
Michele's Dad In The Hospital

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Prayers and Vibes would be appreciated for Michele's dad.

Michele's dad went into the emergency room tonight and was admitted into the hospital for cardiac monitoring and brain scans. They are not sure what is wrong at this point.

They could really use your prayers and vibes, she said she will even take crossed fingers.

She is very worried about her dad and doing her best not to cry in this situation. Her dad is up there in age so any hospitalization is a pretty scary event. She is doing her best not to show him how scared she is, but that is very hard to do with someone you love.

Michele said that she will post an update tomorrow.


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LaDonna, thank you for making this post. I appreciate it. And for those who've sent over prayers and vibes and yes, even crossed fingers, I really appreciate that. I was feeling so alone, sitting on the curb of the hospital while he was taken for yet another test...in the dark, cold, and under the lamp, in the little light I could find. I was - and still am - rather frightened.

Updating before I go to bed - he has had some "weak" spells, where he gets very weak and pretty much unable to function, or carry on a train of thought for long (that's NOT my father. You all think I talk alot???). The spells pass...but I made him call his Dr. His Dr. made him go into the ER. They admitted him about 2:00 am, and he's there at least through tomorrow.

He had a CT scan, and, as he put it, he has a damned fine brain, nothing wrong there...and his ECG looks good, again as he put it "still beating like that stupid bunny on TV."

Nothing is obviously wrong, so they decided to "monitor" him, or as he says, "monitoring means waking me up every 10 minutes to see if I'm still alive." He swears he is getting out tomorrow, or else he's threatened to leave, attached to machines or not. "Then you can come to my house and stare at them and not understand them at home instead of here."

He's being grumpy, and cantankerous, and just an old coot. And I love him for that. Shows his spirit is still here, and whatever's wrong, it's not so bad that he's lost his sense of humor. It was pretty scary there for a while - and still is, in fact - but I'm so tired that I've got to get some sleep...because I'll bet a dollar that he's gonna be a pain in the ass to the Drs tomorrow, and I gotta get there to run interference or prevent him from walking out in his jammies and attached to the cardiac monitor.

We're not home free, but it's a lot better outlook than before he discovered his brain was still there and fully functioning. Now just to get the heart checked out and clear...if they put him on the treadmill, they're in for one hell of a holler from him...he hates those things. Says if he's gonna walk, he'd best get somewhere instead of staying in the same damned place.

Thanks, guys. We're not out of the woods, but the clearing's here, and I'm resting.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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You and your father are in my thoughts, Michele. Sending you all my best.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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I'm sorry for this scary and confusing time. Even if you might have knowledge, it doesn't always give you power to understand. To know the "why?" and have the answers.... Some things will always be beyond us.

May your heart and mind be calmed by the fact that he is in good hands. May he have many more years of being a "grumpy, cantankerous old coot"... and years of joy with you.

Take Care

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Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the vibes, prayers, and special posts...


Just off the phone with him, and Dad is giving everyone hell, but apparently they're loving it. LOL. He saw his first Dr. at 6 am, and is now waiting for the cardiologist to come clear him and get him outta "jail." He wants to know why there are so many Drs., and how come they have to take more blood. He said "they took some yesterday, why can't they use that? I won't have any left after being here!". So apparently he's full of piss and vinegar, and really wanting to come home.

I figure I'll head over in about an hour, and sit with him until he's released or until they make me leave tonight. He promises "no high drama", and said he's feeling fine...but he needs to be fully checked out, and won't get to come home until that happens. So...the waiting continues.

I'll keep this updated as I know. Thanks again for all the love...I really appreciate it. More, perhaps, than you'd realize.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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So he got released about 2 hours ago...I took him to the market so he could make a "good meal" not served by "the monster nurse" (she was pretty bad...). Spoke with all his Drs., who said while we found nothing this time, if it happens again, to come in while it's happening and they'll hook him up to some machine or other and see if they can't get a handle on it.

OTOH, Dad finally realized his "weak" spells are not just like normal tiredness, which he decided it was. He got about 3 hours' sleep, and was exhausted on the way home...and agreed this was not how he feels when he gets "weak."

Thanks for the prayers...while we don't know yet what, if anything is wrong, the biggies have been ruled out - his brain is still working and so is his heart and lungs. Thank God, you know? Just thank God.

And thank all of you; I do appreciate it, and I'll try to answer the pms in the next few hours. Not sure I can stay awake that long, but hey, I'll try. :)
Ciels, and thanks!

~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Best of luck to you and your Dad. I certainly understand as my Dad is in his 70's now. Plus he is about to have surgery to get BOTH knees replaced. A little worrying to say the least. Especially with me residing on the other side of the planet while all this happens. :S [:/] Hope they catch whatever the problem is and get it taken care of. :)

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