
I kinda want to visit Iran. Anyone here ever gone?

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All joking aside, if the US takes any military action against Iran for them reprocessing nuclear fuel (Which is part of the recycling that allows NINETY FIVE PERCENT re-usability of nuclear waste, which the US is seemingly too fucking stupid to realize is a good idea), I'm going to officially be ashamed of my nationality. Right now I'm not ashamed of it, simply not proud. That'd be enough to push me over the edge.
cavete terrae.

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All joking aside, if the US takes any military action against Iran for them reprocessing nuclear fuel (Which is part of the recycling that allows NINETY FIVE PERCENT re-usability of nuclear waste, which the US is seemingly too fucking stupid to realize is a good idea), I'm going to officially be ashamed of my nationality. Right now I'm not ashamed of it, simply not proud. That'd be enough to push me over the edge.

Don't worry the day will come, we just don't know when.

The reason? Who knows, who cares, they'll dream something up and do a better job of making sure they can present evidence of WMD afterwards whether they actually find them there or not:)

Edit to add: Are we in SC yet :P
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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As someone put so concisely on another forum:


It's sad that americans feel threatened by a country that would love nothing more than to be left alone by them.

It really fucks things up for those of us who respect other cultures and can look past things we may not agree with.
cavete terrae.

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JohnRich - That is exactly what I did, walked away. On the other hand, there are many (European) cultures that consider Americans as barbaric as any muslim country because we still have the death penalty ourselves. I am not sure which is worse, Old Sparky or a walling...I suspect the walling might likely be less painful.

Grue - don't give up if you really want to go, I haven't - just not getting any encouraging news from the embassy. Iran is an extremely paranoid and xenophobic culture as far as the government goes, and with good reason if you examine the history of them and Western countries. We have caused a LOT of problems over there.
Alternative if you are really interested in the culture would be to visit Afghanistan (also Persian), which believe it or not CAN be done relatively safely (I went in 2003 with no problems).
If you are interested in doing a guided tour (personally I am not but thats you call and comfort level), check out Great Game Tours (google) or KabulCaravan.com, just two of several tour operators that offer excursions to Afghanistan - be warned you can see the same things at your pace for much cheaper with just a few local contacts. I would be glad to offer assistance if you decide to go and need some contacts (or a starting place to find them).
Kabul is expensive but fairly safe, as long as you avoid the southern areas along the Pakistan border you should be fine (no-go areas are Kandahar, Jalalabad, Khyber Pass is questionable at best, Paktia, Paktika, Nuristan, Ghazni, Helmand, Zabol, and Nangahar).

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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On the other hand, there are many (European) cultures that consider Americans as barbaric as any muslim country because we still have the death penalty ourselves. I am not sure which is worse, Old Sparky or a walling...

The difference is that our death penalty is reserved for the worst of all criminals, like murderers. While Muslim countries execute people for more minor things like moral crimes, such as a wife who has an extramarital affair. These crimes are not comparable in nature, and the latter is not deserving of a death sentence.

And since many here insist that even if we disagree with some aspects of other cultures, we should respect them anyway, no matter how barbaric they may seem. So... doesn't that also apply in reverse? Shouldn't those Europeans and Muslims, likewise, show respect for our own unique American culture?

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John I am concerned that if someone does go and gets kidnapped, and has made statements about the rest of his "ignorant, intolerant, and domineering assholes" that there may well be no rescue attempt.

You would not catch me going to Afghanistan without being fully armed.

flame away, but obviously if someone is bent on going there is no reason to stop them.

Only a caution that they may receive no effort from his country or any other in case he is abducted.

I feel these things are worthy of serious consideration.

People always are thinking "it will never happen to me" and in their efforts to do as they wish they may well have caused the deaths of anyone who would come to their aid

those people die too.:|

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By virtue of sharing my citizenship with a bunch of ignorant, intolerant, and domineering assholes...

So that's what you think of all Americans?

Hardly, but there are enough of them to fuck things up for those of us who aren't. Worst part is they seem to be the government.
cavete terrae.

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I recently heard a radio interview with Henry Rollins. He said that Iran is a pretty cool place to visit

His comments about Iran are not all as nice as you imply.

"So in the current day and age I'm not a fan of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad..."

"they paired me up with a woman named Shirin Neshat. She is an advocate of women's right in the Middle East , she's Iranian, she's been exiled. A lot of her family is still there and she's probably never going to get to see her mother again who's 80. Her sister was coughing up blood the other day; she can't even get a phone line in to talk to her."

"But I've enjoyed, to a certain extent, any country I've been in, of course like Serbia and Croatia can be very restrictive and oppressive, and frustrating, but they're still very beautiful."

(i.e. just because somplace is "beautiful", doesn't mean that it's a nice place to live.)

"Rollins further agrees that even despite all of America 's flaws, this is still the best place in the world to live."

- Henry Rollins
Source: Unrated Music Magazine

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Perhaps you should review the list of offences listed in the Old Testament that warranted the death penalty (yep, Adultry was one of them).
Next, realize that their religion is about the same age now as Judaism was during the time of Jesus when, yep, they still stoned women for Adultry.

And YES, it should work both ways as far as cultural respect goes. What you are missing with regards to Iran is that it DOES work both ways - the vast majority of Iranians are very Pro-Western. Its their damn govenment and religious leaders that are the problem.
All my friends told me to lie about my nationality while I was in Afghanistan, and damn I'm glad I didn't. Just about every Afghan I met who found out I was an Amerki invited me to eat with their families while telling me, "We love America! You helped us defeat the Taliban!" and asking questions like "Why do not more Americans visit Afghanistan? We want Americans to come here".

I guess my whole point here is that people are people no matter where you go (and I have been all over the world). You might not agree with their government, their religious views, etc, but that doesnt mean you cant respect them, visit them, or even learn from them. Thats why I travel.

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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