
Revoke Paris Hilton's Probation ?

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Seems as though the LA District Attorney's Office is thinking they might politely ask a judge to revoke Paris Hilton's probation and lock her up for ninety days. After her drunken driving arrest last fall, PH's license was suspended. Then in February she got pulled over again, for speeding after dark with no headlights on, and oh yeah, her license was suspended. Her lawyers are saying "she was not aware her license was suspended".

There's a hearing set for mid-April, but guess what ? She won't be required to attend in person. Maybe she can get Nicole Ritchie to serve her time ? I think we all know how this will end - you or I would end up on death row, but what do YOU think should happen ?

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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We wouldn't end up on death row, but we would end up in a heap of trouble and possibly in jail. I think they should lock her up, and being allowed to miss a court appearance is wrong!

I'm sure Nicole is on probation for something too. Maybe she can violate her probation and they can serve their sentences together with cameras filming the whole time. That would be a season of "The Simple Life" that might be worth watching!

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I'm sure Nicole is on probation for something too. Maybe she can violate her probation and they can serve their sentences together with cameras filming the whole time. That would be a season of "The Simple Life" that might be worth watching!

Like "On tonight's episode, Bertha teaches the girls to eat pussy" ?

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I'm sure Nicole is on probation for something too. Maybe she can violate her probation and they can serve their sentences together with cameras filming the whole time.

Do you honestly think there is a jail cell in the US with bars spaced closely enough to keep Nicole inside?:P
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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She's a celebrity. Celebrities don't go to jail, unless they're Robert Downey Jr.

That having been said, but the bitch in jail and make a point to the dumb cunt. She should have done no less than 30 days in jail after her DUI, people get off WAY too clean for that shit.
cavete terrae.

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Her lawyers are saying "she was not aware her license was suspended".

I thought ignorence was no excuse when it came to the law.

She should have taken the time (or one of her staff should have told her) that her license was suspended.

What is the "normal" penalty for driving with a suspended licence.

It's not as if she couldn't hire a driver until she got her licence back.
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