Bill Booth is recovering

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So I went on the internet, subscribed to the New England Journal of Medicine, and read every study I could find on angioplasty.

Why am I not at all surprised at this. Now get back to work before Mad Dog wrecks your business.

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After my wife talked to his sister Shirely near Skydive Tecumseh it was relayed he had three back operations in one week. He is in room 325A at Halifax Hospital in Daytona Beach Florida. I would rather not go into details which makes yours fourth hand information.. We all know how that can get out of control.Shirely did say it was very serious and he spent most of the month there. So I will leave it for you to persue.

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So I went on the internet, subscribed to the New England Journal of Medicine, and read every study I could find on angioplasty. Based on this research I chose the best stent manufacturer, doctor and hospital I could find. I am now the proud owner of a brand new, bright and shiny, 3x15 mm, Guidant Cobalt Chromium stent. (If you think skydiving gear is expensive, go price stents.) I figured it was better to do this now, under controlled conditions, than take pot luck in some dingy emergency room at some later date. Anyway, I think (and hope) I'm fine now.

I'd echo everyone else in giving a pat on the back for actively taking a part of your own health care. -If you don't take ownership of your body, who will? :P

Here's to a speedy recovery and very happy holidays. :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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So... is there, or will there ever be, a perfect stent?

The stents are damn near perfect. However, the way the body reacts to them is a little bit (15%) unpredictable. I can just hope I'm in the the 85% who have no problems. By the way, the waiver they made me sign scared the hell out of me.

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So... is there, or will there ever be, a perfect stent?

The stents are damn near perfect. However, the way the body reacts to them is a little bit (15%) unpredictable. I can just hope I'm in the the 85% who have no problems. By the way, the waiver they made me sign scared the hell out of me.

Did it say that any video or pics of any kind belonged to them in their entirety?

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