
Should I be worried that I have absolutely no idea when this was taken?

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Ooohh Guilty Conscience, who said anything about naughty, it doesn't have to necessarily be Naughty to be "I fucking did What??":D:D
*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too!
*Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge
*Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie}

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I'd be a lot less worried about the Jello shot than I would about what you ended up doing with that psycho-looking dude behind you!

Hey don't talk about my dad like that when he's not here to defend himself!>:(:D:D:D
*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too!
*Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge
*Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie}

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