
Am I the only one who finds Dane Cook to beee.........well, CRAP?!

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Gnarls Barkley was 48 on Maxim's list of the "50 Lamest Things," but Dane Cook had the even lamer ranking of 43. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this stand-up superstar stopped coming up with funny material back around....Oh, I'd say somewhere around the time everyone started hearing about him.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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You know what's lame?


Zen Headbangs

(for Almost Live Fans only)
fyi also the only time a Holy Terror Tshirt was ever spotted on National TV...B|
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Zen Headbangs

(for Almost Live Fans only)
fyi also the only time a Holy Terror Tshirt was ever spotted on National TV...B|

Ah me, that brings back some memories. I loved it when they'd ask a "difficult" question and the Lame Chanters (usually members of bands like Soundgarden and other local bands) would look up and say, "Huh?" B|
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My brother thinks he is the shits and was really excited to get tickets to his show in Boston a few months ago. He asked me if I wanted to go so I found some of his "material" and could not believe how bad it was! I called my brother back and told him he would need to pay me to go. I really don't get how people think this guy is funny.

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Gnarls Barkley was 48 on Maxim's list of the "50 Lamest Things," but Dane Cook had the even lamer ranking of 43. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this stand-up superstar stopped coming up with funny material back around....Oh, I'd say somewhere around the time everyone started hearing about him.

I like Dane Cook quite a bit. I think some of his material is kinda lame but a lot is funny. His primary demographic is definetly younger people, thats why hes a legend to high school and college students.

So if your wondering why everyone likes this guy and you dont, then take a look in the mirror.........your old:P

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Dane Cook used to be funny, back when he was making observations about how most guys would rather be part of a heist or own a monkey than have sex. Now he's all unoriginal observations, scatological humor, and self-referential catchphrases. He reminds me of a lot of standup comedians. They start off with really funny material, but then they get famous; start doing movies, TV, etc.; and basically start phoning it in. They can get laughs just by showing up and smiling at the audience, so they never really have to overcome the creative hurdle of topping their initial success.
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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I think the real problem is that Maxim is crap...!!!

I have seen the guy live a couple of times, he puts on a great act.


All I've seen of Dane Cook was, the HBO series... I don't get out much.:D What I did see of him, I thike he's hilarious.
Maxim, is a cheap 'rag' trying to appeal to young men 18 - 35. I've read it a few times and it's just simple-minded drivel.


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Dane Cook used to be funny, back when he was making observations about how most guys would rather be part of a heist or own a monkey than have sex. Now he's all unoriginal observations, scatological humor, and self-referential catchphrases. He reminds me of a lot of standup comedians. They start off with really funny material, but then they get famous; start doing movies, TV, etc.; and basically start phoning it in. They can get laughs just by showing up and smiling at the audience, so they never really have to overcome the creative hurdle of topping their initial success.

I don't think he was ever that funny and I hope what's happening with him doesn't become a trend. Basically, it's the business model that's put to most of the music world; a record company says, "This is who we're going with." Then they market the crap out of the person and people eat it because they don't know any better. Pretty soon, we'll have Lisdsay Lohan on standup just because Clearchannel and Pepsi-Corp lined it up that way.
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I think the real problem is that Maxim is crap...!!!

I have seen the guy live a couple of times, he puts on a great act.


All I've seen of Dane Cook was, the HBO series... I don't get out much.:D What I did see of him, I thike he's hilarious.
Maxim, is a cheap 'rag' trying to appeal to young men 18 - 35. I've read it a few times and it's just simple-minded drivel.


I didn't care much for the series, but at least the stand-up he did on the series was his old material (aka the good stuff).
I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names.

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I think the real problem is that Maxim is crap...!!!

I have seen the guy live a couple of times, he puts on a great act.


All I've seen of Dane Cook was, the HBO series... I don't get out much.:D What I did see of him, I thike he's hilarious.
Maxim, is a cheap 'rag' trying to appeal to young men 18 - 35. I've read it a few times and it's just simple-minded drivel.


I didn't care much for the series, but at least the stand-up he did on the series was his old material (aka the good stuff).


With the exception of Cook's material, the show dragged. I think, it worked on the old 'suspense' thing. Keep the audience waiting then, just throw 'em a bone... make 'em want more. The show didn't deliver enough of Dand Cook.
I'm kinda curious about his movie that is out now.


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