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There are very few things that completely ick me out, but bugs in food would be one. Today, I opened a just purchased bag of smart-puffs (the baked white-cheddar wannabe cheetoes health food stuff), and it was full of pantry beetles. Apparently, some cheese powder prevented the bag from sealing properly. Completely icked out, I threw the bag into a ziploc and tossed it. Sigh. Next time I'll just buy the damned cheetoes. I've never found live bugs in cheetoes.

So, I'm staring at my fridge, because I'm hungry, damnit, and see the strawberries that I bought at a different store, also yesterday. So, I'm happily chopping strawberries, and all of a sudden, this giant inch-long green bug falls onto the plate from the berry in my hands. I dropped the knife and the strawberry onto the plate and got a close look at this thing. It was exactly the same color as the green strawberry top. Not moving. I take a closer look at the rest of the strawberry basket, and it's full of these things, all not moving. I tipped the plate and basket into the sink and hosed strawberries and bugs down the garbage disposal, not sure if the bugs were dead or in some strange state of refrigerator induced bug hibernation.

So, now the bugs are gone (I hope), but it's 3:00 and I have yet to scrounge up breakfast, and I've got to be at work in an hour.

Anyone else have any bizarre food-bug stories or know what those weird strawberry bugs were?

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Anyone else have any bizarre food-bug stories or know what those weird strawberry bugs were?

When I was on mess duty in the Navy, I was cleaning up a countertop on which we'd prepared some beef & rice dish. Some of the grains of "rice" were moving. :| Yes, I screamed like a little girl. Maggots freak me out almost as much as spiders.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Find the bag, get a lawyer and you'll have all your jumps paid for for the rest of your life, or something to that effect. lol

You should definitely complain about it. Yuck that's nasty, just thinking about it.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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