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Anyone else do it?

Since I can't run, I'm doing it like, 5x a week. Good LORD, I forgot how much fun it is. It's amazing to come home and just not be angry at ANYTHING!
"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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Anyone else do it?

Since I can't run, I'm doing it like, 5x a week. Good LORD, I forgot how much fun it is. It's amazing to come home and just not be angry at ANYTHING!

Are you old enough to remember the mini-series "Rich Man, Poor Man"? Ed Asner was the father and whenever he got angry or frustrated, he went out to the backyard and pummeled a heavy bag he kept there. I always thought that was an excellent way to reduce domestic violence.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Doesn't the ranch have a fight club or something like that?

HEY!!! The first rule of Fight Club is...:P
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I do kickboxing and thats a great buzz. Havent done any comps yet (was due for one last year but my opponent got kicked out for drug use..supposedly he was high as a kite). Done quite a bit of sparring (few black eyes bloody nose etc) but its all good fun

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Anyone else do it?

Since I can't run, I'm doing it like, 5x a week. Good LORD, I forgot how much fun it is. It's amazing to come home and just not be angry at ANYTHING!

I do Brazillian Jiu Jitsu and Tae Kwon Doe
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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My Wed. night class (combat TKD is sparring w/chest pad, legs, arms headgear from 7-8
Then after the 1-step TKD sparring we put on sparring head gear (boxing) and boxing gloves, no chest pad; just mouth guard and cup and go at it. Basically for real! Even take downs..these are 2-3 minutes I'm am usually beat after regular class and this really shows how much you got left in ya to fight.
There a female BB instructor there and I punch her as hard as I can..she does the same, too.
I have only had 1 bloody nose so far!
I love the workout!

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I don't box but I do spar. I have a ways to go to be decent at it, but they say I am doing fine for my level.

Truly, I hate doing it. But when I am finished, I am glad I i did it. I have competed a bit and the adrenaline rush is amazing. Last year I won a fight with a broken finger! Good thing I didn't know it was broken, I am such a girl!

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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I don't box but I do spar. I have a ways to go to be decent at it, but they say I am doing fine for my level.

Truly, I hate doing it. But when I am finished, I am glad I i did it. I have competed a bit and the adrenaline rush is amazing. Last year I won a fight with a broken finger! Good thing I didn't know it was broken, I am such a girl!

Took a lovely hit to the head this morning. My fault for not paying attention and letting my right hand drop. Saw stars. That was cool.
"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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Since I can't run, I'm doing it like, 5x a week. Good LORD, I forgot how much fun it is. It's amazing to come home and just not be angry at ANYTHING!

Tried it once. Wasn't very good but it was amazing exercise. Would prefer to just watch it now.
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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