
Ouragan Turnaround Time

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Depends on how back logged they are. The turn around for my first suit was 2 months and 3 months for my second. I had special designs done on both of my suits and they were $700 B|

Ouch, rough. But man the suits do look sweet as hell. I've seen them in person and the quality is top notch.

I want to put a custom logo on the suit, so I'm sure that will raise the price quite a bit.

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Just wondering what the typical turnaround time for a custom freefly suit from Ouragan takes,

They are extremely behind on their orders. I ordered a pair of Swoop pants on July 5th and have had the delivery date moved back on me twice. According to the last e-mail I received from them, they are now working on orders placed in June. I am told I will receive my order the 2nd week of December, making it just shy of 6 months from the time I ordered. My fingers are crossed but I am not holding my breath.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Also check out her website, they are opening a new place in Canada I think so they can keep up with the demand

That is accurate. As a matter of fact Peter G was here last weekend and told me so. He does graphic design for Nancy now. She is moving her sewing operation to Canada and was/is still there nailing down everything. There will still be an office/repair facility in Deland though.


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NO jumpsuit is worth $600+ dollars

While it can be argued that something is "worth" what the market will bear, I tend to agree with JP on this. And if I'm not mistaken you can end up paying way more than $600 for the whole ball of wax options suit.

Just to put this in perspective, a few years ago when I worked at Precision, I had a torn out knee in my $250 jumpsuit. I took it to our production manager to OK it with her for me to have one of our sewing machine operators repair it. I said something like, "I just hate to have a $250 jumpsuit with a ragged looking hole in the knee" to her, and she picked the suit up, turned it inside out, went over it from stem to stern, and said "you mean something like this costs $250? We're in the wrong business!" So, moral of the story is, in a professional's opinion, there is a whole lot more profit in jumpsuits than in canopy manufacture. Think about it, Tony was in the canopy business for several years, ever wonder why he went back to just building suits?

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Got en email today from Ouragon and they told me I was looking at 6 weeks. I placed the order in Oct so that would be 3 months, not bad about 1/2 the time I was told.

At this point, I am highly skeptical of any delivery dates they give out. I was told I'd have my order by the 2nd week of December after all of the other delivery date shifts. I still don't have my order and now I am told sometime after Christmas. This shit is beyond getting old.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Update: I placed my order mid October and got an email today with a design. I made a few changes and I will have to wait for another design. They still have not told me how much they are going to charge me or when it might be done. It has already been 4 months and I dont think I will have it before April. I hope I get what I want. :S
POPS 11113

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