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Yea we should be talkin about skydiving, but this is relative.

The Cap 580 :

As i stayed up all night putting the finishing touches on the sweetest plane i ever owned, i thought to myself "It's just a toy" . Expensive and cool but it's just a luxury item. Don't be too surprised if it crashes on the first flight. All planes crash. Even NASA can blow up some nice shit quite often.

Man it flew great. Didn't need ANY clicks of trim. The Tower . 75 was broke in on the test stand and running perfect. Probably did over 110 MPH but who knows ? roll rate was faster than i have ever seen on any plane i owned. Yes i was on high rates as i do everything on high rates these days. :S:D Inverted need a breath of up-stick but over all i was very happy with this plane. Built solid and loc-tite on every blot, screw etc. Digi servos with a big 6 volt ni cad. PCM receiver, aluminum spinner. It's just a toy....

So on the fifth pass my friend who has one just like it says " try doing a tight loop and see if it rolls out."

Ok ..no roll out. Tighter loop he says. Ok, tight loop and wups, it rolls out and i recover nicely and lose it in the sun for a sec. Oh shit, lost orientation. Contact lenses are dry and sticky today.... It's heading toward the ground. Pull back on the stick and it was already inverted so that sucked. roll right pull back. It was spinning out of control. Booooom. A high speed, nose first crash. It all happened in 3 seconds after losing it in the sun.

All planes crash. No pilot is immune from pilot error. R/c planes are just toys. And i need a skydive.:|

Too much too soon syndrome. Should have been on low rates for the first tank or two, should have had fresh contacts in to see better. Should have chilled that day and waited til the next morning to fly. Should have ordered 2 of those damn things.:D

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My Blade CP is sitting, broken-framed, in a box about five feet from me. I have at least two each of every replacement part I need to fix it, but have been lazy......At least up till now. I smashed both of my Strykers last night repeatedly until neither one of them would fly anymore, no matter how much tape I applied. I guess I better order some parts today!


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Get the new and improved Stryker. Can you handle 80 mph? On second thought......:P

You can get the Stryker C right now RTF, but not plug and play. I am going to use my Hitek radio gear with a C plug and play that I have pre-ordered. Yes, I could just as easilly put my own brushless rig together, but as I have just destroyed two airframes, I might as well just order this already-brushless option for $150.

Also, the reason that I trashed both of my planes yesterday was a combination of weak battery (NiMh, my LiPos are dead), sunset, and alcohol. I am positively capable of handling the brushless plane.

Also, I still have all the guts and radio out of my P-51 (Parkzone) that I am going to put in a new Focke Wolfe (also Parkzone). The FW is a much, much more durable airplane. I am just waiting for Hobbyzone to release it plug and play.


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Unbelievably fucked up afternoon at Z-hills!

I have never been a member of any "real" RC club, but I still should have known better than to let this happen.

Manny was flying his beautiful four-stroke Funtana-S 3-D plane when I saw it up in the air. I raced over to my camper and pulled out my brushless Stryker C to fly around with him. Disaster. I had no idea he was on the same frequency. The simple act of turning on my radio was enough to wreck his plane as he was flying along knife-edged over the campers. It was an $800 plane. My $250 Stryker also balled-in, but I felt like shit. The one thing that we had not discussed as fellow-RC-pilots was which channels our planes were on. It was fucking ugly.

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Unbelievably fucked up afternoon at Z-hills!

I have never been a member of any "real" RC club, but I still should have known better than to let this happen.

Manny was flying his beautiful four-stroke Funtana-S 3-D plane when I saw it up in the air. I raced over to my camper and pulled out my brushless Stryker C to fly around with him. Disaster. I had no idea he was on the same frequency. The simple act of turning on my radio was enough to wreck his plane as he was flying along knife-edged over the campers. It was an $800 plane. My $250 Stryker also balled-in, but I felt like shit. The one thing that we had not discussed as fellow-RC-pilots was which channels our planes were on. It was fucking ugly.

That sucks! Your next purchase should be this:

Spektrum DX6

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Rushed home to get a flight in before dark today. The Raptor 50 Titan heli. The thing blows my mind. Like flying a UFO or something. Twenty flights so far.
At $3 a flight for fuel... and only 9 flights per gallon...i start to consider the electric T-Rex 600.... Nahhhh.. no freakin way. Noise, smoke, and back to back flights in just 2 mins for me please. Flys like a bottle rocket, bitches.. Hi I'm Jef, and I'm a heliholic.:|

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The four-stroker is fine, as are all the rest of the electrics and the fuel system. The plane was smashed to smithereeeeeeeeeens! [:/] Anyway, I am going to buy him a new plane, me a similar gasser, and we will both get drunk and build them. I had been wanting a gasser for a long time anyway. Oh yeah, I guess I will buy some other-than-channel-19 crystals too.

I have considered a T-rex electric but, amazingly, I have found that gasser helis are MUCH more tractable than micro-electric helis. At least on my Hangar 9 FS-one simulator software. A T-rex would have been a much smarter purchase than my Blade CP, even though it costs more initially, as it's a FAR stronger airframe. I have been through a TON of CP frames and other parts. There are now four of us at Z-hills with CP's. I now own three Strykers (two brushless) and one CP. Paul Meagher has a .60-size gasser Mustang with retracts, new in the box, that I am going to buy tomorrow as my first gasser. I am going to buy Manny either another Funtana S or whatever the fuck he choses to build. I feel like a moron about today's fiasco.


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You're gonna love flying gas planes. It's a little messier and more old school, but it's also more realistic. Living, breathing, raw horse power baby. Love the smell of it all too.B|

You can fly a gas heli better than those cheap electrics. If you can hover a full pack on the CP, then you'll be fine. I credit most of my heli skills to R/C Stunt Copter on Playstation. Three years of that makes me look like I've been flying for a long time. Being able to hover an r/c plane helps too.

I thought to my self... self, why are you trying to fly a plane like a heli? Why not just get a heli?B|

Like the skate boardin kids who try to get air..... all they really need is a skydive.:D Simple.;)

If you buy a new radio, get a heli radio. JR 7 channel is a good buy. You'll be glad you did. They fly planes just fine too.

Best of luck to all your next flights. Do a serious gear check before flying, then raise some hell. Tear up the sky like i know you will.:D Mustangs are FAST! Retracts? You suck.:P

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You should start flying at the field I used to fly at in Zhills..Good folks and good times.

PM for contact details.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I just got a load of new parts yesterday. A bare Stryker body for Aaron Stoccum that we are going to put together for him with some of my leftover parts; some symetrical plasti-blades for my Blade CP (they are the shit and totally indestructible); and some other nic-nacs.

I have been flying the Blade on my FS-one simulator for some time now and believe I am about brave enough to try inverted flight on the real thing. What's the worst that could happen?:ph34r:

If you don't have plasti-blades for your Blade you are out of your mind. Well, at least if you ball yours up as much as I still do.

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Well, we didn't have these toys when we were kids right? so we must make up for lost time.B|

Heli report: 60th tank or 7th gallon of fuel...thought it was time to learn the auto gyro landing...wrong!! I wasn't ready..although i thought i was totally bad ass with the beast by this time. Even practiced one up high into the wind...piece of cake...wrong!!!
My airplane-brainwashed head decided to pull the left stick down while flaring the perfect flare with the right stick.
Blades hit the boom on landing. Cost to repair...
$150 with new blades etc. Welcome to the world of crash kits...:D which means that if they sell 'em, I'm not the only one dumb thumbin it once in a while.:D

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I just received a Blade CX2 a few days ago and have only flown it a couple times so far. I bought it after trying a friends CX. I'm amazed at how easy it is to fly, or at least not crash. I figure I'll learn some basics with this CX2 and then move on to something more advanced.

How much more difficult is it to fly the CP? My understanding is that it takes a considerably lighter touch and is more difficult to control, which I would expect from the design difference.

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That thing is good for practice..for big and better helis. Keep practicing in BIG open areas with no wind. If it's too windy, fly it in the house or somewhere where you can hover n stuff. Skip the Blade CP...it's too small, skittish, and hard to fly those little helis. Can't even scratch your nose while flying them.:|

Go to Heliproz.com when you are ready for the big boy toys. Gas or electric... the bigger the better.B|

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Agreed. If you want an electric CP heli, buy an T-rex. They are much, much more durable. If you still do want a Blade CP (or CP pro), then you better get yourself a simulator and fly it until it's routine. The frames on Blade CP's are tremendously flimsy, as are the stock blades (buy plasti's) and the main shaft. I promise you I have over $600 tied up in my "$240" helicopter. My local hobby shop loves me.

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Thanks for the advice guys. I'll take a look at the T-Rex when the time comes.

As it turns out I put a real hex on myself after commenting how easy the CX2 is to fly. I managed to fly for about four minutes last night before I put it into the wall. Three broken blades and a broken inner shaft. Fortunately I have the replacement parts so I should be back in action tonight.

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