I jump an Odyssey and, unfortunately, a Wings.
Like a giddy school girl.
Like a giddy school girl.
Ronaldo 0
As the majority here I jump a Wings but my first rig was a Racer. IMO the Racer beats the Wings (and many others) in terms of comfort and weight. Both rigs had a custom sized harness so I can make a really fair comparison.
Engineering Law #5: The most vital dimension on any plan drawing stands the most chance of being omitted
DownWind 0
I own a vector 3 and a vector.
Just received the vector 3 last month.
Just received the vector 3 last month.
I jump a micron. just recived it 10 days ago, and i'm very satisfied with the result. it looks and feels ohh so good!!

Actually, I think Poynter designed (and patented) the PopTop in the late 60's.
Dan went to Europe with the US Team in '67 and then spent some time over there getting lots of ideas on their gear.
Anyone else????
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