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Do planes get boring once you go heli ?
Are helis addictive as crack ?
Well i'm putting the fiberglass floats on the ultra stick. Trying to make it so i can change back to wheels in 10 minutes. I think i just need 2 planes.:D One for land and one for sea and one for the dz and one that goes over 200mph and one that can fit in your pocket and...
Are water take-offs tricky or should i not worry so much ? Ever end-o a landing with one ? (catch a 'toon)
Hoping the flaps come in handy as usual. Almost landed it while flying backwards one windy day.:P

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...and one for the dz and one that goes over 200mph and one that can fit in your pocket and...

Interstingly enough, I saw some interesting stuff over at hobby-lobby.com. If I get a bit more proficient, you know where I'm not slamming into everything around me, I might look into getting one of those micros.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Just bought ANOTHER heli.

Bought a Trex last night and stayed up till 3AM putting it together.

It was supposed to be my vacation week project...Killed that plan on the first day.

I guess its off to the hobby shop to get the gyro, servos...ect and fly!!!

So now I have:

10 planes up to 1/3 scale.
A Blade (that the cats hate :D)
A shogun Heli (That I will be selling)
A Trex (That built way to fast...now I have to spend more money)
A Sceadu .50 Which flies great.

I am also looking at a .90 sized heli.

Stop the madness.:ph34r:

OK, you've just passed me.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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My toy is broken and I hate you all......>:(

I know how that goes broke my toy this last weekend cause there was a plane taking off and tried to put it on the ground quick went bind the burm out of sight. Yup when i got to it it was a several pieces


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OK, you've just passed me

Maybe in stuff I own, but not in:

1. Stuff I have owned.
2. Things I have flown.

And I'd bet you could fly circles around me with a heli.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Do planes get boring once you go heli ?

No. In fact I know a few heli guys that will not shut up about the new planes they have. Its about whats new to you. I have had planes for a long time. Helis are like cool new toys and a new challenge.


Are helis addictive as crack ?



Are water take-offs tricky or should i not worry so much ? Ever end-o a landing with one ? (catch a 'toon)

Never flown off water so I can't say. Let me know how it works out for ya.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Just got a 1320 lipo pack and did the upgrade to my Blade CP. 20 minutes of time instead of 7, what an improvement. Next, super landing gear and a tail fin. Anyone know where I can get a nice looking plastic or carbon fiber tail fin that will fit the blade?

Skydive Radio

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The challenge. Yea that's it.
I forgot.
Well with the floats, if i put them where the plane will be balanced in flight, then it's too nose heavy while in the water. I split the difference between nose heavy in the air and nose heavy on the water. Got a smaller prop and will hold full up elevator with flaps down during take off to keep the prop high and dry. Exposed servos on underside of wing got spashed by water coming from the floats and then the prop.
No flights yet, just thrust tests etc. Oh and the water rudder is a must as any slight breeze will have it spinning in circles.
Almost said fuck it/no floats, but it's the challenge.:S Livin the dream.B| Make an r/c plane fly AND float. How hard can it be ?:S
I think seeing the water trickle off the toons as it flys into the sunset will be worth it all.:|

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I had a gas powered anphibion 20 years ago. It was a lot of fun flying off of water. Mine was not on floats though, it was a boat plane and was only able to be flown off of water. What sucks is when you lose power taxing and have to wade out to get it :)

Skydive Radio

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Well with the floats, if i put them where the plane will be balanced in flight, then it's too nose heavy while in the water. I split the difference between nose heavy in the air and nose heavy on the water

Ask Kallend. He knows about these things. He has what looks like a nice Cub on floats.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Need a little help here.

OK I was flying my Sceadu around and suddenly my heli started rotating like crazy. The tail just stopped working.

So I hit, throttle hold and auto'ed her down. Walked over to it and the tail seemed fine. Me being stupid, I put it back into the air.

The tail seemed to wobble a bit, kinda like the gain was too high. Then it happened again, it just started spinning. So I auto'ed her back down again.

This time the tail servo (a Futaba 9254 with a 401Gyro) would not move. It was just stuck there. After a second it started to work again.

OK so either my Servo is bad (110.00). Or my Gyro is bad (135.00).

Which is it? I already bought the servo, but if the Gyro is the bad thing I would hate to risk the heli again just to find out it was the Gyro.

So what could it be?

I'm flying tomorrow, so any help would be great.

Also, Got a Trex....WOW. That thing is fun.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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A quick update on my latest carnage:

-The Blade CP heli: still can't hover to save my ass, but I can keep it in the air and flying where I want it for up to five minutes now before balling it up. I am amazingly sick of buying replacement main-frames, skids, and blades. I just ordered two sets of the newly-available nylon blades. They are guaranteed not to splinter and disintegrate on wipe-out. Only $15 per set, so I got two sets. I recently flew it right into a light pole at Raeford; the wreck was spectacular.

-The Parkzone Stryker: I guess my 2100 mAh Lipo finally shit the bed. It stopped taking a full charge and will "drop" one cell sometimes and just stop flying. It had been in at least 30 very bad wrecks in both my P-51 and first Stryker, so sayonara $85 for a new one. I just bought a replacement battery yesterday. I fly the hell out of the Stryker. Can anyone else here say that they can successfully and safely land theirs upside down? I love this plane

-The Parkzone P-51: lost it in the late-afternoon sun a few weeks ago and balled it up badly. Total loss on the airframe. I swore I would never buy another replacement airframe for this, so I think I am going to put the electrics in another Stryker as a back-up plane for our drunken dogfights.

-The Aerobird Extreme: It went straight in last week under full power when I lost attitude awareness of it late in the afternoon dusk. I have an old fuse I can put the electrics in. I don't fly this plane much anymore anyway.


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A quick update on my latest carnage:

-The Blade CP heli: still can't hover to save my ass, but I can keep it in the air and flying where I want it for up to five minutes now before balling it up. I am amazingly sick of buying replacement main-frames, skids, and blades. I just ordered two sets of the newly-available nylon blades. They are guaranteed not to splinter and disintegrate on wipe-out. Only $15 per set, so I got two sets. I recently flew it right into a light pole at Raeford; the wreck was spectacular.

"Which way is it drifting?"

"It's drifting right."

"Well then, let's make it go right!"


That was some fun stuff, my friend.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Very cool.

The only update Ihave is I bought the carry case for the Trex. So it has been traveling with me. Flew it in front of the CO tunnel to show Derek. He is looking to get a Heli.

In other news I moved into my new hanger....Er, house.

I is a home owner!
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Make an indoor heli room in the hangar , i mean house.

My update : Ultra Stick with floats = 10 tankfuls, need to fly full throttle almost to keep it up. Need flaps down for take off or she isn't leaving the water.

Twist = Still sick as ever. I'm hovering and stuff, but still haven't got good at knife edge yet. Hand launching that bitch.:S:D

Blade cp = could hover right off the bat for a full pack, but my nerves can't handle the stress and the repairs are frequent if I try to do anything other than hover.

NEW PURCHASE ! Yee haw ! The Matt Chapman Cap 580 with a Tower .75:o Motor is on the test stand and runs like a raped ape.:P "Must use throttle management" the directions say "if you use a .60 for this plane"

It's going to disintergrate on the first pass:D

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The Matt Chapman Cap 580

Nice plane. It does not snap like Caps normally do.


Tower .75 Motor

Call me a snob, but I never have seen one of those run really good. I hope yours works fine. I myself only use OS 2 strokes, or Saito or OS 4 strokes.

But it could be that I don't tune an engine very well:P
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Hey Ron, do you think it would be possible to get a float-equipped gasser in the air from the swoop pond at Z-hills?

Yes, but not just any plane would work. It would need a good power to weight ratio.

Just look what cocheese wrote "Ultra Stick with floats = 10 tankfuls, need to fly full throttle almost to keep it up. Need flaps down for take off or she isn't leaving the water."

Kallend would be a good source for what would be the best plane.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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I just put new "plasti-blades" on my CP. They are supposed to be nearly indestructible! I also just spray painted the tops of the elevons, the top of the nose cone and the vertical stabilizers blaze orange on my Stryker. Maybe now I won't lose attitude awareness so easilly in the late-afternoon dusk.

"Which way is it going?"
"Uh, I can't tell"


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I've been looking at a Stryker for myself, I'm glad to hear that its lasted this long and it might encourage me to go actually get one after this weekend.

That or if anyone know of another good foamie let me know, I've even kicked around the idea of building one frmo the ground up...
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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I am a "flyer", not a "builder." Apparently there is a big difference to the people who bother to join the modelers' associations. I could really give a rat's ass about taking the time to build something up only to fly it hard and wreck it badly over and over again screwing around. That's the beauty of planes like the Stryker. Not only are they pretty tough, they are amazingly simple to repair. Gaffers tape and foam-safe CA (super glue) have saved my ass many a time. They are cheap too! My local hobby shop has every single replacement part in stock for every single plane I own. There is very little to fuck up on a Stryker and you can do some amazing tricks with them. I am only on my second replacement airframe with that plane as compared to my fourth fuselage on my P-51, which is just as much fun to fly, but WAY more delicate and expensive to repair.


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My friend bought the same Cap 580 and the O.S. 61.
We'll have a full report done by July. I suspected the Tower motor to be junk, but i think it's going to be good. Only $89 and put a Bison Pitts muffler on for $40. Runs good on the test stand. If it sucks, I'll burn 30%:D

Wouldn't fly a float plane out of that pond and the landings could be tight, but i like the idea. Maybe a small electric would do it.

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Wouldn't fly a float plane out of that pond and the landings could be tight, but i like the idea. Maybe a small electric would do it.

I picture a Cub that is overpowered myself....Always wanted a Cub.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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