
Spectre Malfunctions?

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Since there has been a lot of talk about line twists, I'll toss in that one of the two times I've had line twists (after about 250 jumps on my 170) was after the canopy was opened. It's relatively easy to induce a twist by going to deep brakes and then letting one side fly. It's not a deficiency, but a characteristic common to most moderate to high performance canopies. Not a problem to kick out of such a twist IF you're high enough and IF you don't have end cell closures that drive the canopy in the direction of the twist. Love my Spectre--went to that from a Stiletto after I demo'd one and I'm really satisfied.

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Did a demo with a spectre 230 @ WFFC a couple of years ago. Twas very hard opening and knocked my skydiving ass out.....came to and landed without further adieu.

So hell I bought one!!!!!!

Got more that 1,000 jumps on spectres....one reserve ride.

Packed it at home with good vibes, respect and love.

Bastard opened with a bird's nest and flat spin.,..chop chop...adios MF!

Go figure!

Don't go away mad....just go away!

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Loaded ~1.1
~400 jumps

No spanks
1 reserve ride - PC in tow
Minimal line twist

Concerns: Don't like low/slow exits. Canopy usually takes ~800'+ to open.

Thoughts: how many of you have re-trimmed the lines, and how many of the weird behavior are on canopies significantly out of trim? (don't know, just asking)



Hey everyone,

I read another thread a bit ago and it made me think of a question. The Spectre is known as a very gentle opening canopy.

I was curious as to what type of malfunctions anyone has had on a Spectre and what it was like.

Please include the canopy size, loading and your experience at the time. Then describe the mal and whether it resulted in a reserve ride or not etc. I'm just curious because I've never really came across anyone that has had a mal on a Spectre.

I jump a 135 loaded at about 1:1 and I've never had so much as line twists (Knock on wood). I'm mostly curious if they tend to dive in a mal or if they fly nice and straight. Obviously the type of mal changes this, but I mean in a situation of severe line twists, will it fly straight or what?


I know I have some weird questions, but I'm just very curious and like to know how things work.


Always remember that some clouds are harder than others...

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Doesnt happen:)Over 1000 jumps between two different sizes and NEVER a cutaway. I havent packed in over 1200 jumps. I use whomever is where I might be that weekend. Heck we even wadded it up one day(literally) and stuffed it in the bag. Great opening!

Only one time did my 135 put me on my back from a line twist.. Of course I had no audible, no altimeter and was jumping with a 200 jump wonder. He was to wave off for us at 4500, he was late. I felt it was time and tapped at my wrist, he looked and had a shocked look on his face and turned. So I knew we were a bit low (for him). So when I was on my back I could not see the ground and had no instruments. I had both my hands on the handles while I was debating to chop. When it first happened (on my back) my thought was "Oh this is what everyone is talking about". 1400 jumps no "real" cutaways;). By the time I made the decision to chop, it stopped spinning and I kicked my self out of it. Bummer missed another chance for a cutaway.

My stiletto did the same thing once while i was in Miami, and it was windy and we were way out over the swamps. All I could think about when I decided ot chop was "Dammit I am going to lose my canopy to the swamps...G.d dammit. Then it too stopped spinning and I kicked out.

Love my spectre, heck I even put Dacron lines ot it.


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Although I jump a Pilot these days, I've jumped Spectres in the 190 - 230 size range and have a very high regard for them. But anything can malfunction, which is why you also have a reserve (I hope).

I got a terrific deal on a jumpsuit from a guy who had to quit the sport after a Spectre mal and a low cutaway put him in the ICU for 3 weeks. His wife said "never again" and threatened to divorce him. I guess he loved her because he quit.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I have had two problem openings on my Spectre 170 (wing load 1.1). One was a seriously hard opening. My Neptune said that the first 50mph deceleration was instant! My neck hurt for weeks.

The second was a mal, the lines on one side were knotted, holding the slider back. When I released the brakes to try and clear it, it accelerated the spin and I cut away.

I reckon both the result of sloppy packing by me. I now make sure the lines stay tight when packing and the slider is properly set. Every jump since, for several months has had sweet typical Spectre openings. Sometimes these things are a reminder to take care!


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