1st Marines Memorial Hike

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So today, on the 8th of April I hiked to the top of the San Onofre mountains, up and over the "Microwave" tower, and down to the memorial for the fallen Marines of the 1st Marine Regiment, the significance of today is the four year anniversary of the death of a young Marine named PFC Juan G. Garza, I was his squad leader; so I humped this nearly 100 lb. rock to the top of the mountain to place on the memorial for him. I hope you all enjoy the pics.
Main Entry: 1hav•oc
Pronunciation: 'ha-v&k, -vik
Function: noun
1 : wide and general destruction; DEVASTATION; great confusion and disorder

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Why do they call it "microwave" tower??

The term microwave generally refers to alternating current signals with a particular range of frequencies... There is a big radio tower at the top of the mountain -aka the Microwave Tower- and we have always referred to that peak as the "Microwave."

Glad you liked the pics, and thanks for the comment:)
Main Entry: 1hav•oc
Pronunciation: 'ha-v&k, -vik
Function: noun
1 : wide and general destruction; DEVASTATION; great confusion and disorder

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Very nice. Oo-rah! Thank you for remembering.

That memorial reminds me of the many gravesites I've seen hiking in the remote desert southwest, where the tradition is to leave tokens behind.

And it reminds me of my brother, Marine Major Bill Rich, who died ejecting from his crippled FA-18 Hornet over Arizona. I hiked my ass way out into the desert to find his crash site, and erected a cross there for him. Photo attached.

Send your photos to the Garza family - it would mean a lot to them.

John Rich
Former Sgt. USMC

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I hiked my ass way out into the desert to find his crash site, and erected a cross there for him. Photo attached.

Wow that's awesome!
Main Entry: 1hav•oc
Pronunciation: 'ha-v&k, -vik
Function: noun
1 : wide and general destruction; DEVASTATION; great confusion and disorder

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Guest 1010
Much respect to your fallen comrades and yourself.


You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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