
Whats the ideal age to get married?

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My first marriage I was 23 and she was 19. I knew it was young, but what the hell. It worked for 15 years and then fell apart fast. Now that I have been through that, I tell my daughter to wait until at least mid 20's. If not, I told her that she would never get her trust fund. I hope she listens and waits. As for the trust fund, there is none. I will deal with that lie later. A father has to do what he has to do these days.

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Right on! I think most chicks are starting to figure out what they really want (ie mature) at 26-29. Us guys... ppfffftttt, we're a little slow, I guess. No guy should even be allowed to get a marriage license before the age of 29! :D

Interesting article:

I guess the best way to avoid a divorce is to never get married! :D

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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When you find the right one

There you go. :ph34r:

I was 20 & he was 21 (barely! :$) when we married. It was right for us though.

12 years later I would have done it again in a heartbeat...:ph34r:

I wouldn't recommend getting married as young as we did. I am the first to admit that our young marriage that worked is the exception rather than the rule. [:/] We would both be happy to see our kids get 'out there' and see the world a little bit more and do some more soul searching before they lock themselves into forever. It worked for us, but we were perhaps two of the most marriage-committed 20-year olds you've ever seen, so I wouldn't say it's the best option for everyone.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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It's interesting to read this thread - different answers in here reflect the nation as a whole, in which the average marriage age has been steadily increasing for years.
Yeah, IMHO, the 'right' answer is 'when you find Mr. Mrs. right.' If this basic criteria isn't met, then you'll have a miserable life regardless of when you tie the knot.
Then again, I see a lot of people saying they'll never get married because that involves things like 'sharing', 'trusting', 'compromising' et cetera. It's sad because people with those selfish trains of thought already have a handicap which will prevent them from enjoying a full, loving relationship. But then again, what I see as emotional immaturity, others may see as wise....
If you are upset at this post, take into account that I am 22, not married, and I can't even get a date on Friday Night - laugh it off. :D
=========Shaun ==========

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where's the choice for 100+?????

in seriousness, it's definitely not a number, just when you feel that you're with the right significiant other...

CReW Skies,
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
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