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No they are not considered freefly-friendly. There are some mods that can be doen to help but opinions vary about their usefulness. If you maintain the velcro you COULD freefly in it however some dz's won't let you and it isn't really that smart.

If I were you I'd look for another container, there are older models that are more freefly friendly (PdF Atom for instance) or get a newer rig.

ciel bleu,

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a very good conditioned vector 2 with the correct sized canopies and serviced consumables(BOC,Velcro etc.) is o.k. for freefly but these are few and far between. the company formaly known as the relative workshop does not recommend it!
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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hey there. sorry bit random. but saw you commenting on some one asking about a vector 2 container being non ff friendly is that will all vector 2 containers or just the old ones? im looking in to buying a rig on classifieds and just wanted to know.. the seller says it is, but it doesnt look like it.

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hey there. sorry bit random. but saw you commenting on some one asking about a vector 2 container being non ff friendly is that will all vector 2 containers or just the old ones?

?? All Vector 2s are old!

Balance of probability is that you could do a bunch of FF jumps on a well maintained Vector 2 and be OK, but, especially with the amount of well worn (read cheap) FF friendly kit on the 2nd hand market it's really an unneccessary risk. Some DZO's might well want to have a word if they saw you freeflying with velcro as well.

A vector 2 these days would really have to be an amazing deal in order to be worth it.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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