
Hey single guys and girls...post up...

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staying single so i can hit on GFD when i meet her...;):D


watch it....she hits back :P

shannon and I have had fun being single together............ NOT LIKE THAT :P...i know what you all were thinking......love ya girl......get your ass to the east coast sometime.

East coast? Shite dude it's cold enough here in California. What would I want to go to the east coast for?

I'll will be at the holiday boogie in Eloy. If you show up bring your cell phone so we can drunk dial each other from the opposite sides of the dropzone since I'll probably never see ya.


actually sweetie, i dont think im going to Eloy this year.....its gona cost me way to much to fly, mail my crap, pay for hotel, drinks, food, and jumps......i may end up in Z-hills this year for the holidays.....i can drive, and take all my crap and might even be warm enough to tent it....if not i have a free place to stay down there.....so that may be my option.
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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I'm looking for a guy who's rig will fit a 5'11 girl, and he must be able to teach all skydiving disciplines. Now I wanna do rodeo!!! :P

See my post earlier in this thread. I don't think rodeo qualifies as it's own discipline, but I've done my share of them and had a blast. You don't mind being on top do you? ;) Bummer about the rig requirement though...mine was made to fit me perfectly at 6'0". :P:D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I'm looking for a guy who's rig will fit a 5'11 girl, and he must be able to teach all skydiving disciplines. Now I wanna do rodeo!!! :P

See my post earlier in this thread. I don't think rodeo qualifies as it's own discipline, but I've done my share of them and had a blast. You don't mind being on top do you? ;) Bummer about the rig requirement though...mine was made to fit me perfectly at 6'0". :P:D

What kind of rodeo you talking about in the air or the sack? I'm just confused not available and wouldn'y survive.

SC is fun:) Just don't take em to seriously.



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Does being in the midst of a divorce count? Or do I have to wait until it's final? [:/]

You have to wait til its final. :P

*sticks out tongue* Not fair!!!

If you can stick that tongue out far enough... you might not have to wait til it's final! :P

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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That being said, I'm looking for a guy who's rig will fit a 5'11 girl, and he must be able to teach all skydiving disciplines. Now I wanna do rodeo!!! :P

Oh ya, I am 5' 11 1/2, gotta put that half in...Want to rodeo, huh. But who's riding who?:P yeeee hah


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Does being in the midst of a divorce count? Or do I have to wait until it's final? [:/]

You have to wait til its final. :P

*sticks out tongue* Not fair!!!

If you can stick that tongue out far enough... you might not have to wait til it's final! :P


Good point!!

Guess I'm stuck, then... can't touch my nose with it, but I can move it REAL fast if I need to.... >:(
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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single here!

Oh where your at your might be needing some extra body heat real quick if not already...:P;):$:$

I was there in October and it was just starting. Not looking forward to the trip back in Jan-Feb, too cold for this Fl. boy. So off to the Keys I go to suck up as much warmth as I can before the cold trip!!

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being single is fun...dont have anyone bothering me about what I do on the weekends.

sucks though when you are alone at night

"Believe me! The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously!"
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

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Single here too...Divorced 6 years ago and relationship free for last 5 years...a few 1 time dates but that's all. When I weigh a decision as to take someone out for dinner, I start thinking......"Wait a minute, that could be 5 jumps instead"! Dan

ISAIAH 40:31

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after being in a relationship for nearly 4 yrs:o...single life = not bad at all!:P

good friends who will cuddle (and that's all) with you are fantastic and keep you sane during long nights.:)

(unless they are out looking for a small piece of ass...in which case you can't blame em') ;)
Team Dirty Sanchez#41

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good friends who will cuddle (and that's all) with you are fantastic and keep you sane during long nights.:)

(unless they are out looking for a small piece of ass...in which case you can't blame em') ;)

Are you stating that friends looking for a small piece of ass aren't fantastic?... or that they drive you insane during the loooonng night ;)

p.s. I like to spoon :$

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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