
Dinged Grommets on DBag

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A couple of the brass grommets on my dbag have minor dings in them. This causes them to abrade and destroy rubber bands faster than is ideal. These dings are not affecting the lines. Is there a problem with taking a fine sandpaper to them to reduce the number of wasted rubber bands?

The rig is a Parachutes Australia Talon, c. 1997.

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can you replace grommets on a Dbag?

KellyF did that on my Infinity when I slammed my D-bag in the dropzone door. He cut the grommets open, removed them, and put new ones in and beat them like ginger stepchildren with the die. Good as new.


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I've found, the biggest cause of dings in D-bag grommets, is from the grommets banging against the stop ring on bridles (old style). Now, dings are caused by the grommets hitting the connector links and ring at the bridle connection point on the canopy. Smoothing-off any burrs with very fine sandpaper is a good method. If, the dings are bad enough, try re-setting the grommets (as suggested) or, replace them. I'll replace the brass grommets with Stainless Steel. Pulling the stoe bands straight-up through the grommet and not pulling the band across the grommet will really add to a longer life span of the stoe bands.


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