
Silly things you did as a kid.

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I was chatting with a friend and the topic of PlayDoh came up. (Watching his niece play with it) We laughed about eating it as kids. Then I remembered something else I used to do.

I would go out to the backyard and find a trail of ants and melt a candy bar over them with a magnifying glass to make chocolate covered ants. :D Yep, I ate them. :P

Anyone else do silly stuff like this?
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my niece is the cutest thing, even though they are probly gonna test her for CP when she turns 4. heehee. anywho, yeah, i rolled her playdoh in a ball and gave it to her, and she threw ball to me.. then i made a snake, and she tried eating it. hahaha.

ok, so, what did i do as a kid. In preschool, i was a hellion. i would run from teachers, and HIDE in the big trash dumpster. as well as climb this tree that was in the playground. ohhh, the fun good ol' days!
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I was chatting with a friend and the topic of PlayDoh came up. (Watching his niece play with it) We laughed about eating it as kids. Then I remembered something else I used to do.

I would go out to the backyard and find a trail of ants and melt a candy bar over them with a magnifying glass to make chocolate covered ants. :D Yep, I ate them. :P

Anyone else do silly stuff like this?

I really enjoyed eating sand apparently... Guess it must've been a texture thing. Can't imagine how I could've liked THAT texture though. [:/]
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When I was 7-9 ish I used to make supermarkets and restaurants for my Sylvanians (they were little fuzzy animal dolls like mice, rabbits, deer, hamsters, dogs etc that stood upright).

Would cut out and glue together milk cartons, cereal boxes, make veggies and fruit, bread and meat out of clay. Would sew them clothes and bedding. Outfit them with little homes and set up a neighborhood in a part of the room. :)

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At some point in my early teens I asked about the fact that many of the outlets in our house had black scorch marks on them. I was told something I didn't know...

Apparently when I was small I had a penchant for sticking things in the outlets and making them spark!
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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When I was 7-9 ish I used to make supermarkets and restaurants for my Sylvanians (they were little fuzzy animal dolls like mice, rabbits, deer, hamsters, dogs etc that stood upright).

Would cut out and glue together milk cartons, cereal boxes, make veggies and fruit, bread and meat out of clay. Would sew them clothes and bedding. Outfit them with little homes and set up a neighborhood in a part of the room. :)

That is just too cute! :)
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Your post reminds me of the time that our family got a new frig, washer, and dryer!! We loved those boxes!! We had a mini china cabinet that we put in one box, which of course was our kitchen...then we each had our own box as our bedroom. God we had fun with those boxes placed on their sides for weeks!!! It was our own little sanctuary....where we giggled, laughed and went to far away lands....great memories that I hadn't thought of in ages!! Thanks!!

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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At some point in my early teens I asked about the fact that many of the outlets in our house had black scorch marks on them. I was told something I didn't know...

Apparently when I was small I had a penchant for sticking things in the outlets and making them spark!

I still have the urge to stick my finger in a light socket just to see what happens. :o:D

No outlet covers back then eh? ;)
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Your post reminds me of the time that our family got a new frig, washer, and dryer!! We loved those boxes!! We had a mini china cabinet that we put in one box, which of course was our kitchen...then we each had our own box as our bedroom. God we had fun with those boxes placed on their sides for weeks!!! It was our own little sanctuary....where we giggled, laughed and went to far away lands....great memories that I hadn't thought of in ages!! Thanks!!


Did you ever make haunted houses out of them and use ketchup as blood. That was fun too! :)
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I love orange peels. :)

I like to grate orange-peel over desserts/pastries. My old style of eating the peel seems a little extreme nowadays :P.

I eat the entire orange...peel and all. :o
Peel last of course.
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When I was about 11, my brother, 5 years older than me, got a hickey.I didn't know what one was or how you got one. My parents explained it to me. So, when they went out, I decided to give myself one on my arm, then on the other arm. Just suck real hard and yup, you get a hickey! My family laughed about that one for a year.

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I used to sail my 10' sailing dink WAY out into the Gulf of Mexico....it was basically a 10 foot long cedar on ash framed rib boat...covered by a layer of cotton impregnated with a rubberized coating we used for decks back in the day... used to scare the hell out of my grandmother...

Pretty silly in my eyes these days.. hell I was never more than 20 miles out to sea in it;)

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ok so here's mine. When I was like 5 or 6 years old, I was outside getting my grandfather's newspaper at the end of the drive for him. The neighbor asked me to ask my grandfather if he could borrow the newspaper when he was finished.
Well I went in and told my grandfather the neighbor asked for the newspaper again. My grandfather was joking and said "Tell him to get his own damn paper".

I went outside and told the neighbor to get his own damn paper and my grandparents were mortified. The neighbor never asked to borrow the paper again. :D

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I threw a workboot at my brother. He had the nerve to duck, and the boot went through the window. I can't believe my parents spanked me for it. It was my brother's fault for ducking! >:(:P

What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy
ones? -- Monday.

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