
Got my Bear Rug back...

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He is a fat little porker, ain't he? Brown Bear meat tastes like crap. Unless it is made into sausage or pepporoni. Black bear meat tastes really good in the fall when they are into the berries. Very sweet meat. Yummmmmmm....can't wait till fall!

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Brown Bear meat tastes like crap.

So, you shot it just for the rug and for the sport of it?
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I harvested my first Kodiak Bear last year in April of 06'. I just got the rug back....
P.s. also pictured is the BIG one that got away.

Just curious, how much is a "permit" to get one?
Russell M. Webb D 7014
Attorney at Law
713 385 5676

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Its not the permit that costs money. Kodiak bear is a Draw permit. A lottery is held once a year. 150 permits are awarded out of 10's of thousands that apply. As a nonresident, there is a guide requirement which costs a total of about 16-17,000 per hunt. I did a do-it-yourself hunt and got away with about 6,000. Fish & Game have this hunt for the conservation of the bear population of the island. There are appox. 3,000 bear on the island and F&G states not more than that can survive adequately. So they dish out 150 permits a year for the lucky soul.

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Interesting choice of words. I'm all for culling when necessary to preserve the species, but it just seems wasteful that all that mighty beast came to was a rug. Surely they can be more useful than that. :(

In a world full of people, only some want to fly... isn't that crazy! --Seal

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How much money have you donated to conservation this year? How much do you know about Kodiak? Ever been there? Do you know the natives on Kodiak? They cull the herd also,don't eat the meat, are you going to blast the indigenous people for doing that for thousands of years? I posted the pics because I was proud of my harvest. If you don't like them, that is fine. That is your own opinion, I will respect that. But, I know several skydivers who are hunters and would appreciate my exploits.
Thank you very much,

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I think you've taken my opinion too personally. Opinions are like assholes, after all. I've got mine and you've got yours.

To answer your questions, though...
As much as I can afford. Not alot - it's an archipelago in Alaska. Never been there. Don't know the natives.

I'm not condemning you or the natives. Kodiaks are not endangered bears. Measured by my value system, it's philosophically wrong to 'harvest' an animal solely for trophy purposes. I was raised fishing freshwaters and hunting small game. Unless I was prepared to eat it, I didn't kill it. That's just the way I was raised. I had friends in school who killed anything that walked in front of them and they thought they were perfectly right to do so.

Congrats on a successful hunt. Enjoy many warm nights in front of the fire on that rug. I mean that sincerely, with no sarcasm intended.

I stand by my opinion, though.

In a world full of people, only some want to fly... isn't that crazy! --Seal

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He is a fat little porker, ain't he? Brown Bear meat tastes like crap. Unless it is made into sausage or pepporoni. Black bear meat tastes really good in the fall when they are into the berries. Very sweet meat. Yummmmmmm....can't wait till fall!

I have to disagree. The black bear meat that I had -hamburger and sausage- was bad, bad, bad...[:/]

Not enough fat, too much muscle, flavor wasn't so great.

Too bad we had so damn much of it! :S>:(:P
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Sorry Brian,
I've been running into quite a large anti-hunting crowd lately. Believe it or not, I too was raised to eat anything I harvested. I didn't say I did not eat this bear. I said that it tastes like crap. The sausage was tolerable. I didn't take the whole thing. Ever since I moved to Alaska a few years ago, I realized that they have their Fish and Game laws down to a science. I wish more states would follow suit and use the model that Alaska has built. I for one, wouldn't harvest wolves, coyotes, or any other thing that is considered inedible. Strangely enough, I just found out that Porcupine is pretty darn good. I've come across lots of porkies, and I plan on trying a couple of them out.....they say they taste like chicken...of course.

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