
My adventures continue...

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My next adventure starts Friday Feb 2nd. I'm learning the wonderful art of fencing. (That would be like sword fighting for ya'll that don't know what fencing is). I can't wait!! Now i need a sugar daddy to buy me some coolio weapons. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Actually my 16yr old nephew is taking the class with me so at least i'll have a partner for class. I talked to the instructor this morning and lets just say English is not his best language so this should be really fun. :P


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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That sounds like fun! Something is making me think that Stacy on here used to do fencing in college. You should pm her for pointers if you can't understand your instructor.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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My next adventure starts Friday Feb 2nd. I'm learning the wonderful art of fencing. (That would be like sword fighting for ya'll that don't know what fencing is). I can't wait!! Now i need a sugar daddy to buy me some coolio weapons. :)

now I'm jealous. I was supposed to take fencing this spring at a local community college but my partner went off the deep end. Learn a lot so you can teach me!

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hmm i'm out of town for a while at the moment, but i believe i have a few 'dry' (non wired, not used as much anymore even in training as its harder to judge the hits validity.)French blades (foil) floating around..PM me your address (i think you've moved since you repaired my tiggerpants) and i'll see about getting some in the mail for you. although you'll have to bug the salle for the rest of the fittings as i dont have them (i rarely used French grips and am not parting with my remaining Italians)

hopefully your training at a professional salle that will start you on a french (or Italian although its VERY out of fad, and in fact might still be disallowed due to rule changes since i was competitive :( ) grip to build proper finger strength.

Fencing is an amazing activity/sport, much like skydiving, relaxation is key and underrated, and smooth really is (really becomes) fast as you progress

best advice for beginners, be patient, (Santelli is quoted as having said "It takes 3 life times to create the perfect fencer, 1 for Footwork, 1 for Bladework and a 3rd to train the mind) So dont get discouraged by the focus on leg work early on, rest during your days off, but as you gain strength practicing the basics (advance, retreat, lunge) for an hour a day in front of your TV etc will help you make HUGE gains (my Meistro, a student of Giorgio Santelli's forced us train footwork for 3 weeks straight before giving his students a foil, but most arent so harsh now)

also one more key advice.. focus on correct form, even if you lose often to other 'beginners'. Bad habits may get more points early on as a beginner, but will seriously hold you back as you progress.. brute force will always lose to proper technique

also once you become comfortable with the routine DO continue cross training outside of the salle (as fencing is a very 'lopsided' activity) to keep balance in your physique


the 'dz.com' variant for fencing, but early on you are better off going exclusively with your Coaches (lots like Skydiving) as everyone has different techniques to get the same results, but you need a sound foundation first before you stretch out to what works best for you....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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now I'm jealous. I was supposed to take fencing this spring at a local community college but my partner went off the deep end. Learn a lot so you can teach me!

Sure thing!! And you can teach me some dance moves!!

Zennister ~ I've never been so good at being patient, but i'll try. On the website of the fencing academy, it said they have some kinda electronic tip on the foils and thats how points are scored. Hell, i'll PM you the link when i PM you my addy.

Shane ~ when my instructor teaches me the art of chain link fencing, i'll help with your dog kennel. :P


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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yea the Electric system for foil has been standard (even in training) for most Salle's for 15 years(longer in competition 1950's) or so.. it has its pluses and minuses. the good thing is no subjective opinions from side judges as to the validity of the hits. Electric Sabre was only a few years old when i stopped competing. (i feel old suddenly)

the bad thing (IMO) is modern fencing became more about what 'turned on the lights' and less about what 'works with live steel'. This led immediately (the Soviets studied the electric equipment and modified training to exploit to great effect in the next Olympics after it was adopted) to the creation of some very silly (from an 'Art of de-Fence' standpoint) actions that were none the less extremely effective in the 'sport' environment..

nothing you have to worry about at all really, but some bit of modern fencing history and my personal distaste for the competitive side of the modern sport.

Still that aside, i dearly love the Art and the Sport. Very few activities combine the physicality and mental strategy the way Fencing does.. an often repeated analogy is 'physical speed chess', and a wide range of people and personalities credit the study of de-Fence with influencing everything about their health, mental acuity and grace

its a shame Fencing isnt required for actor's training anymore, and near criminal that it is no longer taught at any major US Military Academy.
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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just mind your leg work and you'll be fine. I missed a lot of poins because I have a tendancy to not step back when I defend, so my retaliation strike doesn't count. Although fencing on the ballance beam was fun.
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I missed a lot of poins because I have a tendancy to not step back when I defend, so my retaliation strike doesn't count.


a proper parry/riposte does not require a retreat, only that the blade clears target and that your riposte follows the parry immediately... unless the rules have gotten even more silly than before, i think you might have been misunderstanding the directors call...

ofc if you were stepping INTO his attack so that your parry was ineffective (mal'parre(sp) then it is the failure to clear you opponents blade that was the issue, nothing to do with the retreat..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I was just eating some earlier and it dropped down the front of my shirt, know any one who can help me clean up?

Too bad it didn't drip into your pants, then i would've cleaned it up.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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