
Whats in your Junk Drawer?

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I am looking for batteries as my mouse is about to die. Routing threw the draw, god there is a bunch of shit in there!! Various markers, shoe laces, old batteries that don't work>:(, pens, pencils, calculator, flash cards, crumbs, zip ties:S, oh I could go on, but I don't have time.

Whats in your junk drawer??

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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I dumped mine out a few weeks ago. By the end if the day it was full again. How does that happen?

I have no clue what is in there! I think I look in there for the matches. And sometimes the cloth to clean my glasses. Ooh, last easter I found and extra wire dipping egg thingie in there!

Man, I know there is more than that in there!

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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Files - organized and sorted by date/topic. Behind them is my "junk" section. I have a box of envelopes, some cordes to an MP3 player and random CDs. I used to have a real junk drawer - but I got sick of it and tossed everything.
=========Shaun ==========

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a crossbow
bout 20 used dytter batteries
a cobblestone from prague ( go figure ? )
payslip from being Pierce Brosnan's double

& about 3 taken apart & never repaired laptops ...

'I came into this world kicking and screaming and covered in somebody elses blood, I plan to leave it the same way.'

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