
HA HA! Dying here!

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"justonetree.jpg" is a picture from outer space. What do you see?

Now look at "treezoomedout.jpg".

HA HA! A couple years ago, my friend landed in THAT tree. It's the only one around and it's visible from outer freaking space!

OK, so maybe only the folks that know Bill will find this funny, but my face hurts from smiling non-stop for the last 20 minutes!

Roy, Bob, Kevin, et al...check it out! :-)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I was there that day. It's either that, or that particular tree is a parachute magnet.

How funny. I never realized how far that tree is away from EVERYTHING.

Perhaps he was using the 'accuracy trick' and the tree was the spot on the ground that it wasn't moving :D:D:P:P
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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BWAAAAHAHHAHAHA.............Thanks Dave.....I wonder if Bill would consider adding this pic to his desktop?...........naaaaaa, probably not...... LOL

f*ck him and the tree he landed in!!!!


They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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ok, in retrospect, we need to finish the story..........

on that load the spot was absolutely horrid..... When me and Shawn were under canopy it was clearly visible that there was a parachute in the only tree around.......it afforded us a great laugh.......((hell it still does..))

Once back at the dz we talked about the dive, relaxed a bit....then began to pack....... Bill walked in looking forlorn, kinda like someone just shot his dog....... I asked what was wrong......**I didnt know it was him in the tree..** he replied "nothin"....... in an attempt to cheer him up, I replied " cheer up Bill........at least your not the fucking idiot in the tree out there.........at which I was treated to a very good friend turning purple.....clenching his fists...... and telling me to fuck myself.....as he stormed out....... I looked at shawn and said...."noooooo">>>> then commenced to wrecking the pack job I had just rolled, laughing till I almost got sick......

I dont know if he has forgiven me for this.....heheh
It cost him 10 jump tickets to get the canopy out of the tree and some $$ to have the holes patched..
They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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"justonetree.jpg" is a picture from outer space. What do you see?

Now look at "treezoomedout.jpg".

HA HA! A couple years ago, my friend landed in THAT tree. It's the only one around and it's visible from outer freaking space!

OK, so maybe only the folks that know Bill will find this funny, but my face hurts from smiling non-stop for the last 20 minutes!

Roy, Bob, Kevin, et al...check it out! :-)


You friend must have been "laser guided" , so that he landed specifically there! :D


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Hey, I have landed out there before.. I missed the tree, but ended up between the grape stakes:P

Damn CReW jumps... Fractured my foot in that "out" landing..:(

Yeah, I was on that load with him. I pulled up next to him, bumping end cells. I could see that that dirt road has poles running next to it, and a tree in the middle of it a bit farther up. Not wanting to mess with power lines (it turned out there weren't any lines between the poles), I was trying to get Bill to turn 180 and land with me on a considerably smaller path through the vines. He was on risers, had his chin set, and was NOT going to be convinced to give up on his plan, so I turned & landed by myself over by someone's house (presumably the vineyard owner's). The people there were out on their deck and asked me if I was in the vines. I called back "No, I made the path", at which point they asked me if that was a parachute over in that tree. I walked up a few feet to a slightly more open spot and immediately recognized one of Bill's fluorescent pink cells at the very top of the tree. "Yep, that sure is" I called back, then muttered "What the f*ck Bill??!" and headed that direction. A pickup truck from the DZ showed up, and standing on the top of the cab, they could just reach Bill's ankles. After a bit of misgiving on his part, they convinced him that they would catch him and he chopped. Some skydiver who owned a tree trimming service brought in a cherry picker a couple hours later and retrieved Bill's canopy for the low, low price of 10 jump tickets.

Actually, I've landed out in those vines several times, and once didn't even make it to a path through them, but had to set down crosswind between the rows. That was more of a crash than landing, but I kept clear of the posts/wires/vines, so that was good. :S

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Was he under a round canopy?
How many jumps has he done?
What kind of canopy was he jumping?
What was his wing loading?
Did he have a AAD?

Was he a USPA member?
Was he a freeflyer or bellyflier?
What kind of shoes was he wearing?
Did his mom know he was skydiving?


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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That's Lodi. If he was that far out I could see how it happened. I'd take the tree over the grape stakes anyday.

Wow, JP is mega bored today....
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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HA HA! A couple years ago, my friend landed in THAT tree. It's the only one around and it's visible from outer freaking space!


checking my memory, Dave...I was on that load too.
Dornay and I landed on a dirt road next to the grape stakes.
Did you forget about the little girl student that crashed thru the tree next to Dauses house ?
Two trees on the whole DZ and someone hit both of them at the same boogie.


Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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