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Well, time for the definite answers:

Are they actually evil?

Do they enjoy jabbing sharp objects into sensitive parts of people?

Do they love taking people's money?

Well, I'm seeing one next week, so it would be nice to know. I'm terrified, but try to keep calm. Like when I'm going to do some scary skydiving stuff, like going out really low. Only scary skydiving stuff is fun, this is only scary. And no one will hold my hand, I won't even get one of those little plastic things. The only consolation is that the anaestetic is probably a chemical substance related to cocaine, but that's it.

Well that was the odontophobia rant for today. If anyone has any answers or feel the same way, answers would be appreciated!

Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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i feel ya', i hate dentists just as well.. i only go if i have a problem!

and for the cocaine-stuff, if, i'd rather like to have the real thing.. or if "drugs" from a doctor, i think i'd rather go with morphine.. does ritaline count? i had that prescribed until i got to paranoid about it..
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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i'm scared of the dentist and i'm scared of needles. the thought of a dentist poking my mouth with a needle drives me insane. i have to go soon though. i want to find one that will knock me out and do everything that i need done all at once.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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Take a homeopathic remedy called 'Aconite' before you go. It should help with your anxiety...

but diazepam works better...lol :D:D:D

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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i just finished getting lower right side done and i swear it wasn't worth being as terrified as i was....
they always start with the check up and cleaning, then if you need some work done....
-x-rays are a breeze

-you are frozen at the site of injection so you do not feel a thing when you actually do get the injection....
-the rubber dam isn't too pleasant but way better than having chunks of tooth in your mouth
-the shades you get to wear are way cool
-the headset with tv in the ceiling was neat until the dentist got his head right smuck in the way of the screen!!
-the fast high speed drill has diamond tip and takes so little time...
-the suction was very comfy...never felt once like i was choking or drowning...

do they love taking people's money?

i figure the statement could be written so patients can understand what is being billed for....
for instance: 1 unit of scaling equals 15 min. of scaling.....so alot of dentists will throw in 2 units of scaling when he only did 1 and that didn't equal more than 10 min. and no where on the bill does it explain that 1 unit = 15 min.

my statement:
3 root canals total 618.50 my cost= 123.00
(i had one molar with 3 roots done)
composite core total 123.00 my cost= 49.00
composite core total 123.00 my cost= 49.00
composite core total 123.00 my cost= 49.00
(non-bonded? i have no idea if this cost is building the tooth into core for crown?)
Porcelain/Metal crown total 589.00 my cost=235.00
Porcelain/Metal crown total 589.00 my cost=235.00
Porcelain/Metal crown total 589.00 my cost=235.00
(i have no idea what value these crowns are or if cheaper than gold- but do know gold transfers heat & cold faster)
Gingivectomy total 201.00 my cost= 40.26
(i remember him saying i had a cavity at the gum line and rather than cutting the gum he used laser)
Lab procedures total 798.00 my cost= 360.00
(does this include impressions & lab making crowns from them for perfect fit?)

total 3,260.70 cnd. my cost=1399.00 cnd.
one tooth root canal & 3 crowns

wow! i love how my mouth feels, it is well worth it for the good chew! i am certainly enjoying! the fit is so perfect with the bridge & crown up top...hey, its taken 3 yrs. but my whole mouth is done, i have all my toothies workin well!! thanx to my dental plan!


p.s. the pain meds given were tylonel 3 with codiene, (cnd.) which worked perfect :P

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I'm a dental hygienist, and yes... I love poking people w/ sharp objects. However, it's way more fun when they aren't complaining about it... So, I would recommend nitrous or local. I love giving both of those also... I CANT wait to get beck to work on Monday!

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but try to keep calm. Like when I'm going to do some scary skydiving stuff, like going out really low. Only scary skydiving stuff is fun, this is only scary.

How low do you call low?

Anything below 3500'

Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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thanx to my dental plan!


p.s. the pain meds given were tylonel 3 with codiene, (cnd.) which worked perfect :P

I don't have a dental plan.:( And dentistry isn't covered by the state. All other medical expenses are in Norway, but not teeth. Because they're not part of the body... maybe... I dunno...

Lucky you!

Well, codeine is really great against broken bones, so must be great against tooth pain as well.

Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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Does requiring a dentist have anything to do with peanut butter eggs? Did you already find someone to send some over there? :D

Nope it has to do with not seeing a dentist for 4 years, and having a molar that sticks out and not working properly. Teeth will have a certain amount of self cleaning by being used, but when the tooth is not functional, that will not happen.

Shit, the worst thing is not the physical pain. It's the damn humiliation of having a super human dentist who never has any problems with her teeth seeing that I'm such a loser who can't even take care of my own teeth. That's bad!

Well, I can pack a main canopy, and tell dozens of songbirds apart only from their voices. I can handle horses, and ride a bicycle at 30 mph. I can't be such a loser, I bet the dentist can't do those things!

And as I'm not getting a little plastic thing I'll buy myself something nice. Ohhh, look! a Bonehead guner, and special price for me!

Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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I think i made my dentists day when i had to have two teeth removed. Even though i hate the injection part i just kept asking for more about 8 times, cause i could still feel pain. Oh the twisting and the pulling, i was bloody glad when it was over.
Travel to infinity

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Going to the Dentist is a lot better than realizing you have an abscessed tooth while in freefall. :o

Now I know where I got the bad teeth from, it's hereditary. B|
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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