
I keep trying to check up on my ex, but I never like what I see.

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She hasn't shown up in the obituaries yet >:(

this might cheer you up...

see pic...

I'm not actually sad, I was hoping to get people coming in here expecting to flame me for being a hopeless stalker, then get a laugh :D
cavete terrae.

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She hasn't shown up in the obituaries yet >:(

...And conversely, I have a semi-stalker of sorts. B|

Out there somewhere on the planet is a woman that for some unknown reason, took the 'horrible' treatment I imparted on ALL the woman I got involved with in my 'professionally single' days, more to heart than any of the others. :$B|:S

We'd really only 'dated' a short while, seemed like a nice enough girl...but lived 1/2 way across the country from me and the long distance thing inevitably took it's toll.:)

That and I was less then exuberant regarding her thoughts on moving out to live with me, since the woman I was living with THEN thought we had too small of a place as it was !:P

For nearly every year since she & I parted (over 15) ...on or about my Birthday, she sends an envelope to my folks house for forwarding to me. :)
Always a the same...
a birthday greeting card that says "Thinking Of You" and folded neatly in it, is MY OBITUARY from some (different every year) small Midwest town's newspaper...!!!:o:$:D

Gosh...I hadn't REALIZED what a long lasting impression a country boy can make! :D:D:D

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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