
What is the weirdest food you have ever ate.

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Balot, another Filipino delicacy. It's the fertilized egg of a duck, that's cooked. You open the shell and eat the chick. Most of the times they're cooked young enough that the beaks are still soft, but I've seen some where the beaks were already hard and they already have little hair-like feathers...

I probably only tried it 5x in my life.


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Balut, Shark fin soup, Dog, Cat, Horse, fried grasshoppers, fried scorpion, fried grubworms, fried tarantula, fried cockroaches, roasted snake, live octopus sashimi, cobra wine, fish eyes, eel, conch, congealed blood soup, french fry pita sandwich.:o
I travel a lot in Asia BTW..

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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I had a millennium egg, it is a Filipino delicacy. They take a special egg, bury it underground and leave it there for a year. They collect them after that and serve it cold, plain or with a sauce. I really didn't like it but i would rather try something for myself and come to that conclusion based on my own experience.

I think you're talking about balut. I couldn't eat it. Watching the street vendors pull little tiny bones out of their mouths was enough to turn my stomach. :S

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I know what Balut is but never tried it.
The duck farm down the road from us ships a shit load of them to China every week.

Millenium Egg or Thousand Year Old Egg is a dyed and pickled egg.

How many Skydivers does it take to eat a possum?
Two, one two eat it and one to watch for traffic.
“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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Natto!!! (one manner in which the Japanese prepare fermented soybeans...) not so much odd flavor but more the *sensation* in your mouth.

It's so bad: "well, these soy beans aren't that old, they only started smelling bad some weeks ago. Let's eat them!"

They smell and taste like something left too long in the fridge.

When they are stirred up, they make weird threads like melted cheese.

They are sticky, so you get natto taste around your mouth that you can't get rid of.

Poeple eat them with soy sauce, mustard or sugar, or all these things combined.

It's supposed to be very healthy, but soy beans are healthy fresh too.

Why people continue to eat this after the freezer was invented so they could get fresh food is beyond me.

They taste really, really bad. About the only food I don't like.
Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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