
Rigger -Any Reserve colors/patterns which would hinder your abilty

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I'd suggest not getting a dark solid color. One customer has a burgandy reserve and I have to wear a head lamp when I crawl inside the cells to inspect it. A light solid color will be easier to inspect, IMHO. Contrasting thread is nice.

My wife's (bought used) reserve is red and white. I still find the variation in color distracting. It's not a really an issue but I'm used to all one color.

Years ago when ravens first came out as TSO'd "mains" a lot of people got reserves the same as their mains. This made some sense because when your main wore out you could move your reserve to your main and buy a new reserve. Not a consideration with new gear now. But you sure didn't know whether the guy was under his main or reserve. Stick with stock colors, you'll probably get it faster also.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Yellow presents aproblem on a hazy day also. Elek Puskas (former ParaFlite pres.) had an encounter with a piper cherokee at something like 1500' on his 2000th jump. He was jumping a yellow Swift main and apparently was not seen by the aircraft as he descended in front of it . The propeller struck Eleks pilotchute as it passed over his canopy.

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I'd suggest not getting a dark solid color. One customer has a burgandy reserve and I have to wear a head lamp when I crawl inside the cells to inspect it.

Interesting. I encountered a burgandy reserve once. It was a Tempo. I cannot recall if it was a pain to inspect or not, but I inspected it on a canopy rack in a hangar and not the crawling through each cell in the living room technique.

Anyway... the whole white reserve white thread used to not bother me much until someone pointed it out to me and now I don't like that much either... :S

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One thing that has not been mentioned here yet is bulk.

White reserves have the least bulk to my knowledge through to the darker colours which would have the most.

The difference may be small but can be a factor on some containers.

I asked that question of a parachute material manufacturer. His response was; 'Not true!' There is no difference in material bulk no matter what the color. White Nylon material is dyed, just like any other color.


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may have already been said but to lazy to read but white with white stiching sucks for inpecting all the seams, etc. Hinder? no pain in the but yea but its all good doesn really matter when its said and done guess you gotta ask yourself if you want your riggers to like you or not haha jk.
don't try your bullshit with me!!!

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Get what ever color you want to and if a rigger has a problem with it then find another rigger. Personal note I have a red PD as red represents emergency ....this of course was my own choice and its up to you to what you like. IE cutaway handles, fire trucks etc.....

I would only suggest a darker color as they tend to hide stains better only to the casual jumper,,but a trained rigger can spot them.. (just in case you get grass stains on them etc.. ) it would/ should keep its value....as a causal jumper would try to talk there price down etc.....

But in the end the purscase is up to you and if a riiger refuses to pack it becasue the do not like the color there are a dozen more then that one...


just my two cents..

Kenneth Potter
FAA Senior Parachute Rigger
Tactical Delivery Instructor (Jeddah, KSA)
FFL Gunsmith

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I asked that question of a parachute material manufacturer. His response was; 'Not true!' There is no difference in material bulk no matter what the color. White Nylon material is dyed, just like any other color.


I asked PD about this topic: Their answer:

"Hi Marian - thanks for contacting us with your questions and your interest in our products. Most people prefer to go with light colors like white, light blue and yellow (hence what we keep in stock), and they do pack slightly smaller than say a black reserve - but the difference is small."

So, even a parachute fabric manufacturer says the opposite I trust PD (guess who has more experience in *packing* parachutes, PD or the fabric factory...)

Don't be a Lutz!

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I asked that question of a parachute material manufacturer. His response was; 'Not true!' There is no difference in material bulk no matter what the color. White Nylon material is dyed, just like any other color.


I asked PD about this topic: Their answer:

"Hi Marian - thanks for contacting us with your questions and your interest in our products. Most people prefer to go with light colors like white, light blue and yellow (hence what we keep in stock), and they do pack slightly smaller than say a black reserve - but the difference is small."

So, even a parachute fabric manufacturer says the opposite I trust PD (guess who has more experience in *packing* parachutes, PD or the fabric factory...)


There ya' Go!


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