
Everest: Beyond the Limit

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I did a search and I couldn't find anything about this show.

Anybody else watch it? The last show was tonight, and I gotta admit, I got a little emotional. :$

I know there was some controversy earlier this year about things that happened on the mountain, but as a documentary series the show was stunning, and totally original. I was completely enthralled from episode 1.

Anybody else care? Thoughts?

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I've been watching it, though I'm a few shows behind.

Good stuff... :)
The only thing that annoys me is the trying-to-be-eerie-but-ending-up-just-cheesy Ever-ever-ever-rest-rest-rest thing that they do to pump up the drama. :S
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It's been a good series. The ex-HA guy was clearly out of his league, but was too vain to quit when he should have.

What happened to the guy?
My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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I've been watching it, though I'm a few shows behind.

Good stuff... :)
The only thing that annoys me is the trying-to-be-eerie-but-ending-up-just-cheesy Ever-ever-ever-rest-rest-rest thing that they do to pump up the drama. :S


This Sunday, they are going to have a 'marathon' showing of Everest... every episode. You'll be able to see what you missed.


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It's been a good series. The ex-HA guy was clearly out of his league, but was too vain to quit when he should have.

What happened to the guy?


He had to quit. Never made the summit. He's supposed to come back next year and try it again.


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Yeah, he had to quit, but more than that he ignored Russell's orders to turn around several times and wasted over an hour on the summit trail on his hands and knees. If it hadn't been for his sherpa he probably would have died up there.

He's not the only one on the team that had to quit, but all the others (except for Gerard) found their own limits and made the decision to turn around themselves. Not only did he have to be ordered to turn around when it became obvious he wasn't going to make it, but he ignored the order once and then pleaded for more time when it was given again.

And yet, somehow he ended up being one of the only people on the whole team that didn't lose any appendages from frostbite. :S

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I can completley understand his mindset though. He was so close, I cant imagine getting that close and accepting defeat. He failed. I doubt anyone who sets to summit Everest is able to easily accept failure. Plus with the weather and all the other mind fucks the guys go through while in the death zone I can imagine he had a hard time processing rational thought.
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Yeah, he had to quit, but more than that he ignored Russell's orders to turn around several times and wasted over an hour on the summit trail on his hands and knees. If it hadn't been for his sherpa he probably would have died up there.

He's not the only one on the team that had to quit, but all the others (except for Gerard) found their own limits and made the decision to turn around themselves. Not only did he have to be ordered to turn around when it became obvious he wasn't going to make it, but he ignored the order once and then pleaded for more time when it was given again.

And yet, somehow he ended up being one of the only people on the whole team that didn't lose any appendages from frostbite. :S


Didn't oxygen deprivation have something to do with his 'bad' decision making?


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Into Thin Air is good, this year was the first that every member of the climbing teams actaully had helmet cams with them. The footage is just increadible. I would to have loved to have seen Beyond the Limit in High Def. I couldn't believe that Moegens made another attempt just 3 weeks later after getting turned around on his first attempt. He also is coming back in 2007 for another attempt with Tim. The Firefighter wants to take a different route next time, the south or west are his options and he won't be with the same crew anymore in 2007.
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shitty thing is that if he hadn't been held up by other climbers or he had started just 20 minutes earlier, he may have made it.

watching this stuff about everest has made me curious about one thing; at what altidude does "leave no trace" no longer apply?

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Once you start leaving bodies since you can't recover them anymore.

There was a huge clean up effort about 5-7 years ago where the entire expedition's only purpose was to remove debris and trash from the mountian. They spent the entire season making trips up and down bringing with them empty O2 bottles, broken tents, left over supplies, unsafe ropes, etc. They collected a pile of O2 bottles that from the pictures I remember was like 4-5 feet tall and 20 feet around. Some of the bottles recovered were from the early 70's.

Found the link finally: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9808/22/everest.cleanup/index.html
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Hey anyone else who watches this series, do you think you could summit? I know personally I wouldnt attempt to even want to because Id be one of the bodies that would be passed every year because I would not turn back once I started and well since Im lazy as fuck Id make it about 10 feet into the death zone and stop for a dz.com break :|
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I would love to do a K2 summit attempt. That mountian is said to be way more technical then Everst is and as such much emptier. Seeing the traffic jams caused last year looks almost like it is too easy for unqualifed people to summit at Everst.

That said I would need to get out in the cold again and thats just not happening right now. :D
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My climbing mentor was talking about everest being merely a hike. Said the only reason it is hard for moutaineers is because of the altitude and cold. That being said watching the series Im in awe. I am to stubborn though to fail esp if the world was watching.

Id also have broke when passing a almost dead man. They did the right thing but it would be emotionally hard I think to leave him alone. Even though I hear its a easy death to have. I think I might get one of the books listed on here and read more.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I would love to do a K2 summit attempt. That mountian is said to be way more technical then Everst is and as such much emptier. Seeing the traffic jams caused last year looks almost like it is too easy for unqualifed people to summit at Everst.

That said I would need to get out in the cold again and thats just not happening right now. :D

It is said that a K2 summit attempt is statistically more likely to kill you than a suicide attempt.. :)

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watching this stuff about everest has made me curious about one thing; at what altidude does "leave no trace" no longer apply?

It is not based on altitude, it is based on tactics. The siege tactic is notorious for leaving large amounts of waste on the mountain.
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