fact, bought the cowboy hat several years ago). All about the 15 minutes. And as long as AI makes several 2 hour episodes featuring the train wrecks, people will keep doing it. I think its getting old.

My favorite train wreck from last night was the girl (trying to) sing Kiss by Prince. It wasn't the fact that she couldn't sing, it was that she couldn't remember the lyrics.:D

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Yeppers, the "over the rainbow" chick was really good. Has the look too.:)

If I hear one more person sing that song I am going to cut my own head off with a rusty spork.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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I don't really believe that. But just for the sake of argument, YOU'RE not on National television, trying to pass yourself off as some young thing so that you can hit on all the TRULY young things! :P >:(

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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If I hear one more person sing that song I am going to cut my own head off with a rusty spork.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly
Beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?

:D:D Spork away!!!!:ph34r::D:D

Noooobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!! M.P.F.C.

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OH MY GOSH!!!!! Tonight is even better than last nigh (not that I watch this shit). OH MY GOSH! Are these people for real????? Tonight's faves: big girl with blonde hair with twin mom singing "dontcha" and bug eyed nerdy guy.... and they save the best for last... big red.


Oh yeah, and the "dontcha" halftime show!!!

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OH MY GOSH!!!!! Tonight is even better worse than last night
Fixed it for ya. I DID like the brother & sister...the afro guy (oh me likee--he can sing to me ANYTIME and a few others.

...and you know you all loved Bohemian Crapsody! :D:D

Scary moment. Is there a sale on Uncle Sam outfits somewhere? ~~~April

Camelot II, the Electric Boogaloo!

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OH MY GOSH!!!!! Tonight is even better worse than last night
Fixed it for ya. I DID like the brother & sister...the afro guy (oh me likee--he can sing to me ANYTIME and a few others.

...and you know you all loved Bohemian Crapsody! :D:D

Scary moment. Is there a sale on Uncle Sam outfits somewhere? ~~~April

Oh lord, it's just coming on here now ... what is WITH the Uncle Sam outfit??? [:/][:/]

This should be good ...

Edited to add: Nice and patriotic but LOUSY voice. And what is WITH the girl that said "I think I sound like Mariah" ... eeeeek.

Why do we watch this anyway.


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Did ya'll know that Cartman was a real person? The big dude that was friends with the "bush baby" kid had me rolling!:D:D:D

Oh lord, the mother/daughter made me want to throw up in my mouth.


Haven't seen the Cartman dude or the "bush baby" dude yet.

Now I can't wait ....


This is a freakin' train wreck!!!!


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Big-mouth Rosie O'Donnell is already taking verbal jabs at Paula! Rosie 'The Mouth' said that she thought Paula was sipping the Coca Cola a little too much and by the end of the show her eyes were looking 'funny'. My eyes would look funny too, after eight hours of listening to some of the crap they have to listen too.
As for Idol, I haven't seen one auditioneer yet, who sounded good at all. Looks like a ho-hum season coming up.:S[:/]


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What the HELL is it with the googly-eyed boy!!!

Whoever said CARTMAN - You NAILED it with Cartman!!!


Holy shit! White man moves!



I don't know! This, is going to be a real 'different' season. I can't believe, how rough Simon is with some of those folks.


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Looks like a ho-hum season coming up.:S[:/]

I don't think it will be that bad. Just before the show ended they did the quick flash through all of the people that got passed on to the next round and we had never even seen most of them! Seems like they are filling "the preseason" with all the people that got booted and we won't see much of the good folks until they get to the second round.
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They said there were over 9000 people who showed up for an audition in just that one city. Do the judges have to listen to every one of them? Or is there a "pre-select" thing that sorts through and selects a few good ones...and A LOT of bad ones to improve ratings? :S

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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This shit is hysterical.

I agree! I think alot of it is planned for show.

I'm worried about Paula though [:/] After seeing her all over the place acting like this. It's almost like she's trying to act "right" Poor thing :(

They don't listen to all of the contestants as they pre-screen. Many talented people get cut. Its all about ratings.
Did anyone else catch Paula mouthing the word "freak" in reference to one of the contestants as she turned her head to toward Randy?[:/]

"cartman" was endearing in a way even though he couldn't sing. I am glad that at least the panel showed some kindness to him.
For Simon to cast remarks about being a "bush baby" was not well done in my opinion, but I guess some people like to see that kind of stuff and don't care if it hurts a person's feelings. I don't think I will be watching anymore of this kind of crap. Simon got pissy about lack of professionalism...maybe he should look in the mirror.:|

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